hey, she is still a golem, plus perception field, PLUS , um, ‘human frailty’ mod ?? so she can do everything should could do before, plus the ability to get damaged, heal, and grow old…
This will only make sense if the reply I posted to SoWhyMe is approved. The second link is relevant to the discussion but it’s only clear in the 2nd half of the podcast.
@Francisco: WAY Back in the 50’s the sci-fi writer John Dalmas wrote a book called “The General’s President” and that was exactly one of the sci-fi elements in it… were you channeling JD there for a moment?
Kind of like bloggers. They all quote sources that turn out to be other bloggers.
Or UFO conspiracy types. I remember when my admittedly tenuous belief in the “alien conspiracy” was killed off for good. I was watching a Discovery Channel Program called Wings and they were doing a story on the development on hovercraft. One of the experimental designs was the Avrocar. It was saucer shaped and had a central lift fan. Its preformance proved dissapointing. It could only get a few feet of the ground and was nearly impossible to control. The program ended and I flipped over to the History Channel and settled in to watch Secrets of Roswell Revealed.
About fifteen minutes in they revealed a “secret aircraft developed with captured ALIEN technology. The secret aircraft turned out to be the Avrocar. They showed footage of it sillouetted agianst the sky and cut the shots of it bumping into five foot high fences. Wow. So we got ducted fan tech from Aliens. Okay then, I’m out.
A study I read a few years ago, suggested that bad weather on weekends tends to be caused by… weekdays.
No joke! On weekdays, people drive around, factories are operating, construction machinery is in heavy use… all of these things tend to generate large amounts of fine particulates (dust, haze, sulfur dioxide turning into sulphate, etc.). These fine particles act as initiators for the formation of small water droplets in the atmosphere… in effect, an unintended form of “cloud seeding”. The particulate levels increase during the work week, and by Friday they’ve peaked… leading to cloudier weekends with a greater chance of rain. Over the weekend, many of the work-related causes of particle emissions are shut down or running at a lower level. By Monday, some of the particles from the previous week have fallen or been rained out of the atmosphere.
This effect is apparently strong enough to detectably skew the odds of clouds and rain towards the latter part of the week, and the weekend. It’s not by any means the dominating factor in local weather patterns, but it is (according to the study I read) significant.
I wouldn’t write this effect us as the fault of the government; I’d blame the fundamental perversity of the universe.
Ah, but what happens when MY changing the weather to water my tomato plants rains out YOUR garden party? I recall an old story in Analog in which the punch line was “Everyone does something about the weather but nobody talks about it!”
Yeah. What Monica/Jin said.
Currently in the Twin Cities, it is: 19F/-7C.
No snow on the ground. Light snow in the forcast for today.
Makes me think of Stealers Wheel: Stuck in the Middle With You. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMAIsqvTh7g
Friday we went from warm and sunny to BOOM! Poit levels of snow overnight.
Saturday was Camp Permafrost,
Sunday was cold and clear, and now it’s 16.
My wee one has gotten sick for the third time in three months(both due to schools not re-posting rules about sick kids and parents sending them back before they’ve had adequate time to clear their systems, oh, and the dramatic weather shifts all winter long). I love Winter, but can it finally make up it’s mind?
In the 1990s to mid-2000s here in central CA, we got what I called an “indian spring”–a few weeks of warm weather around about groundhog day, then back to our previous weather pattern in progress.
I know right, I live in the south, today is the first time we had snow all year. But with all the people freaking out and going crazy on the road, all I can think of is getting up to the Twin Cities area.
I know what you mean. Back in the early ’80s, a cold front moved through central Texas and laid ice everywhere.
I remember listening to a radio talk show out of Killen, Tx. The hosts were having a blast about one local report.
Seems at one particularly busy intersection, a cadillac slid on ice and hit a sub-compact from behind. The impact slid the small car into traffic, where it was hit and spun by two other cars.
Sounds normal, right? Well, this is where the ‘fun’ begins.
The first police officer to respond slides and hits the ‘caddy’. Another comes from another direction and hits one of the other cars involved.
An ambulance responding hits the second police car and the police captain coming to see about the matter hits the ambulance.
The collisions continue as more police, medical, and even fire equipment arrive…
All total 14 vehicles were eventually involved (in the collisions, that is). The only injuries were to the occupants of the sub-compact from the original incident.
