(Thanks for fixing the server clocks to DST.)
So — she eats ice cream, a sandwich, and then a whole turkey with all the trimmings — and then she complains that her boobs no longer fit into her bra? Woof.
Judging by her general food intake, were she to have a regular metabolism she would be approximately spherical. She just nomfed about….14 lbs of meat, bread, etc, like it was nothing. That’s rather a terrifyingly huge metabolism.
I can’t say anything intelligent at the moment – I am laughing too hard. That’s twice now, one for Bud, once for Monica.
Thank you, Paul. Thank you. That’s one for the refrigerator door.
First it was ice cream on a stick, then she had a sandwich, and now she ate an entire roast turkey. Stay tuned for Monday, when Monica somehow manages to cook, and consume, a whole Yellowfin Tuna.
*sigh* Debunked myth is debunked. The amount of tryptophan in turkey is too little to actually have a noticeable affect. Rather, you feel sleepy when you eat too much of anything, because your body wants to devote resources to digesting it.
But if you eat the whole thing you are getting a slightly bigger dose of both so seeing as a turkey is rather large the fact that she ate a whole turkey will help her sleep.
Yeah I’m just being a smartass cause x y is x is my favorite meme. Thanks for the turkey trivia though
isnt it in the amount of per 100 gram of turkey is little? as compared to say egg whites (which have much more than turkey, about four times). But you don’t eat that many eggs where as you do end up eating a LOT of turkey. It’s not necessarily the amount of tryptophan in each gram, it’s how much you actually consume. No one is going to eat an entire turkey leg worths of eggs whites in one sitting, but you do (or rather some do) eat an entire turkey leg in one sitting.
It’s actually a myth that ingesting tryptophan causes drowsiness at all. It is a mechanism, not the cause.
To make a very, VERY complicated process simple, eating a lot of carbohydrates changes your blood chemistry to the point that tryptophan (which is just naturally in your body) can more easily cross the blood/brain barrier. The brain then converts that to serotonin, and then again into melatonin- which is the chemical that actually causes drowsiness.
So saying tryptophan causes drowsiness is like saying gasoline causes car crashes. It’s only part of the equation.
I would think, any other issue aside, that anyone who overeats by that much before going to bed would spend an uncomfortable night. Thanksgiving damn near ruins me, each year, and I know better than to take seconds of everything.
Originally, I was partially distracted because the turkey appeared to be in a suitcase. And more unbelievable than her eating a whole turkey was why it was in a suitcase.
Reminds me of the ‘baby bump’ photos the tabloids obsess over. When a 100-lb actress eats an entire meal or has gas, it shows! THAT’S A FOOD BABY NOT A REAL BABY
“If you’re brown, you can wolf it down” as some of the American Indians say around here. We can be big eaters, and have noticed the Latin-descended have the same trait. But, Monica might be converting the biomass into *POIT* energy, and some teleporters have stated that one method is to drop out of here…….
……………….step through here…………..
…..and come out here. To get through the middle “here” could take a bit out of you, if you didn’t occasionally consume a lot of food.
Sometime I’ve got to go back and tally up how often Monica’s bra size has gone up. It seems to me she’s got to be up to L by now.
Also, I wonder what her cholesterol level is at. She’s only made fleeting attempts to bring it back down. Be a sad thing to see her have a heart attack at her age. Unless one of the supernatural events in her life in the past has given her a supernatural metabolism, too?
Well, considering that mamae are lagely composed of fat cells, you might consider that the reason her “cups runneth over” is because she’s gaining weight from all of that eating, but only in two places; the left one and the right one.
Either Monica is simultaneously clumsy with her razor *and* has unerring aim, or we are to understand from the continuing presence of the Band-Aid that all of this consumption has been the same day…
Well, she undressed on Monday and has been wearing the clothing she put on Tuesday ever since, so yes, I think it’s all one evening. Paul pretty much said that she unbuttoned all but one button on her blouse (Monday) at the end of the day and then put on her lounge clothes a little later. (Actually, he said his wife did that, but I think he was implying that Monica was doing the same thing.)
Assuming that M is going to Lydia’s next week, I request an official bra measurement. One of my roommates thinks that she is in the same league as M. While I admit that she is a big girl, there is no way she is comparable. Paul if you would be so kind to settle our little debate with an authoritative size I would be most grateful.
Thanks for the info Paul. It reminded me of the time where a women asked me (I work in a major retail store which shall not be named) to help her find a strapless bra for her daughter’s prom dress. We did not carry the size she was looking for (a 32DD if memory serves) so I cannot imagine trying to find something the size of 26I. Keep up the great work.
Some manufacturers refer to that size as HH instead of I and most only go as low as 28 for band size. That size either has to be specially made or any of these bras: http://www.bravissimo.com/products/lingerie?back=28&cup=hh
taken to a professional tailor.
