11/26/2001 by Paul Taylor on November 26, 2001 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Amanda, MonicaLocation: Monica's Place └ Tags: ballet costume, birthday Related Comics ¬ Chalk This Up 12/21/2001 06/14/2002 Fauxtimetraveler Notyourfault
two words: PARTY DRESS! 😛
Is Amanda lesbian?
Not that you have to be to ogle THAT body.
Even if she’s not, I’m sure she’s weighing her options…
Frankly, anyone with a bra size that goes past DD and wearing THAT outfit? Everyone from old grannies to flamboyantly gay men would be staring.
Yes, but not all for the same reasons.
Among other reasons to stare, there is amazement that she not only fit all that in there, but it doesn’t look like its about to burst like a balloon stretched too thin.
Being in one of those categories – I can confirm!
Little hint: no kids, certanly no grandkids 😉
As a stylist friend once whispered, in a fashion-show dressing-area: ‘It’s like *they* are staring back at you’ .. 😉
Whatever happened to this outfit anyway?
There ARE places where wearing that would be appropriate. Typically places with stages and vertical poles. 😛
Like the bus?
Buses have stages now?
One clap for the attempt.
Oh yeah, it still fits…But it fits *differently*
Stretchy. It seems to have a great deal of stretch.