05/09/2005 by Paul Taylor on May 9, 2005 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Heather, Shelly, Shelly's Dad └ Tags: Shelly Bean Related Comics ¬ Wapsiguestshortpacked 05/17/2004 Just Once Spell Our Doom 01/12/2004
XD Love Heather.
But she can’t help thinking it.
“Father, I had bad thoughts.”
“Did you entertain them?”
“No–but they sure entertained me!”
Bahahaha I Have to Remember that… LOL
Ppanut butter and Shelly sound like a sexy recipe! Ironically, I have a girlfriend named shelly… not THAT kind of girl friend, the OTHER kind!
Well, now that you’ve said it there’s no going back. No matter how you try to frame it I’m flexible enough to find the naughtiest possible interpretation…
It’s a talent! XD
Sadly…ugh they have PICTURES LIKE THAT on the internet…yes I think I’m starting to go blind.
But is it because you want to stab out your eyeballs or because you already have with…something else? >.> <..>
Because someone has to say it…
It’s peanut butter Shelly time!!!!