Looking it up, it seems the terms are actually interchangeable, but I don’t think Shelly is being that literal here.
I’ve often heard “psychopath” used more loosely to mean “lunatic” or “crazy” and I think that’s what Shelly is going for.
There is still some debate on the topic (there always is), but by and large, the two terms are indeed considered interchangeable in the clinical/psychological sense.
okay but no?? they are not interchangeable at all?? like all psychopaths are sociopaths, sure, but not all sociopaths are psychopaths. they only thing they have in common is anti-social behavior patterns
a sociopath is someone who is like “man, probably shouldn’t have done that (but i don’t care all that much)” versus “i killed someone today. it’s time to eat breakfast” of a psychopath
Clinically, they’re more or less synonymous. But as you say, “psychopath” is often used as slang, to refer to someone who acts a bit crazy… not implying any kind of actual mental illness. “Psycho” would be more common, but I’ve seen the full version used sometimes.
I think “sociopath” is probably the better choice if you’re using the terms clinically… more descriptive, and less likely to be mis-understood.
To me, a sociopath understands society and can ‘blend in’, but don’t care about the ‘rules’ of society too much, view them more as ‘guidelines’ to help them continue what they are doing: namely slicing and dicing and causing chaos with the added benefit of fooling everyone
Joker, to me, is more of a sociopath who doesn’t care even enough to hide: he knows perfectly well how society works, and he could ‘blend in’, like Batman, if he wanted to, but, where would the fun be in that?
As far as i know there are different definitions for soziopath.
One is according to psychopath. A Person who has limited ability for empathy and is not able to feel the results of their actions according other people.
a second one is that the sociopath is fully able to understand all but decided to ignore it and acts antisocial.
The definition for psychopath is closer. It means lack of empathy and conscience. Differences in the brainstructure compared to normal people can be measured. Psychopaths are 6 times overrepresented in upper Management.
Sociopath and psychopath are NOT synonymous.
Sociopath = Impairments in interpersonal functioning (a or b):
a. Empathy: Impaired ability to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others; excessively attuned to reactions of others, but only if perceived as relevant to self; over- or underestimate of own effect on others.
b. Intimacy: Relationships largely superficial and exist to serve self-esteem regulation; mutuality constrained by little genuine interest in others‟ experiences and predominance of a need for personal gain
Psychopath= Despite its importance historically and contemporarily, psychopathy is not recognized in the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revised (DSM-IV-TR). Its closest counterpart, antisocial personality disorder, includes strong representation of behavioral deviance symptoms but weak representation of affective-interpersonal features considered central to psychopathy. The current study evaluated the extent to which psychopathy and its distinctive facets, indexed by the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure, can be assessed effectively using traits from the dimensional model of personality pathology developed for DSM-5, operationalized by the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5). Results indicate that (a) facets of psychopathy entailing impulsive externalization and callous aggression are well-represented by traits from the PID-5 considered relevant to antisocial personality disorder, and (b) the boldness facet of psychopathy can be effectively captured using additional PID-5 traits. These findings provide evidence that the dimensional model of personality pathology embodied in the PID-5 provides effective trait-based coverage of psychopathy and its facets.
I always thought the difference was:
A sociopath will kill you because you are in the way of a goal or something they want, or your death makes a point.
A psychopath will kill you because the clowns under the bed said you needed to die because the sky piranha demands it.
This character is kinda interesting, but doesn’t feel like it has much association with the partying mechanic we met her as, or the supernatural guardian she turned into.
We havent seen enough of her at all to make that judgement yet. She’s having a friendly chat. Theres only so much one can read into a short conversation.
I suppose she could make her own clothes when she’s in her human form. I seem to remember that in her early appearances her clothing was a little ragged.
that’s easy… she used the shovel to dig a hole that the Pyrodex went into, then covered it up with the 13 kiddy pools filled with the 40 gallons of Mayo, then used the strategically placed (in various places beforehand) jock straps to launch the avocado’s at Phix’s office in the Library… then when she comes out (last panel) that’s when Shelly set’s off the Pyrodex covering Phix in Mayo… See, it’s simple really…
I couldn’t figure out the avocados, but then I realized you had to have something to fill out the jockstraps. Now I’m off to TVTropes to figure out what trope this is. It turned into a future noodle incident, but is there a name for one in the making?
Hmmmm… Is that sorta like saying, Alchoholics can become sociopaths, but mentally deranged anti-social, isolationists bent on genocide are psychopaths?
I feel like the term you’re looking for is a sociopath. Psychopaths don’t have a conscience, and Shelly is literally talking to hers.
Looking it up, it seems the terms are actually interchangeable, but I don’t think Shelly is being that literal here.
I’ve often heard “psychopath” used more loosely to mean “lunatic” or “crazy” and I think that’s what Shelly is going for.
There is still some debate on the topic (there always is), but by and large, the two terms are indeed considered interchangeable in the clinical/psychological sense.
okay but no?? they are not interchangeable at all?? like all psychopaths are sociopaths, sure, but not all sociopaths are psychopaths. they only thing they have in common is anti-social behavior patterns
a sociopath is someone who is like “man, probably shouldn’t have done that (but i don’t care all that much)” versus “i killed someone today. it’s time to eat breakfast” of a psychopath
Clinically, they’re more or less synonymous. But as you say, “psychopath” is often used as slang, to refer to someone who acts a bit crazy… not implying any kind of actual mental illness. “Psycho” would be more common, but I’ve seen the full version used sometimes.