Those radio hosts were having a blast reporting it.
that reminds me of a story my sister used to tell when she had just moved to Virginia, from Michigan where we grew up. she hadn’t gotten an in-state drivers license yet and the roads, and mass quantities of schools and public buildings were closed due to the 1/2 INCH! of snow on the ground!… anyways… she’s going in to work on the highway and is seeing LOTS of cars in the ditches from spinning out… she’s doing her normal 60 mph and gets pulled over by the state patrol… “Did you know you were driving too fast for the conditions?, I’ll have to see your drivers license and registration, ma’am…” when she shows it to him, he get’s a dazed look in his eyes, and says “oh… You’re from Michigan… Have a Nice Day!” and without another word, he turns around, gets back in his car and drives off…
And for those of you not used to ice:
1. bump the car into neutral
2. Turn the steering wheel towards where your back end is going (if you want the car to go straight)
3. Don’t touch the pedals till you have to and go easy on ’em when you do.
4. Leave 2-3x the following distance you think you need. Also, make sure cars at the stoplight are stopped before going.
We have it her in Central Florida right now as well. This weekend has been freeze warnings and chance of snow showers. For those not in the know, the last time we had snow in Florida was over 2 decades ago. The weather patterns are pretty messed up thanks to La Niña.
According to George Graphos (who can’t report the weather to the radio audience and the tv audience at the same time despite all efforts) there’s been a Polar Low circling over the north pole since before Christmas, which is helping to pull the warm weather north and screwing with the N.A. jetstream, while allowing Siberian cold air into nice places like … Portugal, Spain, southern France, and most of Europe, and icing up the Med. It’s like the weather choked.
I expect she could poit before she was golemized. We’ve seen several non-golem non-sphinx non-demon characters who can poit: Monica, Kukulcan, and the banana merchant spring to mind.
(Actually, come to think of it, have we ever seen a demon who can poit? eg, Nudge can’t.)
As Monica noted here: http://wapsisquare.com/comic/areyoulost-2/
she could have gotten out at any time. And I think there’s some other note (that I don’t find just now) that she didn’t rescue the girls because the priests would just have kidnapped more victims, and she was out to put an end to their plans once and for all.
But, tragically, she underestimated the amount of trauma the girls had undergone and thought she could still reason with them once they were merged into a single entity.
Or Jin had decided to use the Chimera to wipe the Lanthian civilization out of existince. And it should be noted that even after the Calendar Machine “fixed” her, Jin still wasn’t entirely sane.
Jin didn’t want the civilisation to be wiped out. She just wanted to stop the priests. She said that she tried to stop the chimera but stated that it was something akin to wrestling the sun.
But as Tepoz pointed out, you have to be able to poit to use it; it’s just a marker so that poiters can make jumps they would otherwise be incapable of.
Yer not the only one. CA has had weird weather also. Last Feb it was 83, then back to cold. Same thing is happening again here. It’s been nice & sunny the past few days. I wonder if the quakes we’ve been having might have something to do with it. An avalanche always begins with the smallest pebble.
I think I’ve got all of you beat though. I live in South-western Missouri. A nearby city is mentioned on TV Tropes as a real life example of weather dissonance
Try the wilds of Eastern Washington- we still got the filthy white stuff on the ground and it only melts enough to turn deadly when it freezes. THAT’s the only thing I miss about the San Fransisco Bay Area… TWO seasons, not FOUR- WET and DRY. MIGHT get below freezing on occasion, just enough to frost some glass and ice over a few puddles… NOT THIS STUFF!!! I am NOT a fan of SNOW!!!
Sgt. – another East-sider here. 15 years ago in Tri-Cities we got snow shin deep around Thanksgiving and it just kept snowing… Didn’t see the ground again until April.
This year, I have at least two of our garden plants cautiously blooming. I was outside getting dirty just wearing a tee shirt. (Well, and pants.)
Minneapolis! Brrr. But even if I felt otherwise, I’d hug either of those two to commiserate.
