10/14/2002 by Paul Taylor on October 14, 2002 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Becky, Monica, ShellyLocation: Mucho Mocha Related Comics ¬ 03/21/2005 Madetheconnection 02/04/2002 10/08/2004 What Did You Do
What ever happend to the security guard and the coffee?
Having a short stint as a graveyard shift security guard, I can tell you. He drank it.
I heard that guards and gourds don’t go well together…
I like Shelly SO much better without that weird tripple ponytail thing. I don’t know why, but I feel like it makes her look bitchy. But she becomes one of my favorites later.
Maybe her losing the tails was just her outgrowing a punk phase.
The tails didn’t work so well in sudden downpours.