Is it that surprising that she didn’t know? I thought it was kinda obvious. Brandi would not have let a bombshell like that just roll off her shoulders. As far as those girls knew, they were going to stay the way they are forever.
Resigning yourself to something like that and then finding out it isn’t certain would shock anyone.
Whats has me wondering is, what was it that Bud told Monica during their little conversation in the hallway and does Monica really know that Jin is human again?
And more importantly what does mean for the Chimera and where the hell is Tepoz? You’d think a major change like this would bring his little blue butt running toot sweet.
Judging by that one strip I wonder if Bud’s anger is not aimed at her physical treatment of Jin. She actually hurt her for the first time. It does not matter that she was trying to save her from herself but the fact that she cause physical harm to someone that is basically one of her oldest friends.
That thought alone might be what spurred her anger at Jin’s attempted suicide and not the act itself. That might also explain her use of the phrase “My angered muddied.”
The “earth shattering kabooms” are due sometime today, possible 26 pieces of a NASA satellite to survive re-entry-no one knows where they are going to land. 8(
The Irish are taking bets though. That was not a joke, or any sort of jab at the Irish, merely a statement of fact. An Irish gambling site is taking bets (for example, they have the odds of at least one piece hitting Ireland at 66 to 1).
Do they have odds on whether it pulls a Skylab and kills a cow? (That is not a joke either, a chunk of Skylab supposedly killed a cow when it reentered).
Far as I can tell, Brandi only knows about Stinky. Nobody’s kept her in the loop.
And what office/business does she work? ‘Cuz I think she’ll need some time off.
Jin’s died to help them before, I can’t imagine she’ll just walk away from them now. But then again, she’s “sane” now, how big a change is that now that she no longer needs to keep a death-grip on the familiar?
That’s a good point.
Well, some time has passed since (see the Shelly’s meetings with heather and Monica), so Brandi might have been briefed, but there’s a slight chance that she’s totally out of the loop.
I love the way Bud lets it out – admitting what’s really bugging her in the whole matter.
I agree!! You can almost hear her sigh before the confession comes out…and her posture is akin to howling in misery (even if she’s not actually howling)…I love it!
I think the world needs someone like them
Least the Wapsi world does.
Without them – who would stop the next person who wants to create a chimera?
Sure the last one destroyed the planet but people are arogant enough to assume that wouldn’t happen to THEM.
*points up* what stig said… She looks angry enough to be violent right now if necessary. The real question is if this revelation will ratchet the anger up or deflate it.
The ones slow to anger can have the biggest effect when they “go off.”
I once managed to cover a 100 foot long floor of rowdy teens without noticeably raising my voice. Only every one of them heard me–and go very, very quiet in an instant.
Well… that’s going to be a long round of ‘splainin Bud has to do, because I can only conclude that Brandi is wholly unaware of the dramatic Shellinx/Oopart/Jin’s reverting to human goings-on..
I wonder how Brandi will take it. Knowing her -generally- balanced demeanor, I believe she will be allright, better than Bud, at least.
I would be annoyed if I were Brandi at being left out. Not at what has happened.
Brandi doesn’t like to face some stuff.
Facing a possible mortal life might be one of them.
I don’t know… :hmm: Brandi was the only one of the GG that was brutally honest about her emotions, and her abhorrence at her own feelings when confronted with Jin going postal on the priest, when she talked to the fly.
She seems the only one that has found some sort of peace. Dealt with it.
Not because she doesn’t face what happened, but because she accepted it in an almost taoistic way. “Ït was as it was”
Bud is the one that actually runs from her history. There is a reason she does all this crazy stuff. She seems to have kept herself busy, so as to not have to think about the “heavy stuff”.
Seeing Jin going back to a -supposedly- normal, human existence, with all it’s frailty, has shaken Bud much more than she cares to admit. Hence the tantrum. Irrespective of whether Bud wants to be human or not.
One more addition: Bud’s also the only one of the three to continually demonstrate a need to define just who and what she is. As stated, Brandi’s grown to except her current existence, and Jin prior to the most recent reset seemed to be content in denial of her immortality. But Bud’s constantly sought definition of self. Ever since Monica/Tepoz/Jin dropped the alcohol veil, amongst all the busy work (done, as stated above, to keep her from focusing on the past) Bud’s constantly verbally repeated to herself and others what she is, each time changing the description slightly as she grew and matured. This just shatters Bud’s whole perception of herself, and possibly (we’ll see Monday) the keystone on which Brandi’s calm is built.
