01/26/2004 by Paul Taylor on January 26, 2004 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Heather, ShellyLocation: Daren's Bar Related Comics ¬ 11/21/2003 10/06/2004 10/21/2002 In Charge 09/11/2001
XD! Shelly’s eyes. “HELLL-O”
Yes yes yes! Lesbian relationship please!
Nuttin’ wrong with being Gay or Lesbian; to each their own…
And again I ask why someone always feels the need to say this.
And again I answer: Homophobiaphobia =)
i.e. the irrational fear of being labeled a homophobe =)
Actually I say things like that BECAUSE I’m mildly homophobic, but I don’t think it’s wrong, just that it wigs me out.
I fully believe you have the right to be however you are, I just don’t have to like it
When all of a sudden she lobs a knuckle-ball that suddenly breaks left..
just a small twist of fate 🙂
🎼Happy birfday to me🎶
Ah one of Shelly’s early “Oh shit, I’m being a horrible person” moments