1) here is were I own land
2) There is not enough pay for me to move back to the people’s soviet socialist republic of Kalifornicatia
3) Annie won’t move closer to civilazation
4) There’s a sticky situation in Salinas where the statute of limitations has not yet expired and Washington does not recognise extradition with any nation/goverment that would elect Schwatzenegger to power
5)I would never inflict my eldest stepson on a liberal community, even though I have little patience with liberals
6) my personal arsenal represents the firefight capacity of the average infantry company without class III’s- the only warmer climates that tolerate such things also find scorpions and tarantulas acceptable, which Annie does not
7) I can usually bag 25-40 pounds of rattlesnake out here per season and am sufficiantly addicted… little butter, little garlic, filets get a quick sizzel on each side…
8) I have found a whole enclave of CA expatriots out here- we are all rather nuts, very conservative and spend winter griping about snow
9) It is rather … different… to live in a state that outlawed beastiality in 2005… I find it amusing…
10) There is no state income tax
11) I LIKE to complain about snow
Bama might be to your liking Sgt. Plenty of places to get away from civilization down here, fairly conservative politicaly, though we do have an income tax, and your arsenal would not be an issue. My CCW permit costs me $10 a year and there are no waiting periods. The downside is, we don’t see much snow, but a dusting will throw everyone into a panic. You could complain about that. I do.
The Timber Rattlers and Eastern Diamond Backs get pretty big, plus, there’s Cotton mouths on the river. And the wild hog population is pretty big too. They make great sausage.
… You sound exactly like my cousin(s)–half my family is CA expat and in the Portland area. My cousin calls and complains that it’s down to 50 and I try sooooo hard to be sympathetic, but out my window there’s a foot of snow and it’s -4 outside, and my sympathy just isn’t working…
And fwiw I want to move out to WA but I haven’t got my seed money yet.
Meanwhile, in southern Manitoba, there’s a real risk that this summer will bring a drought because of the lack of snow over the past couple of months. (lessened flood risk though, so…yay?) We finally got our first real cold snap about a month ago – six weeks late, give or take a week.
Apparently the farmers need the snow for the corn fields (don’t ask me why, they say so on the radio) and there hasn’t been any, so we may be seeing financial poop again, too.
Lovely weather in Houston today. Wet/damp, chilly, typical right before spring weather. Supposed to be in mid-70’s Wednesday. And then allergy season hits before too long. If it weren’t for those few perfect days that happen in the spring and fall, it just wouldn’t be worth living here!
Here in DFW we’ve been side swiped by a cold front that’s snuck down from the pan handle dropping the temp and dumping freezing rain for the past 12hrs.
Actually had a touch of sleet last night. Stepped outside and heard the gentle rustle as it fell on the azalea bushes. Closest thing to winter weather this season. Of course all the readers in northern climes are smacking open palm on forehead and shouting, “Winter weather, I’ll show ya winter weather!!!”
March too.
I flipped my van on its top by hydroplaning on a flash slush covered road east of Hennessey a few years back.
My brother said I made the Weather Channel.
I’m famous!
We’ve been having much the same here in New Mexico. Saturday was beautiful and I was even without my jacket while walking with my sweetie. I was planning to take a trip to a local dog park with my pups on Sunday when we got more snow. >.< I think it may even be snowing now. Bloody weather!
Current Georgia weather reports call for the possibility of snow/sleet Monday night/Tuesday morning – but the temps will be high enough (we think) that there’ll be no effects.
The fact that both of them are moaning about the weather instead of poiting somewhere warm shows that they know it’s not as bad as they say. They may even enjoy it.
True, true, but I bèt Jin knows some nice ‘n warm places/Islands besides their favourite sandbank.
It’s nót about the weather, but about company here, M wants to connect with Jin. Jin always held off by snarky comments and subtle unpleasanteries, due to her -let’s call it “anthill” view of normal life.
She’s normal and pretty sane again, and her goodhearted, social nature is returning. She has “trust” in life again, in no small way thanx to her steadfast Beau.
What I wouldn’t give for some of that freezing in NoNV! I don’t like the ice and snow myself, but this winter it’s been so dry that ‘fire season’ — which normally is ‘over’ in October — has continued into the winter nonstop, with two of the most destructive wildfires we’ve had on record occurring in late November and January. The lack of precipitation means that we’ll have unusually dry conditions and extremely destructive fires come next summer as well. I like the warmth … but not at the cost the warmth brings later.
Duh, forgot to comment on the comic – my reason for coming here.
Panel 1: Jin appears to still be holding her phone to her ear. Not surprising, since she poited in mid-sentence, but still amusing.