Sit right back and you’ll hear a tale
A tale of a fateful trip
That started on it’s mystic voyage and ended on this strip
The mates were mighty Golem girls
The skipper with a custard sword
All had set their sales that day
for a 3 millennia tour, a 3 millennia tour
Emotions started running hot
their tiny world was rocked
If not for the level heads of all our crew
Civilization would be lost, civilization would be lost
The ship set down on the shore of this uncharted Drama Isle
With Bud an Brandi,
Monica too,
Now Human Jin, and her boyfriend
Shelly Wahnee
Tepoz and Tina
Here on Wapsi Drama Isle.
Now with that stupid thing out of the way… OK, so she didn’t know. Now she’s rather calm, cool collected. Level headed mother figure of the group. But there’s some things that happen here and there that will even irk the most level headed nature of anyone.
And usually when those with the level heads lose it, it’s on a scale of epic proportions. So the scenario’s I’m picturing in my head
1) Knock down drag out fight between Bud and Brandi ending with some destruction and both of them laughing
2) Calm rational discussion with makeup hugs
3) Both poiting in behind Jins mom for an explanation.
Or could be totally off base and get Custard/Tequila filler art.
I disagree with a lot of the projections. I say that Brandi takes the rest of the bucket of balls and launches them herself. Her lovin’ attitude might have had a last straw.
“I know just they’ll do!
All the Golems down in Wapsi will all cry, ‘Booo-hooooo!’
Now that,” said the Grinch,
“Is a sound I simply must hear!”
And so the Grinch put a hand up to his ear.
He did hear a sound, but it didn’t sound sad.
In fact, this sound sounded………, mad?
“Oh, dear!” said the Grinch, “One of the girls sounds right pissed……”
The rest of his comment was cut off by a ball that juuuuust missed!
So what happens to the rest of a Golem Chimera when one of them becomes (more or less) human … with a limited lifespan? Will the entire Chimera expire when the human third does? Can they continue to exist independent of each other? May said she found an alternate power source, are Brandi and Bud going to become human … do they really want to? Hmmm….
The power source “fixed” Jin’s mental state… but it was the extra Glyph that May scratched into her clay shell that gave her the new-found “humanity”.
i think that, in theory, all of them could have this done to them, but the question remains: will they?
i’m still waiting for the bad guys to show up, you know, the ones that the GGG’s were hiding from in the Olmec and that other mysterious civilization (that i can’t remember the name of.) NOW would be one of the Worst times for them to show up… what if they NEEDED to form the Chimera again? but couldn’t because of the mods that May did? when all they would have to do is to disconnect the relic, wipe smooth the Glyph, then reconnect the power supply… poof, Jin is Fixed, but still has her power.
My guess is that the power supply placed in Jin that helped her mentally boosted the glyph inscribed on her by her mother causing the glyph to work; kinda like what was needed to encode the eighth chevron in SG-1. So in order for the other girls to become like Jin they need a power source like Jin’s. Ireland anyone?
that, and the as yet unseen “galaxy alternator” that May said she found. though i think the relic that you think is supposed to be in Ireland was indeed the relic the Nazi’s picked up and somehow, not yet revealed, the sub carrying it ended up in the Bermuda Triangle, for Stinky to show to Bud. if that theory is correct, then there is actually only 1 object available for 2 GG’s to argue over who gets to use it. AND I’m SURE we don’t have the required tech base yet for May to build another one.
OH NO!!! Brandi didn’t know! Watch out Jin and Maya!
Is it that surprising that she didn’t know? I thought it was kinda obvious. Brandi would not have let a bombshell like that just roll off her shoulders. As far as those girls knew, they were going to stay the way they are forever.
Resigning yourself to something like that and then finding out it isn’t certain would shock anyone.
Whats has me wondering is, what was it that Bud told Monica during their little conversation in the hallway and does Monica really know that Jin is human again?
And more importantly what does mean for the Chimera and where the hell is Tepoz? You’d think a major change like this would bring his little blue butt running toot sweet.
