05/30/2005 by Paul Taylor on May 30, 2005 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Amanda, MonicaLocation: Lake Calhoon └ Tags: lubbs my tumb Related Comics ¬ 07/18/2003 Kept Her Safe 09/17/2003 Followed Through 08/24/2004
O_O;; Lordy! That’s…just. WOW.
My friends, say hello to MACROGLOSSIA! (having an enlarged/overlong tongue)
Que the jurasic park music!!!
Miss Gargoyle of the Boudoir is the cutest nickname yet. ;3
I <3 Monica's tongue.
GEEZUS KRIST! Even MY tongue isn’t that long! No wonder Kevin loves it…. if my girls love mine, just think what MONICA’S could do
Gene Simmons would be envious of the size of her tounge
…How does that fit in her mouth?
I tried to find a non-suggestive way to say this and totally failed. :/
OK, how can any human being stay upright, let alone Monica, when they can do that???
Ms. Gene Simmons!
Heh, her tongue is almost long enough to wrap around… o.o uhh what was I saying?
Holy schnikes! Her tongue is probably bigger than most guys’…
fingers. What did you think I was gonna say, you perverts? XD
But no, seriously, wow. Just…wow. imagination in overdrive, brain overclocked. x.x
Upon a re-read, I had another thought. It’s good that Monica didn’t take up yoga, or her BF would be totally superfluous!
Or, as someone who dated a yoga instructor, in a state of perpetual bliss. Besides, the human body automatically dulls the feeling a bit when you touch yourself, which is why it feels better to have someone else touch your self.