Fae magic seems to have a somewhat chaotic nature. Cricket’s unintended and uncontrolled anxiety-burst that shrunk Dietzel may have left some issues that would be hard to predict.
There may be a risk that a spell to restore him might “go wrong” as a result, and leave him worse off than ever. He might end up as a 14-foot tree sloth with an uncontrollable appetite for tea roses.
Plus, Dietzel seems perfectly happy and doesn’t seem to care about being a teeny tiny pibble. So as long as his size isn’t causing major problems, no real reason to “fix” it.
That was actually how Digit became humanoid.
A magic ring meant to return Dietzel to his original size (if needed) was put on Digit when the two were farting aroind unsupervised. Due to the aforementioned chaotic nature of fae magic and the ring only being intended for Dietzel, she became transformed.
There seem to be a number of species of jumping spider with bodies longer than half an inch, with a few up to an inch long. We’ve never learned Digit’s genus (let alone her species) but since she was in the Library her ancestors might have been from anywhere in the world, not just North America.
(Ever wonder what might happen, if Digit were bitten by a radioactive spider?)
Surely there must be more than a ^few^ of us (let alone me being the only one) who have noticed that Digit has developed a human body which is obviously that of fully grown woman
I seem to remember that when she first aquired (and was getting used to ^having^) a human form, how it made her look like a tweenager who (with the ^obvious^ exception of bra cup-size) was about the same size as, or ^smaller^than, Monica!!
An archive establishes that she’s equivalent of a teenager when first made humanoid, probably roughly around 17. That was back in early 2017. If memory serves, we’ve had a small time-skip or two that’d put Digit around 19 or 20 at the youngest.
before he was shrunk, it was established he was a bull terrier.
anybody with doubts only need look at the head-shape.
only bull terriers look like they have a football (or rugby ball, if you’re not American) for a head.
Interesting question: Could Dietzel reasonably be expected to make relatively gigantic jumps up the steps of a staircase?
The answer is Yes! Because mass, and gravity’s effect on it, do not scale proportionately.
He probably can’t jump the same measurable distance as he could at full size, but he can jump a LOT more than the proportional distance.
An ant can lift and carry 50x it’s own weight. Does it have super strength? No; it’s because it’s own weight is nearly nothing, and 50x nearly nothing still isn’t very heavy.
Flies can land on the ceiling. Their feet have small hooks in them for gripping, but they can stay there pretty much indefinitely if they like, whereas a human rock climber clinging to the underside of a flat, ceiling-like overhang on the climbing course, would tire and fall down relatively quickly. Does the fly have super grip strength and inexhaustible muscles? No, it just has next-to-nothing mass, meaning gravity’s pull on it is very very weak.
Aerospace engineers have long purported that a bumblebee, based on its not-aerodynamic shape and small wingspan, should not be able to fly at all. Yet it obviously does, so their assertion has a huge flaw in it. The flaw is the the bumblebee is very tiny and its weight is negligible. If the bee were the size of a horse, absolutely, it would never be able to fly.
One more example! Babies! Adults panic when they see a baby just learning to walk and run suddenly stumble and fall on its belly, yet usually the baby isn’t even very bothered, much less in pain. To an adult of 5-6 feet in height, weighing 130-230lbs, a belly flop like that onto a hard floor would be very painful indeed! Even a broken rib might be possible! The baby? The baby weighs less than 20lbs, and only fell from a standing height of 30 inches. The impact and damage was not nearly so harsh.
Yay! It’s Dietzel! Why do I think that Dietzel might be returning to normal size soon?
Maybe because the Fae princess that shrunk Dietzl said that the effect was only temporary?…
Antinomy: the desire for two mutually exclusive outcomes.
Watch where you step, Digit.
Are we going to learn that Dietzel is actually Cerebrus?
With all the parapower in this strip, you’d think 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 would have the chops to get him back to normal size.
Fae magic seems to have a somewhat chaotic nature. Cricket’s unintended and uncontrolled anxiety-burst that shrunk Dietzel may have left some issues that would be hard to predict.
There may be a risk that a spell to restore him might “go wrong” as a result, and leave him worse off than ever. He might end up as a 14-foot tree sloth with an uncontrollable appetite for tea roses.
Plus, Dietzel seems perfectly happy and doesn’t seem to care about being a teeny tiny pibble. So as long as his size isn’t causing major problems, no real reason to “fix” it.