Panel 2: The interrogative inflection on “Thanks?” is killing me. “Not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult…”
Panel 3: …well, I’m sure it speaks for itself.
hey man… have you ever waited to meet someone, phoned them to say “where are you? ” and he says “across the street! :-D” – you find yourselves staring at each other talking on your phones….. :-):-)
Heh. Southern Maryland here, and we’ve been going from 50’s/60’s (10-16 C) to sub-freezing and back again for months. I’m a Northern boy and I miss my snow!
hey I just realized – the GG don’t feel heat or cold… (unless they member to!!! )
now that Jin is ‘humanised’ she is new to ‘feeling really cold’ , and has no option but to feel how bad it is!!! :O :O :O
As a former Chicagoan, Nawleanian, Bostonian(temp), Texan, Californian(Nor & So), and current New Yorker… weather is getting weirder everywhere, every year.
Uhuh.. Thát’s what the weather wants her to think.
I dó feel her pain though. I was glomped in an impressive manner by snow that was thawing of my solar-cells.
Perfect sliding, with pin-point precision on my head… “WOMP!!!” brrr..
DC area here. Finally got a dusting of snow over the weekend but it’s probably gone now. Making up for that Triple Threat a couple of Decembers ago, I guess.
Driving in that dusting got a little scary when it got so light that passing cars whipped it up and obscured my vision. i never thought you could get white-out conditions in less than an inch of snow.
So long as it’s cold enough that the snow doesn’t stick, it’ll immitate fog. There’s a sign on the bridge near my house: “Watch for fog AND BLOWING SNOW” (emphasis theirs!)
If I could turn a baseball into an atmospheric ball of plasma, I suspect that “doing something” about the weather would move into the “maybe I shouldn’t mess around with Mother Nature List” or someone might notice…
Poor Minnesooootans yah.
It’s the end of the world.
….♪ as we know it.♪ ♫Its’s the end of the world as we know it. And I feel Fiiiiiine.♫ OK EVERYBODY!……
Oh, and Jin apparently still has the capability to POIT.
What Jin appears to lack is her fangs…
Rarh. Damned typos in e-mail addresses.
hey, she is still a golem, plus perception field, PLUS , um, ‘human frailty’ mod ?? so she can do everything should could do before, plus the ability to get damaged, heal, and grow old…
Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it…
Those weather control experiments are not exactly secret:
Project Stormfury
In the former Soviet Union it was almost routine.
This will only make sense if the reply I posted to SoWhyMe is approved. The second link is relevant to the discussion but it’s only clear in the 2nd half of the podcast.
@Francisco: WAY Back in the 50’s the sci-fi writer John Dalmas wrote a book called “The General’s President” and that was exactly one of the sci-fi elements in it… were you channeling JD there for a moment?
Actually, us foil-hat types are much more concerned about chemtrails than contrails.
Kind of like bloggers. They all quote sources that turn out to be other bloggers.
Or UFO conspiracy types. I remember when my admittedly tenuous belief in the “alien conspiracy” was killed off for good. I was watching a Discovery Channel Program called Wings and they were doing a story on the development on hovercraft. One of the experimental designs was the Avrocar. It was saucer shaped and had a central lift fan. Its preformance proved dissapointing. It could only get a few feet of the ground and was nearly impossible to control. The program ended and I flipped over to the History Channel and settled in to watch Secrets of Roswell Revealed.
About fifteen minutes in they revealed a “secret aircraft developed with captured ALIEN technology. The secret aircraft turned out to be the Avrocar. They showed footage of it sillouetted agianst the sky and cut the shots of it bumping into five foot high fences. Wow. So we got ducted fan tech from Aliens. Okay then, I’m out.
The government does plenty about it. How else can you explain it being sunny all week and crappy/gray/rainy on the weekends–ONLY. XD
now, come on!
You know there are three main causes of inclement weather:
1> Low pressures zones
2> High humidity
3> weekends
A study I read a few years ago, suggested that bad weather on weekends tends to be caused by… weekdays.
No joke! On weekdays, people drive around, factories are operating, construction machinery is in heavy use… all of these things tend to generate large amounts of fine particulates (dust, haze, sulfur dioxide turning into sulphate, etc.). These fine particles act as initiators for the formation of small water droplets in the atmosphere… in effect, an unintended form of “cloud seeding”. The particulate levels increase during the work week, and by Friday they’ve peaked… leading to cloudier weekends with a greater chance of rain. Over the weekend, many of the work-related causes of particle emissions are shut down or running at a lower level. By Monday, some of the particles from the previous week have fallen or been rained out of the atmosphere.
This effect is apparently strong enough to detectably skew the odds of clouds and rain towards the latter part of the week, and the weekend. It’s not by any means the dominating factor in local weather patterns, but it is (according to the study I read) significant.
