Yep, being greeted in near Haiku form by a fluffy nine feet “horny” (Hint hint, nudge nudge) trickster demi-goddes sure leaves other greeting in the dust.
Really? I hear nothing, Nothing!
Oh, wait…
That was the sound of a Ten-Year-Old Champ Swiss Army Knife! Complete with tweezers, toothpick, jeweler’s screwdriver and pen.
I carry a Swisschamp a little older than that. I have the toothpick, the tweezers, the optional micro-screwdriver, and the pen still has ink. You know these things can be serviced, right? But I recommend the belt pouch; the knife is too big for most pockets.
I once lost a SwissChamp aboard the QEII. I was trying to adjust the temperature of the shower(MUCH TOO HOT!!!) and lost it inside the wall. This was just after the refit in 1987. A VERY long story!
I’m partial to the little known Swiss Navy Knife. Instead of a spoon, it has a smallish paddle, for the Swiss Navy’s canoe. (They only have the one canoe.)
No rotten fruit will be thrown at any member of the wapsi community. To make up for the lost amusement, you must submit the funniest thing you own to the Pun Jar publicly.
That’s an advantage to a trebuchet, vs. a slingshot. You can stand off to the side when you fire it… and unless it’s built by Acme the chances are fairly good that even a misfire will miss you.
Uh oh.. Crazy-meter let-out a tiny puff of acrid smoke, it’s elco’s went into melt-down, while a tiny trace of sparks ran over the print, and took care of the remains of the SMD’s.
In non-techie Ingrès: “Oh, my… G..bzzzt..frtzzz POOF!
Ah, but Shelly has come to the Library to visit Phix. Monica went to research V-cells. In each case, the Library door opened into the appropriate rooms.
to me it looks like a doorway foyer type thing over Shelly’s left shoulder in panel 2, though i would also think that because she’s here to see Phix, that the doorway knew to take them directly there instead of going to the annex that Monica went to first, and then having to go thru that place to the library proper.
Just remember, in life as in physics and electronics, the amount of experience gained is directly proportional to the amount of equipment destroyed and smoke released.
Yes but sometimes you get blurred lines, like when May created her first test golem from a lower animal form. I am guessing in that case Chemistry crossed into biology when (I am imagining here) the newly awakened clay doll tried to bite her.
Newbie??? HOW DARE YOU!
*smacks msyendor in the face with a velvet glove*
I will have you know sir that I have been reading Waspi Square before it was even written!
We shall duel at dawn with pistolsswords a rusty spork!
Ah yes… the good olde days! What ever happened to dueling. Beside killing off over 50% of the male population of New Orleans (which was better off if you ask me) dueling wasn’t a bad thing! We should bring dueling back! I’m going to write my congressman congress-person.
As always Fairportfan, you are both a gentleman and a scholar!
After watching Hornblower “The Duel”, I suspect that dueling died because all those who believed it the best way to solve problems got shot in the gut and didn’t live to reconsider simple apologies. 😉
Fairportfan – They were senators, IIRC. Senator little guy was from New Orleans, and a master fencer, who had killed several in duels. Sen. Blacksmith was advised by his friends that he had to accept, or forever be branded a coward. But they also informed him that he could choose the weapons and circumstances…
The little guy laughed it off and indicated that he thought the smithy was a good sport, and withdrew his challenge. Sounds like a jerk to me.
Touchy, touchy. Beta test Proton packs, and just for you, I’ll have the extra strong slime module and grand slam tethers. However, I reserve the right to break off from battle if Mr. Staypuffed shows up with more mallow minions.
Nudge isn’t crazy. She’s beyond crazy. She has transcended crazy. She’s in a special place for those who go even further, right next to Salvador Dali and River Tam.
of course, they have to cater to the whims of the lowest-common-denominator mentality in order to get the widest audience, in order to get the most money out of the advertising people, in order to pay for the show to even be filmed in the first place… and also to pay for those golden parachutes the execs get… it’s no wonder programs that actually make people think are being phased out in order to show drek like beavis and butthead, or aqua teen hunger force… blech…
It has to do with the simple fact that those with a brain& good taste (oddly enough that always seems to be interconnected) are outnumbered 3 to 1 by those that think they have taste, and more money than brains. ( look at a general realtor’s site at the houses above $1,000,000.- ….. I rest my case)
When the execs have it in for the show you just know that they will do anything & everything to kill it off (switching airtimes, run episodes out of order, etc.). Never had a chance…
“no more crazy” yeah, rrríght.. Sphinx girlfriend, hellhounds, a shadow critter with..ehrm..”original” fashion-sense, and nów a 9-feet tall half-deity with puppy-dog like enthousiasm, and a habit of playing pranks…
Me thinks he’ll needs a good, strong cuppa’Java in a nice, balanced and normal coffee-shop and a smile from a friendly, chatty Barista,…ehh..wait….scratch that.
