Too many in the modern world have forgotten what a real community is like – either the extraverts glom on to others and overwhelm them, or the introverts have no connections left.
For me it’s kind of different. I haven’t given up, nor has the world, but I’ve stopped thinking that there’s any hope left in the world. Kind of hard to when you watch the news nowadays. Just more death, murder, mayhem, and other such negativity.
…She wasn’t kidding about not wearing clothes at home then. Some how, I just thought she sat around in her underwear.
errrrrrmmmmm does she have a robe for answering the door?
Considering her reclusiveness I would say I doubt she has ever thought someone would answer the door.
Why? Plan on paying her a visit?
YES! Possibly with a flower.
I feel so bad for her because I know how she feels. I struggle with these feelings myself no matter how good my life is lol.
Man am I messed up lol.
with so many people feeling the same way i think its what it feels like to be human
Too many in the modern world have forgotten what a real community is like – either the extraverts glom on to others and overwhelm them, or the introverts have no connections left.
For me it’s kind of different. I haven’t given up, nor has the world, but I’ve stopped thinking that there’s any hope left in the world. Kind of hard to when you watch the news nowadays. Just more death, murder, mayhem, and other such negativity.
Don’t watch the freaking news.