First thought is that Valerie really has major anxiety issues to react like this.
Second thought is that I (at least) have forgotten just how powerful paras are in this universe. We’ve known about the Chimera Women and Monica as well as Castela being the Blackthorn and Atsali’s full Siren form. But there are so many others that could be just as dangerous and that the world is lucky that most are relatively well-adjusted.
If we’re not going to be able to edit our posts after submitting them we should at ~least~ be able to ~preview~ them before submitting them
(Especially where we can see only a few lines of text of what weʾre trying to say — even more especially when we can only see ~ONE~ line of such text )
Move the curser over the bottom right hand corner of the text box, It will turn to a double arrow most of the time and with that you can stretch open the text box more.
Unfortunately, I use a smartphone (which only lets me use a touchscreen and does ~not~ late me have ~access~ to any curser — no matter how convenient it’d be to me if I had it)
Is that Valerie in the last panel?
Heck of a thing to do on a Friday…
I dunno. Now that it’s Monday-Wednesday-Friday, it shortens that *long* gap between Thursday and Monday.
C’mon, Val. Let it all out…
I’d be more concerned about having to let it all back in afterwards – that’s gonna take a while…
First thought is that Valerie really has major anxiety issues to react like this.
Second thought is that I (at least) have forgotten just how powerful paras are in this universe. We’ve known about the Chimera Women and Monica as well as Castela being the Blackthorn and Atsali’s full Siren form. But there are so many others that could be just as dangerous and that the world is lucky that most are relatively well-adjusted.
Good thing she took off her mask before she unwound a bit.
Otherwise she’d have needed to retrieve it from low Earth orbit.
” Mama, why’d it so dark all sudden – like”
” Don’t worry dear, it’s just our next door neighbour venting again . . .”
Edit: ” Why’d it get so dark, etc, etc”
(Darn fumble fingers . . .)
The weird thing is I didn’t notice. Apparently my brain simply filled in the “get”.
Same with me
Thought it was “why’s”, as in “why is so dark all sudden”
. . .
Maybe she should get some advice from Castela? After all, Castela is also partially ancient . . .
Isn’t Valerie one of those… people that Castela’s keeping out of the local neighbourhood?
…or at least sufficiently close that Valerie would prefer to talk to literally anyone else before considering talking to Castela?
No, just the one she talked to when she opened that doorway in the clubroom.
…Now THAT is anxiety done right. o!O
School roof…
i hope she took a good look around, there may be students making out behind a corner…
From what I know about people, most would run. The rest would develop a new fetish because reality likes to mess with us like that.
I’d post the lyrics to “Up on the Roof” by the Drifters, but I think I did a few years ago. Anyway they’re easy to find.
What kind of Eldritch hellspawn is Valerie, again?
The fun kind. How you take that is up to you.
Anybody got the Flex Tape?
That’s a lot of damage…
No damage. Its the roof and she’s venting upwards….impressive display though.
Yup gurl, and it won’t improve with age. Only Whisky or good wine does that.
You know what, Valerie? Non-paras do the exact same thing. We just usually punch out a locker to vent!
O.o Erm….be careful, Val or your face will get stuck like that?
In other words what keeps her mask-face from falling off while she’s wearing it
If we’re not going to be able to edit our posts after submitting them we should at ~least~ be able to ~preview~ them before submitting them
(Especially where we can see only a few lines of text of what weʾre trying to say — even more especially when we can only see ~ONE~ line of such text
Move the curser over the bottom right hand corner of the text box, It will turn to a double arrow most of the time and with that you can stretch open the text box more.
Unfortunately, I use a smartphone (which only lets me use a touchscreen and does ~not~ late me have ~access~ to any
curser — no matter how convenient it’d be to me if I had it) 
*”Shout” ~ by Tears For Fears
Well this is relatable…..
I’ve heard of a face off in the corner, but this is WAY off the rails!