Or maybe a new genre! We have steam punk for Industrial Revolution-style sci-fi, and cyber punk for the Age of Information, so ethereal punk could be science fiction modeled after ancient legends, with all sorts of semi-spiritual technology and… oh, hey! That’s a good genre to place Gunnerkrigg Court in!
Is that the one that starts out with a decently large cast, though mostly women, dwindles it down to a core few, goes all Groundhog Day on you, then goes back to the regularly scheduled supernatural stuff?
The one where all the letters are used for, ahem, delicate items?
The one where the one dog is smarter than your average bear?
Ethereal Punk sounds like it would be pretty cool
Not to mention an AWESOME name for a band!
Or maybe a new genre! We have steam punk for Industrial Revolution-style sci-fi, and cyber punk for the Age of Information, so ethereal punk could be science fiction modeled after ancient legends, with all sorts of semi-spiritual technology and… oh, hey! That’s a good genre to place Gunnerkrigg Court in!
Not to mention that other webcomic, what’s it called…Something-or-other Square?
Is that the one that starts out with a decently large cast, though mostly women, dwindles it down to a core few, goes all Groundhog Day on you, then goes back to the regularly scheduled supernatural stuff?
The one where all the letters are used for, ahem, delicate items?
The one where the one dog is smarter than your average bear?
Nope. Never heard of it.