Pranks aren’t just Nudge’s habit – they’re her NATURE. She may not be able to resist, literally, and THAT may lead to all kinds of what I’m charitably gonna call ‘plot points’.
(tune- “starry starry night”
Starry starry suit- wearing shadows ‘stead of clothes
To a bookplace no-one knows courtesy of Tsillah who just melt- how should I have felt? perhaps someone has pulled my leg? My crazy meter’s stuck on ‘peg’ as now I face new scary face and hands
I don’t understand- this new creature’s quite a load
she’d scare the warts right off a toad- she’s frightening to me
that I wear shadows is a lucky chance- ’cause I just wet my pants…
Welcome to the library, we got teeth and horns
And even guns and roses, with very prickly thorns
We’re the staff librarians who’ll find you what you need
And if you’ve got an invite, your access is decreed
The library, welcome to the library
Watch it bring you to your knees…
I did make the neck a tad thicker, but the epoxy I used is really strong and not as heavy as f.i. clay.
The horns are epoxy all through.
I went for a “realistic”look, (afa possible with a semi-deity, apparently thought-out after a bit of expensive whiskey..) and thusly muscles, bonestructure et al had to be re-thought for a bit.
Nudge’s horns could be porous, filled with a lighter-than-air, inert gas… Strong, yet light. Or just made of comic licence: When it looks weird, normal laws do not apply.. 😛
Well, there’s no guarantee that any random paranormal won’t see right through normal clothing either.
They’re just diplomatic enough to not point and laugh.
Is this he, is this he, is this he…
I keep saying it and it still sounds weird. Then again, “Is this him” is starting to sound weird too. I wonder what made people stop saying it the right way?
I think I’ll just go for the extra syllable and say, “It this the guy?”
ShadOBabe, don’t forget that language, over historical time, is as rigid as mercury. It changes. The proscriptive grammarians say that “This is he” is correct and “this is him” is wrong, but usage drives the bus, not the rules. In 50 years, “this is he” may have died out completely, and the grammar books will need to be re-written.
Only “correct” form the point of view of Victorian proscriptivist grammarians who were trying to make English conform to Classical Latin grammar. An exercise that was both fundamentally flawed and doomed to failure. This is where the split infinitive “rule” comes from, for example. In Latin, you literally can’t split an infinitive because the infinitive is a verb conjugation, i.e., one word. Germanic languages have been splitting infinitives for forever.
I love it when folks get persnickity about “proper english” considering that
“English dosen’t so much borrow from other languages as it follows them down dark alleys and clouts them on the head, then rifles through thier pockets for any spare words they might be carrying.”
Yup. Even at its most persnickety and formal, English is in many ways a lot simpler and less consistent than many other languages, including many of English’s primary roots.
As I understand it, this is at least in part due to the fact that for centuries, English was primarily the language of peasants, commoners, merchants, etc. and not of royalty or academe. The courts, churches, and schools used Latin, French, or German… English was largely ignored by formal rule-makers, and became simpler over time because nobody was enforcing the older rules. Absorbing words, grammer variations, etc. from other local languages and dialects made things even more interesting.
Actually, in an advanced English Comp class I took waaaaay back when it was pointed out that English’s dalliances with other languages is due to England being conquered over and over by just about every other nation in Europe.
As an example, they took a verse from the Bible talking about the construction of the Tower of Babel, showing the same version in about a dozen different versions, as the language changed after each new conqueror took over and put their native tongue’s spin on the local language.
Kinda cool, when you think about it … your language SPEAKS your history, heh.
I don’t know why, but that view of Justin’s suit from the back in the first panel is awesome looking. Like the form, the shadowing, the glinting of the stars. Superb!
I wonder how Justin’s eyesight is without the glasses? Maybe everything’s a little blurry right now which could be a good thing coming face to face with Nudge.
Healing factor doesn’t mean a thing if your eyes are off focus originally. Your eyes would heal to that original condition, and no corrective measures would ‘stick’. Therefore, OTB’s glasses/contact lenses.
With a little assistance and some cross referencing. I’ve little doubt that Shelly could learn just exactly or at least a close guess as to what sort of immortal critter her beau is.
I have to wonder… had Shelly described Nudge to Justin at all, when talking about the Library? or had she only said they were going to meet Phix, another sphinx?
Did Shelly even know that Nudge is working in the Library? or was only Monica aware of that? I can’t recall whether Shelly was ever in that particular loop…
Given that Shelly and Nudge coordinated being lost in the woods (on her vision quest) I would be surprised if she hadn’t been told. However, given the mistake with which entrance to use, I have a sneaky feeling it may have slipped her mind.
I get mad because Nudge is obscuring my view of the lovely lovely bookshelves full of all the lovely knowledge ever written that’s just out of reach oh I’m coming my lovely boooooooooooooookkkkkssssssssss………
And here we have the -twice mentioned- reason that kindle’s and the like are nice for quick referencing, but that nothing beats a good book, smelling of (preferably old) paper, the sensation of physically turning over pages with a soft rustle, a nice seat and a warm beverage of choice.
