05/14/2003 by Paul Taylor on May 14, 2003 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Shelly └ Tags: comic and video store, robbery Related Comics ¬ 07/27/2004 Simplify Things 2012 02029 Your Clothes A Little Competition 02/26/2003
Ooh. Cool page.
XD So very, very cool. ‘WHAM’
And the moral of the story, children?
Never, ever come between a girl and her pity party.
Ohh, pluses over the eyes; classic toon!
Isn’t it normally “X”s? (And even then, that’s meant to convey to the audience that the person is completely unconscious… or dead.)
3rd panel is a cut-away look at the Laura Croft poster on the back wall, with the lower half visible in the 4th panel. Paul wanted to show you how strongly Shelly resembles their fantasy girl right in this moment.