I wouldn’t write this effect us as the fault of the government; I’d blame the fundamental perversity of the universe.
You’re clearly not from Seattle.
As I said a while ago, Seattle has two seasons: the rainy season, and the rainier season.
Ah, but what happens when MY changing the weather to water my tomato plants rains out YOUR garden party? I recall an old story in Analog in which the punch line was “Everyone does something about the weather but nobody talks about it!”
Also used in the Darksword series, IIRC.
Yeah. What Monica/Jin said.
Currently in the Twin Cities, it is: 19F/-7C.
No snow on the ground. Light snow in the forcast for today.
Makes me think of Stealers Wheel: Stuck in the Middle With You.
Currently in NWIN about 45 from Chicago.
Friday we went from warm and sunny to BOOM! Poit levels of snow overnight.
Saturday was Camp Permafrost,
Sunday was cold and clear, and now it’s 16.
My wee one has gotten sick for the third time in three months(both due to schools not re-posting rules about sick kids and parents sending them back before they’ve had adequate time to clear their systems, oh, and the dramatic weather shifts all winter long). I love Winter, but can it finally make up it’s mind?
D’oh! I meant Poit Levels like when Monica dropped it all on that cruise ship. I need more wake-up juice. Wish we had a Mucho Mocha’s around here…
Weather patterns seem to be moving west-to-east.
In the 1990s to mid-2000s here in central CA, we got what I called an “indian spring”–a few weeks of warm weather around about groundhog day, then back to our previous weather pattern in progress.
Withdrawl relieved!
Sudden Scene Shift!
It’s terrible!
I know!
I think I got wiplash. Between the sunburn and the frostbite I can’t be certain.
Dang… can Monica read minds now as well? Because that’s exactly what I was just thinking about the -15C outside… *brrrrr*
I’m just glad it’s finally a reasonable temperature again.
All I need now is some lasting snow, and I’ll be happy about this winter again.
I know right, I live in the south, today is the first time we had snow all year. But with all the people freaking out and going crazy on the road, all I can think of is getting up to the Twin Cities area.
I know what you mean. Back in the early ’80s, a cold front moved through central Texas and laid ice everywhere.
I remember listening to a radio talk show out of Killen, Tx. The hosts were having a blast about one local report.
Seems at one particularly busy intersection, a cadillac slid on ice and hit a sub-compact from behind. The impact slid the small car into traffic, where it was hit and spun by two other cars.
Sounds normal, right? Well, this is where the ‘fun’ begins.
The first police officer to respond slides and hits the ‘caddy’. Another comes from another direction and hits one of the other cars involved.
An ambulance responding hits the second police car and the police captain coming to see about the matter hits the ambulance.
The collisions continue as more police, medical, and even fire equipment arrive…
All total 14 vehicles were eventually involved (in the collisions, that is). The only injuries were to the occupants of the sub-compact from the original incident.
Those radio hosts were having a blast reporting it.
that reminds me of a story my sister used to tell when she had just moved to Virginia, from Michigan where we grew up. she hadn’t gotten an in-state drivers license yet and the roads, and mass quantities of schools and public buildings were closed due to the 1/2 INCH! of snow on the ground!… anyways… she’s going in to work on the highway and is seeing LOTS of cars in the ditches from spinning out… she’s doing her normal 60 mph and gets pulled over by the state patrol… “Did you know you were driving too fast for the conditions?, I’ll have to see your drivers license and registration, ma’am…” when she shows it to him, he get’s a dazed look in his eyes, and says “oh… You’re from Michigan… Have a Nice Day!” and without another word, he turns around, gets back in his car and drives off…
Like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFE5AGryL7A
Pay particular atention at 3:02 and see if you can spot the fail.
And for those of you not used to ice:
1. bump the car into neutral
2. Turn the steering wheel towards where your back end is going (if you want the car to go straight)
3. Don’t touch the pedals till you have to and go easy on ’em when you do.
4. Leave 2-3x the following distance you think you need. Also, make sure cars at the stoplight are stopped before going.
Hah! I called it… Minneapolis does have Thaw (a.k.a. False Spring), and it has FOOMPed Monica!
Actually it’s also been going on here in the Chicagoland area too. And it wasn’t so much of a false thaw as it was a screwy weather pattern.
We have it her in Central Florida right now as well. This weekend has been freeze warnings and chance of snow showers. For those not in the know, the last time we had snow in Florida was over 2 decades ago. The weather patterns are pretty messed up thanks to La Niña.