Despite utopists constantly jabbering about the “paperless society” I see only more of the stuff…
It has no batteries to run down, doesn’t mind falling, is light..well.. suffice to say, I am a paper&book-person that thinks the “act”of reading from a stack of dead trees is as much part of the experience, as absorbing the content, stories, wisdom etc.
Me? I am a solipsist at heart, and do not care what is to be gained, or not gained by the world at a grander scale, for it is not there, but only in here.
But, given infinite time, you can spend an infinite amount of it reading (and pondering until you understand) and still have an infinite amount to do other things.
Aaaaaand … Justin’s craz-o-meter just turned into a dancing frog. Hiya Nudge! What’s shakin, mamacita mas loca? (too lazy to pull up the right accents, sue me :P)
BTW, wife’s home for a 5-week layoff and I took a couple extra days off this week, so if you don’t hear from me, it just means we managed to find some time to catch a movie or something, so I ain’t here. 😀
How about this bridge? Twin Cities Cycling News From Around the Web It still works for its intended mode of travel, you just can’t take multi-ton WMD over it any more. So they closed it to everybody.
For the ultimate crazy, I always go with Michael Keaton, he does it so well.
(The Dream Team)
bad guy: “I’m a cop …”
Keaton: “I’m insane, you don’t impress me”
bad guy: “I’m going to count to three …”
Keaton: “I’m not even going to count ::cocks hammer::”
Or his freakout with a fire poker in Batman (“You want NUTS? I’ll show you NUTS! C’mon … let’s get nuts.”), or his whole portrayal in Pacific Heights.
Um. I just realized, Shelly signed her name on a possible demon’s book. She could have accidentally signed a contract without meaning to. Bad enough a demon would have her name penned by Shelly.
I don’t usually do this, but I’m going to use Fairportfan’s words, because they burned themselves into my brain and I think about it every time somebody mentions hyperactivity. Three words: “Ferret on crack.”
… after indulging her love for double-garlic pizzas with extra natto.
I can imagine a crossover scene… Wapsi x “Rose is Rose”… Nudge, with the space around her head and horns decorated with the cloud of floating skulls which denotes an effluvium of really bad garlic breath 🙂
Even Justin’s regenerative powers might be overwhelmed by demigod halitosis.
Ack — another 2AM or later update. Sleep beckons, her gentle voice soothing the day’s tribulations away… far away… where they’re no bother at all…… zzzzzzzzzzzz
What a welcome!
Yep, being greeted in near Haiku form by a fluffy nine feet “horny” (Hint hint, nudge nudge) trickster demi-goddes sure leaves other greeting in the dust.
Wish I ever got greeted like that.!
*shakes the pun Jar* Pay up. If not for the Horny line, then for the “hint hint, NUDGE NUDGE” part. But I like what you did there. 🙂
Greeting by demon
Unsettling at very least
Horns and grinning fangs
Library welcome
Flaming dogs, shadow person
Dominant sphinx next?
While dressed in shadows
Ultimate knowledge awaits
Girlfriend needs support
Very impressive
Doing haiku like that
without meaning to
A simope hope, simply expressed… and so simply and directly dashed!
heh, if his crazy meter doesnt explode now, it never will….. 😀
But she’s so spunky and sparkly – what’s not to love .
Yeah, the feral horned babes are three times larger and ten times wilder here in the main branch.
And most of the sphinxes? Wait till you get a load of them.
“no more crazy”
She might as well have said “What could go wrong?”.
Well in her defense she dis add “I hope” to the statement.
Just a whole new brand of crazy.
Crazy is as crazy does.
My mistake. Nudge IS the Receptionista!
Tsillah just lives in her shadow.
The Pun Jar wishes a word with you Joe.
Really? I hear nothing, Nothing!
Oh, wait…
That was the sound of a Ten-Year-Old Champ Swiss Army Knife! Complete with tweezers, toothpick, jeweler’s screwdriver and pen.
you still had the toothpick? wow!
Until last year, the pen still had ink!
I carry a Swisschamp a little older than that. I have the toothpick, the tweezers, the optional micro-screwdriver, and the pen still has ink. You know these things can be serviced, right? But I recommend the belt pouch; the knife is too big for most pockets.
I once lost a SwissChamp aboard the QEII. I was trying to adjust the temperature of the shower(MUCH TOO HOT!!!) and lost it inside the wall. This was just after the refit in 1987. A VERY long story!
I prefer the Sith Army Knife myself.
I’m partial to the little known Swiss Navy Knife. Instead of a spoon, it has a smallish paddle, for the Swiss Navy’s canoe. (They only have the one canoe.)
Where’s the chessboard? Was there a game in progress?
You know. Justin case they got board?
Into the pun jar goes my entire collection of Gilligan’s Island DVDs.