Bud seems to have told Monica flat out what happened to Jin…
Judging by that one strip I wonder if Bud’s anger is not aimed at her physical treatment of Jin. She actually hurt her for the first time. It does not matter that she was trying to save her from herself but the fact that she cause physical harm to someone that is basically one of her oldest friends.
That thought alone might be what spurred her anger at Jin’s attempted suicide and not the act itself. That might also explain her use of the phrase “My angered muddied.”
See? Her fit wasn’t for nothing Brandi.
But you should have said that first, Bud.
And Bud tearing up makes me wanna cry…
I dunno if her fit was for nothing. Jin sacrificed herself trying to help Brandi and Bud back when they were human but Bud never got a choice.
Now that Jin is human again, that’s got to drag up some pretty nasty feelings about the past.
Yeah, I said her fit WASN’T for nothing.
Yeah I know. I need to learn to read (again)
Think when she cried the last time it made me want to cry.
Hell if ANY of the folks in this comic start to cry it makes me want to!
Are those tears because Jin’s human or because Bud wants to be?
Both. And they’re also probably from stress and the “dumb blonde” shot.
Jeez, I cannot wait for Monday.
No grenades?
No cops banking on the door?
No fireballs falling out of, oh wait, aaa never mind on that.
I think this is better. XD
This was a grenade. It is just that this ended at the moment the pin was pulled. Monday is when the “Earth shattering Ka-boom” happens. ;-p
Or a hug
I’m expecting a make up hug
The “earth shattering kabooms” are due sometime today, possible 26 pieces of a NASA satellite to survive re-entry-no one knows where they are going to land. 8(
The Irish are taking bets though. That was not a joke, or any sort of jab at the Irish, merely a statement of fact. An Irish gambling site is taking bets (for example, they have the odds of at least one piece hitting Ireland at 66 to 1).
The site also takes bets on the outcome of US elections.
And their track record for predicting the outcomes is nearly perfect.
Do they have odds on whether it pulls a Skylab and kills a cow? (That is not a joke either, a chunk of Skylab supposedly killed a cow when it reentered).
wait..the golf balls hit a satelite?
i thought they boomed in our atmosphere not in space?
No, this is real life, not Wapsi. An old NASA climate satellite is falling out of orbit, and the pieces are supposed to hit some time before Saturday.
Somewhere in the South Pacific, latest projection.
(Bloody Mary starts singing “Bali Ha’i” in the background)
I thought Monica owned the Earth-Shattering Ka-Booms.
“auuuughh!!!, where is other bottle of tequila???”
“hey, ish thatsh you gowf clubsh… ”
ugh! got the wrong webmail!!
<3 please correct….
ugh fingers still not working..

I expected a ‘poit’ to stop the clash of the golems, but….
here’s another bad guess….:)
“auuuughhh! , wheres that other bottle of tequila??”
The real cliff-hanger is what Brandi’s face looks like as she shouts that “What!” at the end.
Shock, almost certain.
Disbelief (to the point of jaw-sagging incredulity), possible.
Rage… I rather doubt it.
Happy smiles… ?
I guess it will be two very drunk and dejected golems sitting down, one saying
“um, howsh do theesh gowf fings work then??? “
It’s disturbing how great Bud’s butt looks in panels 2/3/4. You really could balance a bottle of beer on it.
So take Monica’s top half and Bud’s lower half and she could carry four bottles at once…
I’m inclined to think that Monica could carry more than that…
Monica could probably carry three beers that way. Chances are a fourth would only end up falling.
well a lot use the ‘other compartment’

a lot more comfortable, but not in public!
I think if Monica is wearing the right iron-clad bra, I think she can carry as many pints as she has space!!

I was thinking of Victoria’s Secret Compartment.
‘wandering comments’?? that was meant for fairportfan, sorry Justine!
Curse you for sending me on a 2 hour sidetrack in the tropes….
Curse you for sending me on a 2 hour sidetrack in the tropes….
I swear I only hit the button once…
Suddenly I can’t remember – Does Brandi know about Shelly, the 80,000 year absence, and the Plutonium Widget? Or was she at work that afternoon?
I don’t think she was in the room.
Was only Monica, Bud, Tina and Shelly as far as I can remember.
Far as I can tell, Brandi only knows about Stinky. Nobody’s kept her in the loop.
And what office/business does she work? ‘Cuz I think she’ll need some time off.
