It’s far from actual dutch, but in my home someone said, that the best way to describe the dutch language is “drunken english sailors speaking german”, so if the other one doesn’t speak any scandinavian language (which have some common part, or at least some similarities), i doubt, that she will be caught of lying.
A friend, who speaks Low German and English, once described Flemish this way: “Yeah, when you go to Belgium, at first you don’t understand what they are saying. But then, after a few weeks, to your horror, you begin to pick it up. . . .”
wait, what? dutch. w00t dutch reference in comic
It’s far from actual dutch, but in my home someone said, that the best way to describe the dutch language is “drunken english sailors speaking german”, so if the other one doesn’t speak any scandinavian language (which have some common part, or at least some similarities), i doubt, that she will be caught of lying.
A friend, who speaks Low German and English, once described Flemish this way: “Yeah, when you go to Belgium, at first you don’t understand what they are saying. But then, after a few weeks, to your horror, you begin to pick it up. . . .”
I’ve always imagined an extraterrestrial language would sound like… Dutch . Played backwards.
I can also remember when I was surfing the thesaurus and I found ‘double Dutch’ as one of its synonyms.