This strip puts me in mind of the scene in Pterry Pratchett’s The Last Hero when Rincewind walks up to the Patrician, and says
“I want to make it clear that I do not wish toivolunteer for this mission.”
“Well, then don’t.”
“You don’t understand. I’ve lived my life. I know how it works. Somehow i am going to be on this mission. I just want to make perfectly clear that I am not a volunteer…”
It allows the intellectuals to overshadow the sturdy. Honestly, what excuse is there to not investigate far flung places when you can simply POIT there?
Although I wonder… is Poiting really a technology? Monica can somehow do it “magically”…
Even if one poits from place to place, avoiding such things as passports and customs, it’s still a good idea to get those shots before going. Who knows what one of those mosquitos injected into her body.
Send the golem girls then. They’re impervious. Heck, they could probably kill every mosquito in a ten mile radius if they tried, so then you bring in the rest of the team.
Now there’s a thought. I wonder if the GGG’s control is that subtle? I mean, can you fine down the focus on an H-bomb? Or do you kill every mosquito within a ten mile radius by vaporizing the countryside?
In both of those cases it’s a matter of affectng everything within a certain radius. no word on if you can, for instance, rmove the insects from a gaden without harming a leaf in one move.
Considering what Shelly had to do to Monica on their last outing, I’m surprised she’s showing this much enthusiasm for the next one – if, indeed, there will be one.
Of course, Shelly may just be giving M a good wind-up for her own amusement. In M’s words, Shelly is an asshole.
Shelly had an amazing adventure with the calendar machine and just had great sex, so I can see why she’d be so full of beans (caffeinated beans, that is) and want herself and Monica to poit off somewhere exotic…
Perhaps the key to Jin’s problem is still back in the calandar machine chamber where it started. So an eventual trip may be in order. Who knows what hidden chambers and other secrets are still contained within. Not that Shelly would know at this point. She’s just yanking Monica’s chain. Maybe hoping to poit to a tropical resort for the weekend. I know that’s what I’d be doing with the ability to poit.
Rut roh, Raggy…
Get it? JIN-kies?? Hello? Is this thing on??
You’re being PUNitively ignored.
In the jar, please.
If it ain’t on then that must mean you’ve broken the internet with your pun.
Shelly understands better than Monica how this works, apparently.
This strip puts me in mind of the scene in Pterry Pratchett’s The Last Hero when Rincewind walks up to the Patrician, and says
Ooh! I don’t recall that scene; I’ll have to see if I have that book.
But that is 110% true. If Rincewind’s in the book, he will be all up in the middle of whichever piles of crap happen to show up.
Ahh, technology.
It allows the intellectuals to overshadow the sturdy. Honestly, what excuse is there to not investigate far flung places when you can simply POIT there?
Although I wonder… is Poiting really a technology? Monica can somehow do it “magically”…
Clarke’s Third Law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Right off-hand?
Memories of unpleasant people with automatic weapons and your best friend sticking a knife in the top of your head, just for starters…
Don’t you have to be there first? Or within sight of the place?
Oh I’m pretty sure that next time starts right now, and Monica you are involved in it whether you want to be or not.
Even if one poits from place to place, avoiding such things as passports and customs, it’s still a good idea to get those shots before going. Who knows what one of those mosquitos injected into her body.
Send the golem girls then. They’re impervious. Heck, they could probably kill every mosquito in a ten mile radius if they tried, so then you bring in the rest of the team.
Now there’s a thought. I wonder if the GGG’s control is that subtle? I mean, can you fine down the focus on an H-bomb? Or do you kill every mosquito within a ten mile radius by vaporizing the countryside?
Maybe their morning breath after a night of binge drinking could do the trick.
Brandi caught flies and carried them outside. Bud popped popcorn without damaging anything else. They must have pretty fine control.
In both of those cases it’s a matter of affectng everything within a certain radius. no word on if you can, for instance, rmove the insects from a gaden without harming a leaf in one move.
Considering what Shelly had to do to Monica on their last outing, I’m surprised she’s showing this much enthusiasm for the next one – if, indeed, there will be one.
Of course, Shelly may just be giving M a good wind-up for her own amusement. In M’s words, Shelly is an asshole.
“and I don’t like the way that you’re smiling at me” … said the fly to the spider.
Shelly has to be winding her up. How does trekking through the jungle compare to fixing a broken Golem Girl?
Yeah . I think Shelly’s taking the mickey out of M again .
Maybe it’s the part that Shelly can relate to.
Shelly had an amazing adventure with the calendar machine and just had great sex, so I can see why she’d be so full of beans (caffeinated beans, that is) and want herself and Monica to poit off somewhere exotic…
Technically, Shelley already wound Monica up.
Shelly weirds me out when she gets these funky fanatical ideas (can you say Lara Croft wannabe? I knew you could…)
That third panel is what Monica’s going to look like at age 65, right?
Only if she doesn’t get enough calcium in her diet from now on
People involved in these kinds of adventures rarely make it to 65…
There are old adventurers, and there are bold adventurers. But there are never any old, bold adventurers
If that don’t beat all. What does she do for a living again?
I think we can rule out travel agent.
She’s a mechanic and physical trainer.
So how is tomb raiding going to help out Jin, which is the purported reason for further adventuring? Shouldn’t they start by translating Tina’s diary?
Perhaps the key to Jin’s problem is still back in the calandar machine chamber where it started. So an eventual trip may be in order. Who knows what hidden chambers and other secrets are still contained within. Not that Shelly would know at this point. She’s just yanking Monica’s chain. Maybe hoping to poit to a tropical resort for the weekend. I know that’s what I’d be doing with the ability to poit.
I have a brother that tried mosquito repellent when he went to Cambodia. He said the mosquitoes treated it like candy.
Spin cut to…….
in the deep, dark jungles of Africa: “How did I let you talk me into this!?!?”
You guys are forgetting that it is not advisable to teleport somewhere that you have not already been.
GLAD someone remembered that!