Snow… In Central Florida!?
OH the huge manatee!
I remember that. It was the year before I moved north to Michigan. You’d think the world was ending the way people were carrying on…
I live in Alabama. Last week it was in the high 50s / low 60s. Today it’s 22 and there’s a snow and ice mix forecast for tonight. False spring indeed.
According to George Graphos (who can’t report the weather to the radio audience and the tv audience at the same time despite all efforts) there’s been a Polar Low circling over the north pole since before Christmas, which is helping to pull the warm weather north and screwing with the N.A. jetstream, while allowing Siberian cold air into nice places like … Portugal, Spain, southern France, and most of Europe, and icing up the Med. It’s like the weather choked.
Finally Monica and Jin have something human in common.
The last frame also reminds me of any “I Love Lucy” moment when Lucy and Ethel would hug onto each other and cry while freaking out.
I was wondering when you’d do a strip like this.
Oh and Jin can still Poit apperantly.
Yeah – she’s still what she was, just re-tuned to be more like a true human.
I expect she could poit before she was golemized. We’ve seen several non-golem non-sphinx non-demon characters who can poit: Monica, Kukulcan, and the banana merchant spring to mind.
(Actually, come to think of it, have we ever seen a demon who can poit? eg, Nudge can’t.)
As Monica noted here:
she could have gotten out at any time. And I think there’s some other note (that I don’t find just now) that she didn’t rescue the girls because the priests would just have kidnapped more victims, and she was out to put an end to their plans once and for all.
But, tragically, she underestimated the amount of trauma the girls had undergone and thought she could still reason with them once they were merged into a single entity.
Or Jin had decided to use the Chimera to wipe the Lanthian civilization out of existince. And it should be noted that even after the Calendar Machine “fixed” her, Jin still wasn’t entirely sane.
Jin didn’t want the civilisation to be wiped out. She just wanted to stop the priests. She said that she tried to stop the chimera but stated that it was something akin to wrestling the sun.
It is possible that the priests had a way to prevent teleporting from where they were.
But as Tepoz pointed out, you have to be able to poit to use it; it’s just a marker so that poiters can make jumps they would otherwise be incapable of.
Of course, the urgent way Bud destroyed it when being pursued by demons may indicate they can use it.
And I suppose Tepoz isn’t the most reliable source of information.
But now we have a day or two before we get back to O.T.B. !!
But we may get him to meet the two of them together this way.
Yer not the only one. CA has had weird weather also. Last Feb it was 83, then back to cold. Same thing is happening again here. It’s been nice & sunny the past few days. I wonder if the quakes we’ve been having might have something to do with it. An avalanche always begins with the smallest pebble.
Yeah I know what you mean. Here in LA it got 60°! IN THE DAY! The homeless were freezeing to death in the streets!
damn you
Ooh, someone be jelly.
I hear ya on the fluctuation! Even in SoCal, we’ve had 20-degree differences in the average temperature from day to day.
only 20?
In central texas, it’s standard to have a drop of 50* the first couple hours after the sun goes down.
Early last week, Waco had 85 degrees or higher, three days later, ice on the roads.
saturday, 70+.
Now, you can see your breath.
I know a lot of places say “If you don’t like the weather, just wait… it’ll change”; but Texas proves it.
Same in Reno NV – common saying here is “The weather – it’s Nevada – wait 15 minutes – it’ll change .”
I think I’ve got all of you beat though. I live in South-western Missouri. A nearby city is mentioned on TV Tropes as a real life example of weather dissonance
Try the wilds of Eastern Washington- we still got the filthy white stuff on the ground and it only melts enough to turn deadly when it freezes. THAT’s the only thing I miss about the San Fransisco Bay Area… TWO seasons, not FOUR- WET and DRY. MIGHT get below freezing on occasion, just enough to frost some glass and ice over a few puddles… NOT THIS STUFF!!! I am NOT a fan of SNOW!!!
Sgt. – another East-sider here. 15 years ago in Tri-Cities we got snow shin deep around Thanksgiving and it just kept snowing… Didn’t see the ground again until April.
This year, I have at least two of our garden plants cautiously blooming. I was outside getting dirty just wearing a tee shirt. (Well, and pants.)
Minneapolis! Brrr. But even if I felt otherwise, I’d hug either of those two to commiserate.
Because it’s hard to eat nice weather, or use it to pay the rent??
