06/11/2003 by Paul Taylor on June 11, 2003 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Lakshmi, Owen └ Tags: bowling Related Comics ¬ 12/30/2002 03/10/2003 02/24/2003 12/12/2001 02/05/2003
i bet owen is now thinking about his late-night plans with lakshmi
…and how long his hospital convalescence may be.
like Grillka and Quark
Can you say ‘Death by snu-snu’?
Owen: “As impressive as it is that ^anyone^ (even someone as beautiful and feminine as you are) can do what you just did, I think the people who ^maintain^ this place might appreciate it if you DID “hold back” a bit.
Reminds me of Niven’s “Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex”–only in reverse. . . .