Jin’s died to help them before, I can’t imagine she’ll just walk away from them now. But then again, she’s “sane” now, how big a change is that now that she no longer needs to keep a death-grip on the familiar?
She works in an copy shop I believe.
That’s a good point.
Well, some time has passed since (see the Shelly’s meetings with heather and Monica), so Brandi might have been briefed, but there’s a slight chance that she’s totally out of the loop.
I love the way Bud lets it out – admitting what’s really bugging her in the whole matter.
I agree!! You can almost hear her sigh before the confession comes out…and her posture is akin to howling in misery (even if she’s not actually howling)…I love it!
There but for the grace of MAYA go it.. X2
Why does Jin get the reprieve from eternity and not these two.
I think the world needs someone like them
Least the Wapsi world does.
Without them – who would stop the next person who wants to create a chimera?
Sure the last one destroyed the planet but people are arogant enough to assume that wouldn’t happen to THEM.
True dat ^^
AFAIK it was only meant to correct Jin’s ‘problem’, not much else..
Unless May’s ‘inscriptions’ did it???
Oh boy.. just what i need on a friday. wait. this what I always want on a friday! XD
Also, I feel like Brandi is still gunna clock her for not telling her sooner…
I’m expecting a brandi-bud hug next week
Brandi clocking? nah, she is the most pacifist of the bunch. She was always the one to keep the sibling-rivalry between Bud and Jin at bay.
Possibly because of her shame in not stopping Jin while she gutted the guard, shame, because Brandi actually wanted what happened.
Brandi is slow to anger. But when sufficiently honked off I wouldn’t want to be the one standing in front of that cannon when she finally goes off.
*points up* what stig said… She looks angry enough to be violent right now if necessary. The real question is if this revelation will ratchet the anger up or deflate it.
The ones slow to anger can have the biggest effect when they “go off.”
I once managed to cover a 100 foot long floor of rowdy teens without noticeably raising my voice. Only every one of them heard me–and go very, very quiet in an instant.
Well… that’s going to be a long round of ‘splainin Bud has to do, because I can only conclude that Brandi is wholly unaware of the dramatic Shellinx/Oopart/Jin’s reverting to human goings-on..
I wonder how Brandi will take it. Knowing her -generally- balanced demeanor, I believe she will be allright, better than Bud, at least.
I would be annoyed if I were Brandi at being left out. Not at what has happened.
Brandi doesn’t like to face some stuff.
Facing a possible mortal life might be one of them.
I don’t know… :hmm: Brandi was the only one of the GG that was brutally honest about her emotions, and her abhorrence at her own feelings when confronted with Jin going postal on the priest, when she talked to the fly.
She seems the only one that has found some sort of peace. Dealt with it.
Not because she doesn’t face what happened, but because she accepted it in an almost taoistic way. “Ït was as it was”
Bud is the one that actually runs from her history. There is a reason she does all this crazy stuff. She seems to have kept herself busy, so as to not have to think about the “heavy stuff”.
Seeing Jin going back to a -supposedly- normal, human existence, with all it’s frailty, has shaken Bud much more than she cares to admit. Hence the tantrum. Irrespective of whether Bud wants to be human or not.
I want to add to that: Bud is also the only one of the GG that is truly terrified of her own might&strength, despite the invulnerability perk.
I guess she is pretty aware of her own volatility, and is constantly in fear of ,again, doing something rash in a fit of rage.
Or even in a moment of inattention.
“Oh hell, I made another diamond.”
One more addition: Bud’s also the only one of the three to continually demonstrate a need to define just who and what she is. As stated, Brandi’s grown to except her current existence, and Jin prior to the most recent reset seemed to be content in denial of her immortality. But Bud’s constantly sought definition of self. Ever since Monica/Tepoz/Jin dropped the alcohol veil, amongst all the busy work (done, as stated above, to keep her from focusing on the past) Bud’s constantly verbally repeated to herself and others what she is, each time changing the description slightly as she grew and matured. This just shatters Bud’s whole perception of herself, and possibly (we’ll see Monday) the keystone on which Brandi’s calm is built.