Normally, us ‘big folks’ can’t stand ‘little folks’ who can eat like that and stay ‘little folks’. But, she’s just so darn kawaii…. And, being small of stature (as discussed before) she looks even bustier (‘the pixie with the rack’) as Shelly’s little concience put it. (Help it’s 2am and i can’t spell)
(Thanks for fixing the server clocks to DST.)
So — she eats ice cream, a sandwich, and then a whole turkey with all the trimmings — and then she complains that her boobs no longer fit into her bra? Woof.
Yeah – that’s what Dietzel said.
Judging by her general food intake, were she to have a regular metabolism she would be approximately spherical. She just nomfed about….14 lbs of meat, bread, etc, like it was nothing. That’s rather a terrifyingly huge metabolism.
Well, she does have a few glitches. Like poor sleep on a full tummy, and “shrinking bra cups.” I wonder why.
Even if her bras are getting a little tight, her metabolism must be *almost* as fast as what’s-her-name’s.
It’s been demonstrated many times that Monica is pretty much a bottomless pit of metabolism despite being less than athletic.
Shrinking bra cups indeed!
Urp . Scuse me .
Need to get my tinfoil hat on, you guys are reading my brain again.
What an appetite! :^0
I knew you’d say that . XD
but what if he he said something different?
Now we may be beginning to understand why her reaction to Bud poiting an entire pizza into her stomach was no more than a loud belch.
Well, at one point Tepoz poited a turkey mole dinner (20 lb turkey) into Monica. She didn’t handle it quite so well, though. That led to Vince’s “Those poor people at the water treatment plant……..;)” comment below. (BTW, that’s the waste water treatment plant. – the other one is to treat drinking water.)
On Monday Paul will probably have Monica eating a hog she roasted on a spit in her back yard…
I’m pretty sure it was the bones. He forgot that you’re supposed to remove those before poiting…
Wish that they would invent a one size fits all bra. That might make Monica happy.
Oh . That’s been out for awhile now .
I was leaning toward a roll of duct tape <>
Oh dear lord, I don’t even want to know for what purposes that stuff might be used!
custom-fit body suits.
One hopes that removal of all body hair is one step.
If not, the latex may well take care of that when removed…
Emerald Wolf, Duck tape might be worse than:
There is always the African minimalist solution to the problem
I can’t say anything intelligent at the moment – I am laughing too hard. That’s twice now, one for Bud, once for Monica.
Thank you, Paul. Thank you. That’s one for the refrigerator door.
First it was ice cream on a stick, then she had a sandwich, and now she ate an entire roast turkey. Stay tuned for Monday, when Monica somehow manages to cook, and consume, a whole Yellowfin Tuna.
Cook? Haven’t you heard of sushi?
That would be a lot of rice.
Make it sashimi then.
Mmmm . Sashimi .
There was a Latina who swallowed a fly…
( many verses later )
There was a Latina who swallowed a horse.
She burped, of course!
Okay. The sandwich was amusing. This, however, genuinely made me laugh aloud.
she should actually sleep pretty well after eating a turkey
*sigh* Debunked myth is debunked. The amount of tryptophan in turkey is too little to actually have a noticeable affect. Rather, you feel sleepy when you eat too much of anything, because your body wants to devote resources to digesting it.
But if you eat the whole thing you are getting a slightly bigger dose of both so seeing as a turkey is rather large the fact that she ate a whole turkey will help her sleep.
Yeah I’m just being a smartass cause x y is x is my favorite meme. Thanks for the turkey trivia though
isnt it in the amount of per 100 gram of turkey is little? as compared to say egg whites (which have much more than turkey, about four times). But you don’t eat that many eggs where as you do end up eating a LOT of turkey. It’s not necessarily the amount of tryptophan in each gram, it’s how much you actually consume. No one is going to eat an entire turkey leg worths of eggs whites in one sitting, but you do (or rather some do) eat an entire turkey leg in one sitting.
It’s actually a myth that ingesting tryptophan causes drowsiness at all. It is a mechanism, not the cause.
To make a very, VERY complicated process simple, eating a lot of carbohydrates changes your blood chemistry to the point that tryptophan (which is just naturally in your body) can more easily cross the blood/brain barrier. The brain then converts that to serotonin, and then again into melatonin- which is the chemical that actually causes drowsiness.
So saying tryptophan causes drowsiness is like saying gasoline causes car crashes. It’s only part of the equation.
I would think, any other issue aside, that anyone who overeats by that much before going to bed would spend an uncomfortable night. Thanksgiving damn near ruins me, each year, and I know better than to take seconds of everything.
Originally, I was partially distracted because the turkey appeared to be in a suitcase. And more unbelievable than her eating a whole turkey was why it was in a suitcase.
It’s a roasting pan. I get it now.
I’m wondering if she’s pregnant. I know she has a big appetite but this is a lot!
The unasked question would….is she pregnant?
Hmm. This comic is really about Monica’s Wisconsins. Who knew?
