03/16/2005 by Paul Taylor on March 16, 2005 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Daren, Monica, ShellyLocation: Daren's Bar └ Tags: flirt Related Comics ¬ Talktoher 12/24/2001 Cookingmesupper Many Memes Marathontonight
Do those flowers mean what I think they mean?
If you think it means she’s flirting without realizing, then yes.
Yep. 🙂
Miss Manners will tell you, that if it’s flirting, then not even the participants are truly sure what’s going on.
And it’s all the more effective in that she doesn’t have a clue…
I’m so like that… even with guys… and then when I mention I’m gay their like… weren’t you just flirting with me? and I’m all “Oh no! Was I?” and I feel bad for giving them the wrong idea
I enjoy teasingly flirting on purpose, since I’m nowhere near bold enough to actually try to initiate a relationship.
That, and while I have no idea what my sexuality is high school was SO much more fun watching my friends suddenly go ‘omg I’m not a lesbian.’
(For those of you who don’t know, the proper answer when somebody says that is ‘well you haven’t been with me.’ >D)
How many different spellings have we had for ‘Daren’ now?
Two. “Darin” and “Daren”. The latter seems to be canon, the former an early typo.
Word of the day: “Inadflirtent”.