1) here is were I own land
2) There is not enough pay for me to move back to the people’s soviet socialist republic of Kalifornicatia
3) Annie won’t move closer to civilazation
4) There’s a sticky situation in Salinas where the statute of limitations has not yet expired and Washington does not recognise extradition with any nation/goverment that would elect Schwatzenegger to power
5)I would never inflict my eldest stepson on a liberal community, even though I have little patience with liberals
6) my personal arsenal represents the firefight capacity of the average infantry company without class III’s- the only warmer climates that tolerate such things also find scorpions and tarantulas acceptable, which Annie does not
7) I can usually bag 25-40 pounds of rattlesnake out here per season and am sufficiantly addicted… little butter, little garlic, filets get a quick sizzel on each side…
8) I have found a whole enclave of CA expatriots out here- we are all rather nuts, very conservative and spend winter griping about snow
9) It is rather … different… to live in a state that outlawed beastiality in 2005… I find it amusing…
10) There is no state income tax
11) I LIKE to complain about snow
Bama might be to your liking Sgt. Plenty of places to get away from civilization down here, fairly conservative politicaly, though we do have an income tax, and your arsenal would not be an issue. My CCW permit costs me $10 a year and there are no waiting periods. The downside is, we don’t see much snow, but a dusting will throw everyone into a panic. You could complain about that. I do.
The Timber Rattlers and Eastern Diamond Backs get pretty big, plus, there’s Cotton mouths on the river. And the wild hog population is pretty big too. They make great sausage.
Is ‘Bama classIII?
… You sound exactly like my cousin(s)–half my family is CA expat and in the Portland area. My cousin calls and complains that it’s down to 50 and I try sooooo hard to be sympathetic, but out my window there’s a foot of snow and it’s -4 outside, and my sympathy just isn’t working…
And fwiw I want to move out to WA but I haven’t got my seed money yet.
Meanwhile, in southern Manitoba, there’s a real risk that this summer will bring a drought because of the lack of snow over the past couple of months. (lessened flood risk though, so…yay?) We finally got our first real cold snap about a month ago – six weeks late, give or take a week.
Exactly the problem with wishing there to be no snow.
Quite so. We just can’t win, eh?
Much of the Northern plains, from Montana to N. Minnesota, Dakota, even parts of Nebraska (I believe) are in risk of drought due to lack of snow.
It all dumped on Denver, apparently. And Chicago, the East Coast, Europe . . .
Apparently the farmers need the snow for the corn fields (don’t ask me why, they say so on the radio) and there hasn’t been any, so we may be seeing financial poop again, too.
Snow keeps the ground from freezing so hard, and it also adds moisture early in the spring, which tends to seep deeper than rainfall would.
Sounds exactly like the weather here in TX this past few days.
A fellow Texan!
I wish I could still say that, I don’t like the snow here, the dry air, or the thin air from 7,000 feet up a mountain.
I also miss the humid Houston air.
*single tear rolls down cheek. Due to allergies, though, as I am allergic to a ton of things in the air here. ARRGGHH*
Lovely weather in Houston today. Wet/damp, chilly, typical right before spring weather. Supposed to be in mid-70’s Wednesday. And then allergy season hits before too long. If it weren’t for those few perfect days that happen in the spring and fall, it just wouldn’t be worth living here!
Here in DFW we’ve been side swiped by a cold front that’s snuck down from the pan handle dropping the temp and dumping freezing rain for the past 12hrs.
Sun seems to be poking out now, but I won’t expect it to last. Expect the worst, hope for the best.
I was visiting my mom near Austin this weekend and there was actually an itty-bitty flurry.
Actually had a touch of sleet last night. Stepped outside and heard the gentle rustle as it fell on the azalea bushes. Closest thing to winter weather this season. Of course all the readers in northern climes are smacking open palm on forehead and shouting, “Winter weather, I’ll show ya winter weather!!!”
That is all. Carry on.
Symmetrical Docking!
We’re finally getting some icy weather here in the Sooner State. But, I knew we had one good snowy burst coming, February always gets a good shot in.
March too.
I flipped my van on its top by hydroplaning on a flash slush covered road east of Hennessey a few years back.
My brother said I made the Weather Channel.
I’m famous!
We’ve been having much the same here in New Mexico. Saturday was beautiful and I was even without my jacket while walking with my sweetie. I was planning to take a trip to a local dog park with my pups on Sunday when we got more snow. >.< I think it may even be snowing now. Bloody weather!
And it took me three read-throughs to catch the speech bubble goofiness in the first panel. It made me laugh when I noticed it though.
