I THINK Owen just meant something along the lines of “she’s not daddy’s little girl anymore, because she’s a married woman”. That IS somewhat the symbolism behind the father walking the bride down the aisle; a transfer of roles.
Not that she’s an “ex-daughter” because she married her own dad, and the title of “wife” now overrules “daughter”. (And yet that’s where my own mind went first too. )
exdaughter???n whattttt????
He’s not losing a daughter, he’s gaining a son.
Ex daughter, that’s harsh.
try bride next time owen ^^
The bride’s father and his bride? I think that’s even worse.
I THINK Owen just meant something along the lines of “she’s not daddy’s little girl anymore, because she’s a married woman”. That IS somewhat the symbolism behind the father walking the bride down the aisle; a transfer of roles.
Not that she’s an “ex-daughter” because she married her own dad, and the title of “wife” now overrules “daughter”. (And yet that’s where my own mind went first too.