Perhaps it’s time to change Digit back into a spider.
Aww, she’s too cute to respiderize her, besides, the kids need her guidance.
That was actually how Digit became humanoid.
A magic ring meant to return Dietzel to his original size (if needed) was put on Digit when the two were farting aroind unsupervised. Due to the aforementioned chaotic nature of fae magic and the ring only being intended for Dietzel, she became transformed.
OH MY GAHD!!! Could Dietzel GET any more adorable???
(Talk about a teacup Bull Terrier…)
In this case, more of a teaspoon Bull Terrier
Didn’t realise he got shrunk that small…
Oddly enough I had an inverse reaction.
I was amazed to reflect on just how danged big Digit was as a supposedly ordinary jumping spider.
There seem to be a number of species of jumping spider with bodies longer than half an inch, with a few up to an inch long. We’ve never learned Digit’s genus (let alone her species) but since she was in the Library her ancestors might have been from anywhere in the world, not just North America.
(Ever wonder what might happen, if Digit were bitten by a radioactive spider?)
Surely there must be more than a ^few^ of us (let alone me being the only one) who have noticed that Digit has developed a human body which is obviously that of fully grown woman
… ^lack^ of edit/preview₁!!)

I seem to remember that when she first aquired (and was getting used to ^having^) a human form, how it made her look like a tweenager who (with the ^obvious^ exception of bra cup-size
) was about the same size as, or ^smaller^ than, Monica!!
An archive establishes that she’s equivalent of a teenager when first made humanoid, probably roughly around 17. That was back in early 2017. If memory serves, we’ve had a small time-skip or two that’d put Digit around 19 or 20 at the youngest.
two time skips of 156 weeks each for a total of six years.
We have a pibble who thinks she’s a lap dog. Dietzel is a boob dog!
Ah, so Monica’s house has a second story. I could easily be wrong, but I don’t recall that being established before.
It is now!
Considering that Monica has been living there for years, I’m sure her house has plenty of stories.
Fortunately, it also has a great deal of discretion. The walls may have ears, but they aren’t telling.
She fell down the stairs when first poiting back from the Library, and Tepoz let slip his job as a protector. And then there’s the attic…
Dietzel! We haven’t had a Dietzel arc in a long time. He’s just been off in the artwork closet.
Moar Dietzel! Moar Dietzel!
What breed do folks here think Dietzel could be? Personally I think he reminds me of a bull terrier.
I get a strong pit bull vibe from his body shape.
before he was shrunk, it was established he was a bull terrier.
anybody with doubts only need look at the head-shape.
only bull terriers look like they have a football (or rugby ball, if you’re not American) for a head.
Snoopy is a beagle though
Nice rebuttal.
But Snoopy’s head is how the artist draws him.
A bull terrier is an actual dog breed and their head(s) actually have that shape.
Interesting question: Could Dietzel reasonably be expected to make relatively gigantic jumps up the steps of a staircase?
The answer is Yes! Because mass, and gravity’s effect on it, do not scale proportionately.
He probably can’t jump the same measurable distance as he could at full size, but he can jump a LOT more than the proportional distance.
An ant can lift and carry 50x it’s own weight. Does it have super strength? No; it’s because it’s own weight is nearly nothing, and 50x nearly nothing still isn’t very heavy.
Flies can land on the ceiling. Their feet have small hooks in them for gripping, but they can stay there pretty much indefinitely if they like, whereas a human rock climber clinging to the underside of a flat, ceiling-like overhang on the climbing course, would tire and fall down relatively quickly. Does the fly have super grip strength and inexhaustible muscles? No, it just has next-to-nothing mass, meaning gravity’s pull on it is very very weak.
Aerospace engineers have long purported that a bumblebee, based on its not-aerodynamic shape and small wingspan, should not be able to fly at all. Yet it obviously does, so their assertion has a huge flaw in it. The flaw is the the bumblebee is very tiny and its weight is negligible. If the bee were the size of a horse, absolutely, it would never be able to fly.
One more example! Babies! Adults panic when they see a baby just learning to walk and run suddenly stumble and fall on its belly, yet usually the baby isn’t even very bothered, much less in pain. To an adult of 5-6 feet in height, weighing 130-230lbs, a belly flop like that onto a hard floor would be very painful indeed! Even a broken rib might be possible! The baby? The baby weighs less than 20lbs, and only fell from a standing height of 30 inches. The impact and damage was not nearly so harsh.