I think “sociopath” is probably the better choice if you’re using the terms clinically… more descriptive, and less likely to be mis-understood.
To me, a sociopath understands society and can ‘blend in’, but don’t care about the ‘rules’ of society too much, view them more as ‘guidelines’ to help them continue what they are doing: namely slicing and dicing and causing chaos with the added benefit of fooling everyone
Joker, to me, is more of a sociopath who doesn’t care even enough to hide: he knows perfectly well how society works, and he could ‘blend in’, like Batman, if he wanted to, but, where would the fun be in that?
As far as i know there are different definitions for soziopath.
One is according to psychopath. A Person who has limited ability for empathy and is not able to feel the results of their actions according other people.
a second one is that the sociopath is fully able to understand all but decided to ignore it and acts antisocial.
The definition for psychopath is closer. It means lack of empathy and conscience. Differences in the brainstructure compared to normal people can be measured. Psychopaths are 6 times overrepresented in upper Management.
Sociopath and psychopath are NOT synonymous.
Sociopath = Impairments in interpersonal functioning (a or b):
a. Empathy: Impaired ability to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others; excessively attuned to reactions of others, but only if perceived as relevant to self; over- or underestimate of own effect on others.
b. Intimacy: Relationships largely superficial and exist to serve self-esteem regulation; mutuality constrained by little genuine interest in others‟ experiences and predominance of a need for personal gain
Psychopath= Despite its importance historically and contemporarily, psychopathy is not recognized in the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revised (DSM-IV-TR). Its closest counterpart, antisocial personality disorder, includes strong representation of behavioral deviance symptoms but weak representation of affective-interpersonal features considered central to psychopathy. The current study evaluated the extent to which psychopathy and its distinctive facets, indexed by the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure, can be assessed effectively using traits from the dimensional model of personality pathology developed for DSM-5, operationalized by the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5). Results indicate that (a) facets of psychopathy entailing impulsive externalization and callous aggression are well-represented by traits from the PID-5 considered relevant to antisocial personality disorder, and (b) the boldness facet of psychopathy can be effectively captured using additional PID-5 traits. These findings provide evidence that the dimensional model of personality pathology embodied in the PID-5 provides effective trait-based coverage of psychopathy and its facets.
I always thought the difference was:
A sociopath will kill you because you are in the way of a goal or something they want, or your death makes a point.
A psychopath will kill you because the clowns under the bed said you needed to die because the sky piranha demands it.
Uh oh…
This character is kinda interesting, but doesn’t feel like it has much association with the partying mechanic we met her as, or the supernatural guardian she turned into.
We havent seen enough of her at all to make that judgement yet. She’s having a friendly chat. Theres only so much one can read into a short conversation.
When she’s casually talking about psychologically torturing an innocent bystander just for being nosy I can see his point.
We never really saw her when she was the school bully
I wonder where Phix gets her clothes? I suppose with 80,000 years on her hands, she might have made her own.
I suppose she could make her own clothes when she’s in her human form. I seem to remember that in her early appearances her clothing was a little ragged.
oh boy o_o…
Pinky… Are YOU thinking what I’M thinking?…
I think so Brain.
But where are we going to get an accordian, 10 lbs of humus, and 4 unwashed yaks.
I think Ren and Stimpy may be able to help you with the unwashed yaks.
Yeah, Brain, but those burlap jockstraps are so *itchy*!
Sociopath, to me, is more focused on the interaction with Society.
‘Psychopath’, well- thats just Crazy, with or with out other people…
Sounds about right, but, as a sociopath, might be a little biased
“I don’t know Brain, what are you thinking?…”
I’m impressed at Shelly’s prank level…and admittedly curious as to what she did with all that to set Phix off
I think it had to do with noodles…
And quite possibly involved Nudge… who certainly would have involved herself if she caught wind of a good prank.
Another Noodle Incident?
I’m betting Paul has no idea what Shelly intends to use all that stuff for either. Half the joke is seeing the audience try to puzzle it out.
that’s easy… she used the shovel to dig a hole that the Pyrodex went into, then covered it up with the 13 kiddy pools filled with the 40 gallons of Mayo, then used the strategically placed (in various places beforehand) jock straps to launch the avocado’s at Phix’s office in the Library… then when she comes out (last panel) that’s when Shelly set’s off the Pyrodex covering Phix in Mayo… See, it’s simple really…
I think it was the Pyrodex…
Some damn sunny day, that girl’s gonna cross the line; then…WHAM!!!
I couldn’t figure out the avocados, but then I realized you had to have something to fill out the jockstraps. Now I’m off to TVTropes to figure out what trope this is. It turned into a future noodle incident, but is there a name for one in the making?
Hmmmm… Is that sorta like saying, Alchoholics can become sociopaths, but mentally deranged anti-social, isolationists bent on genocide are psychopaths?
Shelly ….. Don’t Poke the Sphinx…..For thou art Tasty when dipped in Butter !
Don’t forget Shelly is a Sphinx herself, and has eaten her share. She just has to remember not to go up against Phix in the Library.
I have no clue whatsoever of what this is going to result in. There’s also the mater of what she already has on hand to add to the mix.