02/01/2005 by Paul Taylor on February 1, 2005 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: ShellyLocation: Daren's Bar, Garage Related Comics ¬ Take This And Do This 01/03/2003 04/08/2005 And She Was 10/24/2003
Shelly had a ‘yell’ of a day…
sometimes your glad of the yelling days cause at least then you didn’t hold it all up inside.
I love how the antenna is bent back from the volume. =)
Shelly: even automobiles fear her…
It couldn’t have been that bad of a day- the paint didn’t peel off…
primal screaming is sposed to be very theraputic.
I guess Shel could ball up that car like a wet Kleenex…
VERY late observation, random-walking my way around the archives…
The car she’s yelling at looks like a Ford Fairmont. I owned one for years and years and did a LOT of yelling at it, so I can kinda feel her pain. 😀