Being Serious by Paul Taylor on June 19, 2022 at 7:30 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Barbara, ShawnaLocation: Gryphon Club Room, Gryphon High Related Comics ¬ Much More Awkward Knowing Why Girlfriend Boyfriend Dropped the Ball Someone Special
Shawna looks kinda weird without her hair in the loop braids
Whatta ya mean she looks weird? She’s transformed into a babe-alert GODDESS!!! 😍
Barbara is looking less like a five-year-old than she used to.
I was going to comment on Shawna’s New Doo, but it DOES make her a lot more BABE-a-LICIOUS! It would like REALLY SWEET if she let it fall to her shoulders, I bet.
LOOK. It would LOOK really sweet……Typographical Error
The new hairstyle threw me
I do wonder how she feels about maybe not playing Patsy to Mindy’s King Arthur, now that Mindy is hanging with a guy who’s not Sir Galahad the Chaste.
Well, he was chaste . . . until she caught him.
Typo in bubble #1: “you” instead of “your.”
The last panel just had to drawn that way didn’t it ?