Short Break and Housekeeping
Hey folks! I’ll be taking this week to get things set up so I can get making videos for Patreon and sort out some other stuff to help my overall workflow move smoother. I’ll also be opening up a page over on WebToon to try and find more new readers. If you haven’t already checked Webtoon out yet, give it a go and please feel free to follow me over there! Lots of talented creators over there and a nice orderly system to help you find new comics to match your tastes. Also while there, please check out my talented friend Katie cook’s comic Nothing Special.
Helllllpppp Aunt M!
Auntie Em! Auntie Em!
I meant to say hello, but it was tired and I was late…
Just a quick suggestion on the webtoons posts. You might want to put the original year on the pages, as well. Especially, because the of the calendar thing. But, in general, it will let people know that this is a long running comic, not a flash in the pan.
Each of the comics have the original date down in the lower left corner. =)
Looks like two crossed thighbones. Is that pirate traditional?
That’s hungry carnivore.
Absolutely; she IS a Jaguar Para after all…
Can’t put my finger on it but there’s something off with Ms face, the eyes maybe?
I thought at first it was Jin…!
Ah now I see it, I got an “uncanny valley” vibe because her face looks like it’s a mask she’s wearing. It’s the very angular shape of her face that did it.
And the thin line of hair down the left side of her face.
Yeah, can totally see the ‘mask’ look, and not just because of the hair down the left side of her face
So x marks the spot for buried treasure… Tho with that outfit it is not that buried. Lol Personally I wouldn’t mind digging but with that smile on her face it might hurt.
Make the wrong move on her, and YOU might get buried!
In different continents (including the recently discovered sunken continent)
IMHO this is the best drawing of Monica in the history of, like, ever…
So many people acting like Monica eats people.
Reminds me of a T-shirt I owned: You’d be happy too, if you could eat what bugs you.
Given her history and the company she keeps…. you will need more than the trojan man for protection, more like the whole army…..
So this is “little Sister” Monica, the “pushover”.
umm,, your ideal of order,, does NOT match mine.. Even after “subscribing” i still cannot find “waspi square”.. . unless there is some hidden page that i have yet to find… i have to type it in to the search bar,,, even then it gives me “did you mean..” with two or three to choose from…
and.. are you copying / moving the archives over there cuz all im reading is archives…
I gave you a direct link to my page with the comic over there. Bookmark that and use that to get to it. Yes, I’m copying the entire archive over there to reach new readers.
Thanks for the Hot Tip about Katie Cook’s comic _Nothing Special_.
I checked it out and it is indeed wonderful in every respect—the script, artwork, colouring … the whole shootin’ match. (Except for, you know, I’m an alter cocker and still having trouble wrapping my mind around vertically-scrolling comics. But with stuff as enjoyable as that, I’ll get used to it I’m sure.)
So I’ve signed in at WEBTOONS so I can “subscribe” to it.
Thanks again!