05/05/2003 by Paul Taylor on May 5, 2003 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Shelly Related Comics ¬ Cheese and Rice 03/07/2005 05/05/2005 12/03/2004 06/28/2002
Ohhhh I can empathize with this.
How many times has my mother told me that I don’t need specific items such as food or movies or books to make myself feel better?
They won’t necessarily ‘make’ you feel better, but a crappy mood often could use the extra help to improve. It’s making a habbit of getting into a bad mood and slugging out on the couch for 3+ hours while eating unhealthy treats, that can be bad.
everyone who says you don’t need chocolate icecream when you are feeling sorry for yourself should be put into a sack and hit with a baguette.
(there is need and there is need)
The way things are goin’ she’s LIVING that movie!