The pun jar tosses its cookies.
Chocolate chip or rum rasin?
Just me,,,and my…SHAaa
Wait a minute. That’s totally wrong for Tsillah. OK
Just a…SHA,,,aAa..dow
ducks under the incoming barrage of rotten fruit
No rotten fruit will be thrown at any member of the wapsi community. To make up for the lost amusement, you must submit the funniest thing you own to the Pun Jar publicly.
Funniest thing I know? The english language, without a doubt.
where else can your house burn up and down at the same time?
where your noes can run and your feet smell?
where stars come out and shine, but a lamp goes out and doesn’t?
where slim chance, fat chance, and no chance mean the same thing?
where BLACKberries can be RED when they’re GREEN?
[grabs catapult]
Bring me… the watermelon!
Not . . . the Comfy Pillow???? :^O
That’s an advantage to a trebuchet, vs. a slingshot. You can stand off to the side when you fire it… and unless it’s built by Acme the chances are fairly good that even a misfire will miss you.
Ouch for sure. That could have been fatal.
you are lucky Casey and andy ended Pun Police would not be amused
Actually, I think Tsillah is her shadow. All else is illusion.
11 minutes after posting and there’s only 5 comments? I was expecting at lest 50. XD
also YEAY NUDGE!! ^__^
I agree with jordinyc ^__^
Uh oh.. Crazy-meter let-out a tiny puff of acrid smoke, it’s elco’s went into melt-down, while a tiny trace of sparks ran over the print, and took care of the remains of the SMD’s.
In non-techie Ingrès: “Oh, my… G..bzzzt..frtzzz POOF!
I agree. After what he has seen so far his ‘Crazy Alarm’ might be a tad busted.
“Ah, but this is normal crazy.”
You win.
Ah, but Shelly has come to the Library to visit Phix. Monica went to research V-cells. In each case, the Library door opened into the appropriate rooms.
i wonder where it would go if there were multiple requests by the same group of people…
Velma at the card catalog, Freddie and Daphne back in the stacks, and Shaggie and Scoobie in the snack bar….
to me it looks like a doorway foyer type thing over Shelly’s left shoulder in panel 2, though i would also think that because she’s here to see Phix, that the doorway knew to take them directly there instead of going to the annex that Monica went to first, and then having to go thru that place to the library proper.
Just remember, in life as in physics and electronics, the amount of experience gained is directly proportional to the amount of equipment destroyed and smoke released.
Oh so that’s why I can’t do engineering yet–not enough explosions!
*runs to get prima-cord* EEEHEHEHEHEHEHeeee!!!!
“If it stinks or pops, it’s chemistry. If it bites or scratches, it’s biology.”
“If it doesn’t work, it’s physics.”
I’m going to frame this.
or economics
If it lies to you and takes your money, it’s political science.
You also forgot: if it sparks and gives off smoke, it’s electonics. (or better, it WAS electronics.)
Yes but sometimes you get blurred lines, like when May created her first test golem from a lower animal form. I am guessing in that case Chemistry crossed into biology when (I am imagining here) the newly awakened clay doll tried to bite her.
And if it starts talking about it’s mother, you’re probably dealing with psychology.
Casey, as when you say one thing, but mean your mother?
I believe the proper phrase is “BWAHAHAHhahaha!”
nah, all you need is ANFO, or even Match heads… heck even Powdered Dairy Creamer… as per the MythBusters 😀
they make such NICE explosions!
Since the Crazy-meter is broken, maybe they should consult Toben’s Spirt Guide.
The newbie has it, and it also appears to be temporarily experiencing overload. I’m sure the Library has a Wapsi universe patch for it.
Newbie??? HOW DARE YOU!
*smacks msyendor in the face with a velvet glove*
I will have you know sir that I have been reading Waspi Square before it was even written!
We shall duel at dawn with
pistolsswordsa rusty spork!As the challenged, he has the right to choose place, time, and weapons.
And if he is serious, it’s “Marbles for two, milk and cookies for one.”
There was the seven-foot former blacksmith who was challenged by a fellow (five-foot) legislator to a duel.
As challenged, he chose sledgehammers in six feet of water…
Ah yes… the good olde days! What ever happened to dueling. Beside killing off over 50% of the male population of New Orleans (which was better off if you ask me) dueling wasn’t a bad thing! We should bring dueling back! I’m going to write my
congressmancongress-person.As always Fairportfan, you are both a gentleman and a scholar!
A duel you say! Why, none can compete with Balloons and Blunderbusses!
(Those Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines)
After watching Hornblower “The Duel”, I suspect that dueling died because all those who believed it the best way to solve problems got shot in the gut and didn’t live to reconsider simple apologies. 😉
Just remember that in a balloons and blunderbusses duel, both participants are more likely than not to end up in the nearest sewage settling pond.
