waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaitaminute, when her demon was talking about the accident and someone died, is that supposed to be her? was that planned from the start, or is it a retcon after deciding they both had accidents?
Not sure when Pual first got the idea but, I think it was planed for a while. No only do they have the accedent connection. Both of them are from mexico. And as Tina said “WE” as in more than one demon. if you look back to a lot of Tina’s earlier conversations you will see have the text in different font, almost like different moods or people are talking.
… She is sometimes helpful sometimes just confusing, giving advices but mostly in a cryptic way… And she less “bounded”, than other demons. I’m not sure, but can be “Whim”…?
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaitaminute, when her demon was talking about the accident and someone died, is that supposed to be her? was that planned from the start, or is it a retcon after deciding they both had accidents?
Not sure when Pual first got the idea but, I think it was planed for a while. No only do they have the accedent connection. Both of them are from mexico. And as Tina said “WE” as in more than one demon. if you look back to a lot of Tina’s earlier conversations you will see have the text in different font, almost like different moods or people are talking.
Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah I’m in love with Tina. I always go for the crazy ones
That’s not necessarily a good thing. The opposite is true as well. Having one of the ‘crazies’ on your side means they see things differently.
If you look back and find the comic of her in front of her bulletin board at her house, it has several news articles. ALL of them are relevant to her.
Are Tina’s eyes changing or is that me?
… She is sometimes helpful sometimes just confusing, giving advices but mostly in a cryptic way… And she less “bounded”, than other demons. I’m not sure, but can be “Whim”…?