(raised eyebrows) Wisconsins?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Wisconsin_%28BB-64%29 ?
hmmm. let’s try that again…
Shouldn’t they be called “Minnesotas”?
(After the lady known only by that name.)
{Oh, lor’ – i never knew that the black rubber tips some dagmar bumpers had were referred to as “pasties”…}
Wisconsin — America’s Dairyland
Now THAT would be an amusing bomb for Pablo to drop.
Not that we’ve seen hide nor hair of Kevin in weeks. Months?
It could have been a poit pregnancy with one of the others doing a sperm transference from Kevin to Monica with neither being the wiser.
Maybe I’m crazy, But there are little “Monica’s Pregnant” alarm sirens going off in the back of my head.
Well, I had a friend who nicknamed her ‘girls’ 72701 and 72703, yes, zip codes.
So Wisconsins fit. Though one of my current roommates has Texi (plural of Texas), in that case. They’re bigger than Monica’s.
ALL right, IMWTK . . . WTF did she name ’em after Fayetteville?
No, Monica is not pregnant. =)
Tongues were wagging on that one, Paul
Reminds me of the ‘baby bump’ photos the tabloids obsess over. When a 100-lb actress eats an entire meal or has gas, it shows! THAT’S A FOOD BABY NOT A REAL BABY
THAT’s a relief, Pablo! I mean … no, wait … Monica and I … we never … she couldn’t … not that I wouldn’t … oh, good grief …
Where does she put it all?
Those poor people at the water treatment plant……..;)
(I’d forgotten that one.)
Ya know, apparently people who don’t have to eat sometimes get it wrong about the rest of us…
“If you’re brown, you can wolf it down” as some of the American Indians say around here. We can be big eaters, and have noticed the Latin-descended have the same trait. But, Monica might be converting the biomass into *POIT* energy, and some teleporters have stated that one method is to drop out of here…….
……………….step through here…………..
…..and come out here. To get through the middle “here” could take a bit out of you, if you didn’t occasionally consume a lot of food.
Or, she just eats a lot when she under stress.
Sometime I’ve got to go back and tally up how often Monica’s bra size has gone up. It seems to me she’s got to be up to L by now.
Also, I wonder what her cholesterol level is at. She’s only made fleeting attempts to bring it back down. Be a sad thing to see her have a heart attack at her age. Unless one of the supernatural events in her life in the past has given her a supernatural metabolism, too?
Well, considering that mamae are lagely composed of fat cells, you might consider that the reason her “cups runneth over” is because she’s gaining weight from all of that eating, but only in two places; the left one and the right one.
Q: How do you make a guy think a kilo of fat is beautiful?
A: Put a nipple on it.
A kilo? Stingy.
GET OUT! I should have boobs that *small* (Shrinking bra cups, hell…)
Is she pregnant?
NO! And I’m not the father!
I can eat a lot of food, but Monica has me beat. I bow gracefully to her superiority.
You would probably at least carve the turkey. I’m kind of glad I didn’t see Monica eat. What a savage!
Either Monica is simultaneously clumsy with her razor *and* has unerring aim, or we are to understand from the continuing presence of the Band-Aid that all of this consumption has been the same day…
Probably within the same hour, although maybe she was tiding herself over with the ice cream and sandwich while she waited for her turkey to be done.
Well, she undressed on Monday and has been wearing the clothing she put on Tuesday ever since, so yes, I think it’s all one evening. Paul pretty much said that she unbuttoned all but one button on her blouse (Monday) at the end of the day and then put on her lounge clothes a little later. (Actually, he said his wife did that, but I think he was implying that Monica was doing the same thing.)
Assuming that M is going to Lydia’s next week, I request an official bra measurement. One of my roommates thinks that she is in the same league as M. While I admit that she is a big girl, there is no way she is comparable. Paul if you would be so kind to settle our little debate with an authoritative size I would be most grateful.
Due to some weight loss but otherwise bust gain, M has gone from her 28G to a special order 26I. Do not try this in a department store! o_O
Thanks for the info Paul. It reminded me of the time where a women asked me (I work in a major retail store which shall not be named) to help her find a strapless bra for her daughter’s prom dress. We did not carry the size she was looking for (a 32DD if memory serves) so I cannot imagine trying to find something the size of 26I. Keep up the great work.
Some manufacturers refer to that size as HH instead of I and most only go as low as 28 for band size. That size either has to be specially made or any of these bras:
taken to a professional tailor.
Normally, us ‘big folks’ can’t stand ‘little folks’ who can eat like that and stay ‘little folks’. But, she’s just so darn kawaii…. And, being small of stature (as discussed before) she looks even bustier (‘the pixie with the rack’) as Shelly’s little concience put it. (Help it’s 2am and i can’t spell)
Geez…first ice cream, then a Dagwood sandwich, now a whole turkey? THIS GIRL’S A PHAGOMANIAC!!!