Fairportfan – They were senators, IIRC. Senator little guy was from New Orleans, and a master fencer, who had killed several in duels. Sen. Blacksmith was advised by his friends that he had to accept, or forever be branded a coward. But they also informed him that he could choose the weapons and circumstances…
The little guy laughed it off and indicated that he thought the smithy was a good sport, and withdrew his challenge. Sounds like a jerk to me.
See! I knew it was New Orleans. Ruining all the fun for everybody!
FarUncle, that lets me off the hook–I lost my marbles long ago.
Touchy, touchy. Beta test Proton packs, and just for you, I’ll have the extra strong slime module and grand slam tethers. However, I reserve the right to break off from battle if Mr. Staypuffed shows up with more mallow minions.
“This is Nudge, she’s one of the librarians. She can help you look up martial arts moves if you want.”
“Also, please don’t ask her if she is crazy. You might just get an answer.”
Part of her answer would include an invasive response; “What do you consider crazy???”
Shoot, I meant EVASIVE not invasive. That would have changed the meaning of that statement a bit.
maybe, but you must admit it presented a more interesting picture.
Obviously my fingers thought so.
No, you had it right the first time. 🙂
Nudge isn’t crazy. She’s beyond crazy. She has transcended crazy. She’s in a special place for those who go even further, right next to Salvador Dali and River Tam.
“I can kill you with my brain…”
— River Tam to Jayne Cobb
“We have done the impossible…which makes us mighty!”
…not mighty enough to save the series, sadly…
Too many good series perish, while the schlock goes on and on.
of course, they have to cater to the whims of the lowest-common-denominator mentality in order to get the widest audience, in order to get the most money out of the advertising people, in order to pay for the show to even be filmed in the first place… and also to pay for those golden parachutes the execs get… it’s no wonder programs that actually make people think are being phased out in order to show drek like beavis and butthead, or aqua teen hunger force… blech…
It has to do with the simple fact that those with a brain& good taste (oddly enough that always seems to be interconnected) are outnumbered 3 to 1 by those that think they have taste, and more money than brains. ( look at a general realtor’s site at the houses above $1,000,000.- ….. I rest my case)
When the execs have it in for the show you just know that they will do anything & everything to kill it off (switching airtimes, run episodes out of order, etc.). Never had a chance…
~Summer Glau!
She is so fine
blowing up the jasmine with her mind~
Firefly reference FTW!
I really hope you have a mint ’59 Caddy Fleetwood with leather interior to toss into the pun jar….
Or else a model (preferably a working model, with remote control) of the Firefly?
Just don’t call it an upstart. The man doesn’t live who can call a Firefly an upstart.
*Snrrk* – So much for “no more crazy”…
Justin looks like he’s headed for a heart attack.
Poor Justin. Fate really has it in for him..
“no more crazy” yeah, rrríght.. Sphinx girlfriend, hellhounds, a shadow critter with..ehrm..”original” fashion-sense, and nów a 9-feet tall half-deity with puppy-dog like enthousiasm, and a habit of playing pranks…
Me thinks he’ll needs a good, strong cuppa’Java in a nice, balanced and normal coffee-shop and a smile from a friendly, chatty Barista,…ehh..wait….scratch that.
Pranks aren’t just Nudge’s habit – they’re her NATURE. She may not be able to resist, literally, and THAT may lead to all kinds of what I’m charitably gonna call ‘plot points’.
Poor Justin. And afterward, poor Nudge…. 🙂
You missed one – he got introduced to Bud today as well… and she was hardly doing her best impression of “sane and well balanced”.
Shelly and Justin are not aware Tsilla is COMPOSED of shadow…
all they know is she manipulates shadow.
(tune- “starry starry night”
Starry starry suit- wearing shadows ‘stead of clothes
To a bookplace no-one knows courtesy of Tsillah who just melt- how should I have felt? perhaps someone has pulled my leg? My crazy meter’s stuck on ‘peg’ as now I face new scary face and hands
I don’t understand- this new creature’s quite a load
she’d scare the warts right off a toad- she’s frightening to me
that I wear shadows is a lucky chance- ’cause I just wet my pants…
Sarge, I really hope you’re collecting these (and your other non-Wapsi compositions).
Welcome to the library, we got teeth and horns
And even guns and roses, with very prickly thorns
We’re the staff librarians who’ll find you what you need
And if you’ve got an invite, your access is decreed
The library, welcome to the library
Watch it bring you to your knees…
Shouldn’t the last line be “n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-knees, knees”?
a couple verses lower:
Phix is a very sexy sphinx,
and Nudge has her fans too.
(can anyone write the pieces around that?)
Paul really conveys Nudge’s cheerful mania nicely…
Has anyone ever considered the strength of Nudge’s neck muscles, to support those horns on that slender neck?
Jay-em did the model, right? He probably had to…
I did too, but quit for lack of reliable data that I was too lazy to look up.
I did make the neck a tad thicker, but the epoxy I used is really strong and not as heavy as f.i. clay.
