Nope, male police officers (well, all police officers really) are a special breed when it comes to practical jokes they’ll play on each other. Especially if he expressed any interest in Shelly, I can easily see his Sargeant setting him up this way once Shelly also expressed interest.
I think his next words would be something along the lines of “Would it help to say that the same things that freaked me out were a factor in my interrest?”
Thanks for the links to the statues yesterday. Will there be a second Monica series statue? Would they make a new batch of the originals if enough requests come in?
Hmm. A guy – a COP, no less!! – so soon admitting to a woman that she intimidated him? It’s cool that he feels he can speak so freely around her, but the morning after their first date….I dunno. Personally, I’d wait maybe a month or so before admitting something like that.
What good is having a GF with whom you always have to walk on eggshells? Always have to choose your words carefully. If you can’t be yourself, even saying the “wrong” thing from time to time, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Moreso if she feels compelled to insure you only say the right things to her by admonishing you ahead of time, then run. Run away as fast as you can.
I was sorta alluding to pretty much everything you just said in a previous strip (in an even more wordy post). However I think I figured this whole thing out between these 2. Here’s a simple diagram:
>(O)< The Sun
.–.o Shelly
'–'o Copguy
((O)) Center of earth
… and in THAT order!* As long as that's what both parties are seeking out … MOZZELTOV! (*on pretty much all levels) However this only works if both parties are in fact seeking out that particular dynamic, and that's what I'm picking up here, at least so far.
If however he's simply putting up with it coz the benefits outweigh the ego squishing or it's some kind of coping mechanism on his part, then we might have a problem Houston.
None of the comments here are necessary. However we like to throw in our two cents concerning the dynamics of the relationships presented, as well as, their ramifications.
No, but you felt it necessary to give your two cents. That’s what I’m asking. I find it a little silly to be reading into it these dynamics that much, especially before Paul gets the opportunity to establish it as the author/artist.
Because we like to communicate. This is the internet for god’s sake. The artist likes communicating his art to you, so you have a webcomic to read. We like commenting on our speculations and impressions, so we offer them to him. And, obviously, he uses some of those in his strip.
If you aren’t online to communicate, then whatever you’re trying to do, you’re doing it wrong.
That’s probably a big part of what’s attractive about her as far as he’s concerned. Doormats tend to be pretty dull people even after you get to know them better.
She’s worn that bra-dana out with M at Cerberus Club. It’s more-or-less her trademark.
And with Jacqui busy with her own studio, and Owen off God-knows-where with Lakshimi, I doubt that Fermented Banana will be playing at a venue near you anytime soon.
Kinda like how Deathmole is mostly out-of-business.
It is interesting that this guy just appeared out of nowhere the day Shelly blew up her grill (which I guess is “yeterday” in Wapsi time?), and that there was this whole backstory about how he was set up by his precinct (in which hilarity probably ensued regularly). I’d be interested in a flashback scene someday!
OK then — it was a setup! and a delightful one at that!
Oh … You >>Your Sting
I’ll still offer odds that the sergeant that helped set him up is female.
And knows Shelly and Monica.
Nope, male police officers (well, all police officers really) are a special breed when it comes to practical jokes they’ll play on each other. Especially if he expressed any interest in Shelly, I can easily see his Sargeant setting him up this way once Shelly also expressed interest.
Swirlmaster Shel .
Atomic: I was manfully refraining.
And I’m finding this completely hilarious. ^_^
Better than Edda’s black belt in noogies
You should see how good William is at what he does…They don’t call him “Wet Willy” for nothin’
So he’s been back… more than once…
And now he’s been on his back more than once!
*Ba da bum ching*
So are they going to switch off between both their places?
I don’t think that she is kidding either.
I think his next words would be something along the lines of “Would it help to say that the same things that freaked me out were a factor in my interrest?”
More likely … “I have the right to remain silent…”
Thanks for the links to the statues yesterday. Will there be a second Monica series statue? Would they make a new batch of the originals if enough requests come in?
Next word: Help?
Hmm. A guy – a COP, no less!! – so soon admitting to a woman that she intimidated him? It’s cool that he feels he can speak so freely around her, but the morning after their first date….I dunno. Personally, I’d wait maybe a month or so before admitting something like that.
Their first … “date”?
Well….for lack of a better word.
I suppose a backyard cookout constitutes a date, even though the grill wasn’t working right.
What good is having a GF with whom you always have to walk on eggshells? Always have to choose your words carefully. If you can’t be yourself, even saying the “wrong” thing from time to time, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Moreso if she feels compelled to insure you only say the right things to her by admonishing you ahead of time, then run. Run away as fast as you can.
I was sorta alluding to pretty much everything you just said in a previous strip (in an even more wordy post). However I think I figured this whole thing out between these 2. Here’s a simple diagram:
>(O)< The Sun
.–.o Shelly
'–'o Copguy
((O)) Center of earth
… and in THAT order!* As long as that's what both parties are seeking out … MOZZELTOV! (*on pretty much all levels) However this only works if both parties are in fact seeking out that particular dynamic, and that's what I'm picking up here, at least so far.
If however he's simply putting up with it coz the benefits outweigh the ego squishing or it's some kind of coping mechanism on his part, then we might have a problem Houston.
What? Why is this comment necessary?
None of the comments here are necessary. However we like to throw in our two cents concerning the dynamics of the relationships presented, as well as, their ramifications.
No, but you felt it necessary to give your two cents. That’s what I’m asking. I find it a little silly to be reading into it these dynamics that much, especially before Paul gets the opportunity to establish it as the author/artist.
Because we like to communicate. This is the internet for god’s sake. The artist likes communicating his art to you, so you have a webcomic to read. We like commenting on our speculations and impressions, so we offer them to him. And, obviously, he uses some of those in his strip.
If you aren’t online to communicate, then whatever you’re trying to do, you’re doing it wrong.
That’s probably a big part of what’s attractive about her as far as he’s concerned. Doormats tend to be pretty dull people even after you get to know them better.
It’s called foreplay buddy.
What about her right to freely point those things out? It goes both ways, y’know…
My sister was not someone to be messed with in high school. So Shelly isn’t that too far off from reality.
“…as my hair can currently attest.”
Yanno, I was thinking about that…
Nice to see Shelly’s triangular Bra-dana thing is back. She hasn’t worn that in some time.
yeah, again there she is rehearsing with Fermented Banana. Is the band defunct?
We want a Fermented Banana club date.
Near our hometowns, if possible.
Otherwise, here.
She’s worn that bra-dana out with M at Cerberus Club. It’s more-or-less her trademark.
And with Jacqui busy with her own studio, and Owen off God-knows-where with Lakshimi, I doubt that Fermented Banana will be playing at a venue near you anytime soon.
Kinda like how Deathmole is mostly out-of-business.
It is interesting that this guy just appeared out of nowhere the day Shelly blew up her grill (which I guess is “yeterday” in Wapsi time?), and that there was this whole backstory about how he was set up by his precinct (in which hilarity probably ensued regularly). I’d be interested in a flashback scene someday!
Day before yesterday actually. Yesterday was Shelly and M talking with Tina and Nudge and then talking over coffee as they walked to M’s workplace.
It might make for a good side story in a mini comic someday.
Guh. OTB/Justin is so my new favorite character.