Sit right back and you’ll hear a tale
A tale of a fateful trip
That started on it’s mystic voyage and ended on this strip
The mates were mighty Golem girls
The skipper with a custard sword
All had set their sales that day
for a 3 millennia tour, a 3 millennia tour
Emotions started running hot
their tiny world was rocked
If not for the level heads of all our crew
Civilization would be lost, civilization would be lost
The ship set down on the shore of this uncharted Drama Isle
With Bud an Brandi,
Monica too,
Now Human Jin, and her boyfriend
Shelly Wahnee
Tepoz and Tina
Here on Wapsi Drama Isle.
Now with that stupid thing out of the way… OK, so she didn’t know. Now she’s rather calm, cool collected. Level headed mother figure of the group. But there’s some things that happen here and there that will even irk the most level headed nature of anyone.
And usually when those with the level heads lose it, it’s on a scale of epic proportions. So the scenario’s I’m picturing in my head
1) Knock down drag out fight between Bud and Brandi ending with some destruction and both of them laughing
2) Calm rational discussion with makeup hugs
3) Both poiting in behind Jins mom for an explanation.
Or could be totally off base and get Custard/Tequila filler art.
Ah a return of Custardasaurus with his little buddy Tequillasaur.
Not easy when you realize that you’re going to have to watch someone important to you die, even if it’s a normal end of life kinda thing.
I disagree with a lot of the projections. I say that Brandi takes the rest of the bucket of balls and launches them herself. Her lovin’ attitude might have had a last straw.
That would a be a bad move, but it would still be awesome to see. XD
Two points and a gold star on your term report, Buggi!
And all the other little golems cried, “Boo hoo! We want to be human again too!”. That’s what I’m thinkin’ is gonna happen.
With apologies to Ludwig Bemelmans.
Well, certainly!
“I know just they’ll do!
All the Golems down in Wapsi will all cry, ‘Booo-hooooo!’
Now that,” said the Grinch,
“Is a sound I simply must hear!”
And so the Grinch put a hand up to his ear.
He did hear a sound, but it didn’t sound sad.
In fact, this sound sounded………, mad?
“Oh, dear!” said the Grinch, “One of the girls sounds right pissed……”
The rest of his comment was cut off by a ball that juuuuust missed!
Now that was more heavy-duty than causing golf balls to change states of matter.
How about tossing Fords?
There’s plenty of history to suggest that having “Ford” and “golf balls” in the same situation is &X$&^ dangerous! ;-}
Took a couple of seconds for the reference to click in, but when it did, I laughed out loud.
For the younger set, try Googling “President Ford” for a reference…
So what happens to the rest of a Golem Chimera when one of them becomes (more or less) human … with a limited lifespan? Will the entire Chimera expire when the human third does? Can they continue to exist independent of each other? May said she found an alternate power source, are Brandi and Bud going to become human … do they really want to? Hmmm….
The power source “fixed” Jin’s mental state… but it was the extra Glyph that May scratched into her clay shell that gave her the new-found “humanity”.
i think that, in theory, all of them could have this done to them, but the question remains: will they?
i’m still waiting for the bad guys to show up, you know, the ones that the GGG’s were hiding from in the Olmec and that other mysterious civilization (that i can’t remember the name of.) NOW would be one of the Worst times for them to show up… what if they NEEDED to form the Chimera again? but couldn’t because of the mods that May did? when all they would have to do is to disconnect the relic, wipe smooth the Glyph, then reconnect the power supply… poof, Jin is Fixed, but still has her power.
My guess is that the power supply placed in Jin that helped her mentally boosted the glyph inscribed on her by her mother causing the glyph to work; kinda like what was needed to encode the eighth chevron in SG-1. So in order for the other girls to become like Jin they need a power source like Jin’s. Ireland anyone?
that, and the as yet unseen “galaxy alternator” that May said she found. though i think the relic that you think is supposed to be in Ireland was indeed the relic the Nazi’s picked up and somehow, not yet revealed, the sub carrying it ended up in the Bermuda Triangle, for Stinky to show to Bud. if that theory is correct, then there is actually only 1 object available for 2 GG’s to argue over who gets to use it. AND I’m SURE we don’t have the required tech base yet for May to build another one.
For some reason I can’t explain, once you go there was never, never an honest word. And that was when I ruled the world.
It was the wicked and wild wind, blew down the doors to let me in. Shattered windows and the sound of drums. People couldn’t believe what I’d become.
Coldplay, “Viva la Vida”
Viva la Vida, or Death and All His Friends (2008)
Hey Jin! Can we be bunny girls, too?!
Can we?