The horns are epoxy all through.
I went for a “realistic”look, (afa possible with a semi-deity, apparently thought-out after a bit of expensive whiskey..) and thusly muscles, bonestructure et al had to be re-thought for a bit.
Nudge’s horns could be porous, filled with a lighter-than-air, inert gas… Strong, yet light. Or just made of comic licence: When it looks weird, normal laws do not apply.. 😛
I assumed that from the beginning. Cattle, goats, etc., have hollow horns, and that appears to be the analog to Nudge’s horns.
They’re probably like Tim Curry’s horns in Legend. Look like they weight a tonne but were actually made of hollow lightweight plastic.
Now imagine a Wapsi/MLP crossover where Nudge meets Pinkie Pie…
Aaah! The fourth wall would be blown to dust!
And Twilight would never leave the library…
LOL!! “Is this he?”
What’s with Nudge’s grammar? XD
Bah, who cares? I’m just happy to see her. Gotta smile back at a smile that sincere.
In other news, I LOVE Justin’s suit…
I want to touch it!! DX
Of course… that might erase it.
I’ll bet shadows are soft though!!
Probably feels like next to nothing at all!
Nothing at all!
Nothing At ALL!!
“Gyaaah!! Stupid sexy Justin!!”
And if it did, *Shelly’s* hand will probably go right through you. Claws first.
Suddenly, I wonder if Nudge’s eyballs-popping-stare is because she can see right through the shadows.
Well, there’s no guarantee that any random paranormal won’t see right through normal clothing either.
They’re just diplomatic enough to not point and laugh.
“He” is correct; an intransitive verb takes a nominative case in the predicate.
Nominative? Intransitive? Predicate?
Fairportfan, this is the 21st Century. Most of these kids ain’t never been taught no grammer.
Present, past and future walked into a bar. It was tense.
They were followed by indicative, subjunctive and conditional, who were moody.
Last of all came a noun who asked for a beer. He was declined.
Did those verbs have a conjugal visit?
[drops a well used copy of a Latin Grammar into the voracious pun jar]
Aah, bmonk… a good person to have around in declench.
Ah, I see.
So is “Is this him?” incorrect? Or do they both work?
(Look at me getting a grammar less on a webcomic. I love the internet. XD)
Yup It is incorrect
Is this he, is this he, is this he…
I keep saying it and it still sounds weird. Then again, “Is this him” is starting to sound weird too. I wonder what made people stop saying it the right way?
I think I’ll just go for the extra syllable and say, “It this the guy?”
sorry, but “is this he” IS correct grammer. we just aren’t used to hearing it.
That’s what I figured.
ShadOBabe, don’t forget that language, over historical time, is as rigid as mercury. It changes. The proscriptive grammarians say that “This is he” is correct and “this is him” is wrong, but usage drives the bus, not the rules. In 50 years, “this is he” may have died out completely, and the grammar books will need to be re-written.
50 years may be about right. When all the fuddy-duddy Classically trained speakers (like me) have died and gone to the great Oratory in the sky.
Only “correct” form the point of view of Victorian proscriptivist grammarians who were trying to make English conform to Classical Latin grammar. An exercise that was both fundamentally flawed and doomed to failure. This is where the split infinitive “rule” comes from, for example. In Latin, you literally can’t split an infinitive because the infinitive is a verb conjugation, i.e., one word. Germanic languages have been splitting infinitives for forever.
I love it when folks get persnickity about “proper english” considering that
“English dosen’t so much borrow from other languages as it follows them down dark alleys and clouts them on the head, then rifles through thier pockets for any spare words they might be carrying.”
Yup. Even at its most persnickety and formal, English is in many ways a lot simpler and less consistent than many other languages, including many of English’s primary roots.
As I understand it, this is at least in part due to the fact that for centuries, English was primarily the language of peasants, commoners, merchants, etc. and not of royalty or academe. The courts, churches, and schools used Latin, French, or German… English was largely ignored by formal rule-makers, and became simpler over time because nobody was enforcing the older rules. Absorbing words, grammer variations, etc. from other local languages and dialects made things even more interesting.
Best quote ever, Boxilar.
Actually, in an advanced English Comp class I took waaaaay back when it was pointed out that English’s dalliances with other languages is due to England being conquered over and over by just about every other nation in Europe.
As an example, they took a verse from the Bible talking about the construction of the Tower of Babel, showing the same version in about a dozen different versions, as the language changed after each new conqueror took over and put their native tongue’s spin on the local language.
Kinda cool, when you think about it … your language SPEAKS your history, heh.
We had an American Bulldog named “Him”. The possibilities for mutilated grammer were endless.
guess it would have been even better if we had named him “Her”.
I don’t know why, but that view of Justin’s suit from the back in the first panel is awesome looking. Like the form, the shadowing, the glinting of the stars. Superb!
Is it just me – or does he have his hands in his pockets . Didn’t think you could do that with Shadow material .
