10/12/2004 by Paul Taylor on October 12, 2004 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: ShellyLocation: Jimmie's Reggae Bar Related Comics ¬ 03/01/2005 01/29/2003 10/05/2004 01/28/2004 Ragweed Attack
Love how Shelly’s hair spikes up in panel three. Gold.
Drinks at a reggae bar: $10.
Realizing you’re at a different bar than your friend: Priceless
Panel 3 translation: Ho SHIT!
In a TV show or movie, someone would have bumped into the DJ booth to provide that wonderful full-record needle scratch at that point.
How many niche bars does Jimmie have?
The Blues bar is Jimmy’s. This one is Jimmie’s.