Current Georgia weather reports call for the possibility of snow/sleet Monday night/Tuesday morning – but the temps will be high enough (we think) that there’ll be no effects.
The fact that both of them are moaning about the weather instead of poiting somewhere warm shows that they know it’s not as bad as they say. They may even enjoy it.
They used to do that a lot back before Bud blew up the sandbar she found in the middle of nowhere.
True, true, but I bèt Jin knows some nice ‘n warm places/Islands besides their favourite sandbank.
It’s nót about the weather, but about company here, M wants to connect with Jin. Jin always held off by snarky comments and subtle unpleasanteries, due to her -let’s call it “anthill” view of normal life.
She’s normal and pretty sane again, and her goodhearted, social nature is returning. She has “trust” in life again, in no small way thanx to her steadfast Beau.
What I wouldn’t give for some of that freezing in NoNV! I don’t like the ice and snow myself, but this winter it’s been so dry that ‘fire season’ — which normally is ‘over’ in October — has continued into the winter nonstop, with two of the most destructive wildfires we’ve had on record occurring in late November and January. The lack of precipitation means that we’ll have unusually dry conditions and extremely destructive fires come next summer as well. I like the warmth … but not at the cost the warmth brings later.
Aaahh ! sounds like a fellow Reno/Sparks native .
Duh, forgot to comment on the comic – my reason for coming here.
Panel 1: Jin appears to still be holding her phone to her ear. Not surprising, since she poited in mid-sentence, but still amusing.
Panel 2: The interrogative inflection on “Thanks?” is killing me. “Not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult…”
Panel 3: …well, I’m sure it speaks for itself.
hey man… have you ever waited to meet someone, phoned them to say “where are you? ” and he says “across the street! :-D” – you find yourselves staring at each other talking on your phones….. :-):-)
Heh. Southern Maryland here, and we’ve been going from 50’s/60’s (10-16 C) to sub-freezing and back again for months. I’m a Northern boy and I miss my snow!
Also, did anyone else have a Babylon 5 flashback with the comic’s title?
Ummm. I missed that… rather ominous!
“about the weather”… HUH?! what are you talking about? how is that a Bab5 reference?
LMAO… As a Canadian going through the same thing, I feel your pain.
I think its scarier that they’re getting along now. *Shudders*
They have a common adversary: the weather.
hey I just realized – the GG don’t feel heat or cold… (unless they member to!!!
now that Jin is ‘humanised’ she is new to ‘feeling really cold’ , and has no option but to feel how bad it is!!! :O :O :O
argh , REmember….. :-\
Yeah this has been a great winter for Michigan until the weather suddenly REMEMBERED that it was winter. Friggin’ snow…
I just like the fact that Monica and Jin are hugging.
So nice they have each other…
As a former Chicagoan, Nawleanian, Bostonian(temp), Texan, Californian(Nor & So), and current New Yorker… weather is getting weirder everywhere, every year.
P.S. Who’s the Uber Hawt Chick on the left? :p
And the two winter haters collapse into each others arms in commiseration.
Jin changed her hair again?
Ahhh… but Monica SHOULD be happy.
Remember what happens to her with a normal winter.
Right now, there isn’t any snow to hit her with.
>>>rubs hands together in glee<<<
There's only rain.
Uhuh.. Thát’s what the weather wants her to think.
I dó feel her pain though. I was glomped in an impressive manner by snow that was thawing of my solar-cells.
Perfect sliding, with pin-point precision on my head… “WOMP!!!” brrr..
DC area here. Finally got a dusting of snow over the weekend but it’s probably gone now. Making up for that Triple Threat a couple of Decembers ago, I guess.
Driving in that dusting got a little scary when it got so light that passing cars whipped it up and obscured my vision. i never thought you could get white-out conditions in less than an inch of snow.
So long as it’s cold enough that the snow doesn’t stick, it’ll immitate fog. There’s a sign on the bridge near my house: “Watch for fog AND BLOWING SNOW” (emphasis theirs!)
If I could turn a baseball into an atmospheric ball of plasma, I suspect that “doing something” about the weather would move into the “maybe I shouldn’t mess around with Mother Nature List” or someone might notice…
I barely paid attention. I was too busy admiring boobies squashing together.
Yes well… the boobs have it…
Sorry. Couldn’t resist.
thank god, I’m not the only one who noticed!
Thank-you, Paul!
Sympathy level = 0