After reading this comment I thought to myself, “how do you shadow a shadow?” Then I checked that panel again. Genius.
Which brings up a point I’ve been pondering for several days now.
What happens to shadow clothing if the wearers venture into brightly lit areas? Like, say, outside on a sunny day??
And, will we get to see it in the near future???
I think Tsilla used their shadows to form their clothing, so walking into brightly lit areas would strengthen the shadows.
Unlit alleys, tho…
I wonder how Justin’s eyesight is without the glasses? Maybe everything’s a little blurry right now which could be a good thing coming face to face with Nudge.
OTB has a mutant healing factor. I think those glasses were just for show. I mean, can you imagine Wolverine wearing bifocals? Seriously.
Healing factor doesn’t mean a thing if your eyes are off focus originally. Your eyes would heal to that original condition, and no corrective measures would ‘stick’. Therefore, OTB’s glasses/contact lenses.
With a greeting like that it’ll be a wonder if Justin doesn’t throw himself out the nearest window trying to get away from that grinning rictus.
It appears that Justin is the Wapsiverse’s version of Stretch Armstrong.
Given that all the denizens with a library card already know, in detail, about Monica and Shelly, I wouldn’t doubt that Justin is famous as well!
For what, however, remains to be seen! By us, the readers, anyway….
With a little assistance and some cross referencing. I’ve little doubt that Shelly could learn just exactly or at least a close guess as to what sort of immortal critter her beau is.
If the next words Nudge says to Justin are “YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS”, I’ll ROFLMAO.
I said a few strips ago Justin could be long-lost royalty of of a royal line.
Judging from Nudge’s reaction, it is starting to look like a decent possibility.
I am impressed with your extensive vocabulary, good sir. The perfect, but rarely seen, descriptive word.
Bows deeply, with satisfied grin.
I have to wonder… had Shelly described Nudge to Justin at all, when talking about the Library? or had she only said they were going to meet Phix, another sphinx?
Did Shelly even know that Nudge is working in the Library? or was only Monica aware of that? I can’t recall whether Shelly was ever in that particular loop…
Given that Shelly and Nudge coordinated being lost in the woods (on her vision quest) I would be surprised if she hadn’t been told. However, given the mistake with which entrance to use, I have a sneaky feeling it may have slipped her mind.
Which is more frightening, the riddle of the Sphinx or the excited face of Nudge?
Nudge face, hands down. There’s this whole time-delay bit with the riddle; you get a Nudge face to the eyeballs in a split second.
True, though given Nudge’s height, if she comes up to you, it won’t be her face that’s at your eyeballs.
WHOA!!! Dammit Nudge, you are NOT HELPING!!!
How to tell I’m tired #459:
I get mad because Nudge is obscuring my view of the lovely lovely bookshelves full of all the lovely knowledge ever written that’s just out of reach oh I’m coming my lovely boooooooooooooookkkkkssssssssss………
*clears throat* Sorry.
WOW! I thought I was the only one who thought that! Great minds DO think alike, I see.
Every damn time I think about a library that contains any book ever written, being writting or going to be written one thing enters my mind: Heaven.
Some nice corners to sit, music for the background and tea and you have all that is needed for it to be my paradies. I would never leave!
And here we have the -twice mentioned- reason that kindle’s and the like are nice for quick referencing, but that nothing beats a good book, smelling of (preferably old) paper, the sensation of physically turning over pages with a soft rustle, a nice seat and a warm beverage of choice.
Despite utopists constantly jabbering about the “paperless society” I see only more of the stuff…
It has no batteries to run down, doesn’t mind falling, is light..well.. suffice to say, I am a paper&book-person that thinks the “act”of reading from a stack of dead trees is as much part of the experience, as absorbing the content, stories, wisdom etc.
*sigh* It’s nice to know that this community is not only awesome in general, but has a bibliophile population as well. *feels right at home*
A, I don’t care what you heard but I ain’t no bibliophile!
Now for the last time, that girl told me she was 18!
Me too also!!!
And, mathematicians have proven, as long as books are added countably, given infinite time, you will eventually read every book there, if you wish!
That so?
Ask a monk, or a philosopher.
Me? I am a solipsist at heart, and do not care what is to be gained, or not gained by the world at a grander scale, for it is not there, but only in here.
But, given infinite time, you can spend an infinite amount of it reading (and pondering until you understand) and still have an infinite amount to do other things.
Jeez, Nudge, tone down the greeting! A perky 8 or 9 foot monster tends to unnerve most normals.
But if Justin used to paranormal craziness, why does he look so astonished?
He sees Nudge……..’Nuff said…
I think that was his reaction to the Library. If it wasn’t…well, there’s paranormal craziness…and then there’s very-definitely-not-passing-as-human.
It’s cause of what part of Nudge is at his eye level.
Paul is killing me slowly with the great art that he posts here and then offers up on ebay! Hey Paul! I need SOME money to live on!
