A Visit by Paul Taylor on February 25, 2020 at 11:31 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: DietzelLocation: The Library Related Comics ¬ No Reason Stargazing 05/08/2002 Insects Protected
Daaaaw she lonely, and he’s lovey. <3
Kind of looks like Monica.
I think she looks more like Castela.
I think this might be a inner demon from castela due how it looks like stinkweed are mini pooch knows castela in some way maybe her despair demon?
How is he going to get back up to the top? (unless she takes him up? And if she does that — does she leave the room?)
Looks like she was gettin’ her mope on. And now she’s been interrupted by a microscopic bull terrier. How the heck do you get a proper mope around that? He just sort of ruined the whole angst thing and now she’s gotta start over.
Aw, Dietzel’s gonna make her happy. <3
🎶🎵 The porcelain mannequin with shattered skin fears attack… 🎶🎵
Are those stairs carpeted?
Look at the third panel. Cracked riser and tread.
If we only knew her story…
New friend!
thats monicas demon. self worrth… somehow it got pulled from her and separated
I’ll bet self-loathing was the culprit. Self-loathing is always the culprit. Just ask Arnold J Rimmer.
Who’s the bestest boy?
True friendship doesn’t care HOW you look on the outside, but what’s within you…
We’ve seen this character somewhere before…
I truly adore Dietzel, bless his sweet heart. And such a cutie too!
Dietzel knows when their tail-wagging-worthy. Many dogs know the same thing.