The problem is, Paul needs some money to live on too!
I was wondering at Justin’s expression in the 2nd frame — Is he marveling at the library, or is Nudge one of his weird ex-girlfriends?
The Library, else Shelly would have said, ” And this is Nudge — “
Aaaaaand … Justin’s craz-o-meter just turned into a dancing frog. Hiya Nudge! What’s shakin, mamacita mas loca? (too lazy to pull up the right accents, sue me :P)
BTW, wife’s home for a 5-week layoff and I took a couple extra days off this week, so if you don’t hear from me, it just means we managed to find some time to catch a movie or something, so I ain’t here. 😀
Oof… that almost cost you a new keyboard… I very nearly coughed some coffee down into my prized Unicomp buckling-spring noisemaker. 🙂
Actually, I think Justin’s crazy-detector just crawled over to a corner to cry piteously about the abuse it’s been receiving.
So thát’s the soft lamenting I am hearing.
Valkeiper- I think it is just in a coma.
Thank you, Paul.
Now we can get down to the nitty-gritty details about our intrepid hero.
uh, right?
Yeah, right. If you believe that, I got a bridge to sell you in Downtown Minneapolis.
How about this bridge? Twin Cities Cycling News From Around the Web It still works for its intended mode of travel, you just can’t take multi-ton WMD over it any more. So they closed it to everybody.
Or are you talking about this bridge? Who is willing to own an old bridge?
“You want some crazy? I gotcha crazy…”
For the ultimate crazy, I always go with Michael Keaton, he does it so well.
(The Dream Team)
bad guy: “I’m a cop …”
Keaton: “I’m insane, you don’t impress me”
bad guy: “I’m going to count to three …”
Keaton: “I’m not even going to count ::cocks hammer::”
Or his freakout with a fire poker in Batman (“You want NUTS? I’ll show you NUTS! C’mon … let’s get nuts.”), or his whole portrayal in Pacific Heights.
Of all the people they could have run into in the library xD
YES!!!!! I said I was looking forward to him meeting Nudge, and here? Wish come true!!! 😀 Thank you Paul!!
Um. I just realized, Shelly signed her name on a possible demon’s book. She could have accidentally signed a contract without meaning to. Bad enough a demon would have her name penned by Shelly.
Don’t worry, said contract would be invalid because it wasn’t signed in blood. 😉
Not to mention she’s a shadow. Shelly could just cast magic missile at the darkness.
OH NO! You didn’t!!! I’m not mentioning the soda.
What? You want a Mountain Dew? Does ANYONE ELSE want one?
yeah, and they weren’t in or near a Gazebo either…
Yeah, Right … No More Crazy (but she did add the “I Hope” part.)
Oh, Wait … Nudge isn’t Crazy. She might be Wierd.
Nudge is just so enthusiastic! I’m sure her words will reassure Justin that all is well even if she does look formidable.
I just had a scary thought. Imaging Nudge after having too much sugar and/or caffeine. (Shudders).
Ever see the Halloween episode of Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, where Mac was fed a tiny granule of sugar?
Kinda like that, plus horns and long tongue.
I don’t usually do this, but I’m going to use Fairportfan’s words, because they burned themselves into my brain and I think about it every time somebody mentions hyperactivity. Three words: “Ferret on crack.”
Bah-a-buuh? Gasp! Wheezee! Personal space has been violated, must step back from drawing 😀
Ooo, sexy! Lookit all those books!
You really need to shelf your pun habit, or you’ll end up broke.
I guess that about covers it…
That’s what my bookie says when I page him.
It was bound to happen…
This is the pun police. I’m arresting this thread. Book ’em Danno.
I promise to turn over a new leaf.
Yep, no crazy here. Just your everyday Library experience.
Now, if Nudge had greeted them upside down, that would have been…still your everyday Library experience. Probably.
In the Wapsi universe… for this crew…
… after indulging her love for double-garlic pizzas with extra natto.
I can imagine a crossover scene… Wapsi x “Rose is Rose”… Nudge, with the space around her head and horns decorated with the cloud of floating skulls which denotes an effluvium of really bad garlic breath 🙂
Even Justin’s regenerative powers might be overwhelmed by demigod halitosis.
Can’t be any worse than my dog’s dragon breath. Sometimes I just wish she could tell me where she has been finding dragons to hunt.
It’s worse than that. She likes anchovies on her pizzas.
Good point.
Not your typical WalMart greeter…
Maybe at the WALMART at 3 a.m. ……on a Weekend……..
..Near a College campus……after a Frat party.
If I saw something like that around here, I would say, “Wait… Where did that WalMart come from?”
Ack — another 2AM or later update. Sleep beckons, her gentle voice soothing the day’s tribulations away… far away… where they’re no bother at all…… zzzzzzzzzzzz
And there’s the other happy puppy-dog of the Library.
“No more crazy, she said… Then brought me before *THE* crazy!”