Katherine might be in for a small shock if she goes that route. From what I could tell from Monica, she had her fill of “adventures” for quite a while.
It’s never a good idea to just take yourself off your “meds.” I wonder how long she’s been off them? That not withstanding, I really don’t think Monica needs any help in finding adventures. In fact she doesn’t find them, they find her and she is powerless to resist doing her part in the drama.
Just speaking up for Kath, maybe she requested to be taken off and then was weaned off in a controlled way by her doctor? She doesn’t strike me as the type to just say “Screw this!” one morning and lay off them…
The woman caught, killed, and ate squirrles. I think there is a person beneath the one we know who is much more impetuous than the one others normally see. I believe she not only would stop taking prescription meds at a whim, but would try some non-prescription ones from time to time as well.
I’m no expert, but I’m under the impression that antipsychotic drugs can have rather unpleasant side effects. I think another very bad thing is for her to be drinking any alcohol at all.
Never been on anti-psychotic drugs myself, but someone I knew did. The side effects were quite horrible, and he wouldn’t take his meds unless someone stood over him watching.
I call the side effects horrible as he preferred acute paranoia, panic attacks and hearing voices over taking his meds. I sat and talked him down a few times and the things he heard and saw was the stuff they make horror movies about, and yet he insisted it was better than the meds.
Now he’s free of them as he took his life rather than risk hurting or even killing his parents or siblings. And that too was something he thought was better than the side effects of his meds…
“Dammit,” muttered Frito, roused from his reveries. “Who’s there?”
There was no reply save another, more insistent knock.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming,” Frito went to the door and opened it.
There on the stoop were twenty-three lyre-strumming nymphs in gauzy pants-suits couched in a golden canoe borne on the cool mists of a hundred fire extinguishers and crewed by a dozen tipsy leprechauns uniformed in shimmering middy-blouses and fringed toreador pants. Facing Frito was a twelve-foot specter shrouded in red sateen, shod in bejeweled riding boots, and mounted on an obese pale-blue unicorn. Around him fluttered winged frogs, miniature Valkyries, and an airborne caduceus. The tall figure offered Frito a six-fingered hand which held a curiously inscribed identification bracelet simply crawling with mysterious portents.
“I understand,” said the stranger solemnly, “that you undertake quests.”
Frito banged the door shut in the specter’s surprised face, bolted, barred, and locked it, swallowing the key for good measure. Then he walked directly to his cozy fire and slumped in the chair. He began to muse upon the years of delicious boredom that lay ahead. Perhaps he would take up Scrabble.
“Silence,” commanded Goodgulf in a loud voice. “Speak not of the Great Ring here or anywhere. If Sorhed’s spies discovered that you, Frito Bugger, hailing from the Sty, had the One Ring, all would be lost. And his spies are everywhere. The Nine Black Riders are abroad again, and there are those who claim to have seen the Seven Santinis, the Six Danger Signs, and the entire Trapp family, including the dog. Even the walls have ears,” he said, pointing to two huge lobes which were protruding from behind the mantelpiece.
Good lord, I was beginning to think that I was the only one who read that book. This is the first time since I was 17 that I’ve seen anyone besides myself even mention it. Tom Bombadil I never liked, Tim Benzidrene was awsome. He inspired me to write a song using some of his rhymes as the chorous. One of these days I’m going to have to post it on youtube as most of the people I’ve played it for seem to think it’s hilarious. I still get requests for it at parties where a guitar is handy.
For every person with a biochemical imbalance who takes up running, going out and collecting interesting dildos there are ten who take advice from fish.
I vote for the adventure.
Then again monica might just spill her ‘ghost golem’ story to katherine and thats kinda an adventure!
The meds katherine might be on prolly dapen her fear of stuff but they prolly also dampen her enjoyment of things also,
Personally would prefer to be depressed as hell and know i am depressed as hell than to take meds and never know if a happy feeling was from meds or from me.
Actually, all that Anti-depression meds do is balance out the chemicals in your brain, they don’t generate happy. It’s like if your brain is sitting at -10, the meds bring you back to 0 so that when your happy, you can actually be +5, instead of only a -5. So any happy you have is rest assured yours. Hope that wasn’t too confusing. Also, Adventure. Always the adventure.
Having suffered from severe depression in the past I have very little to no downside from the meds I am taking, the only problem is for those if I skip a day it does cause severe fluctuations. And as far as the feeling happy and sad, I can still get sad and I can still get very happy. they by no means fix everything either.
Now my ADD pills there is a completely different story
OK, now I understand the heated discussion with “Oscar” about living vicariously through Monica. Katherine is actually going to manipulate things so she can do that, but was conflicted about it. Poor Monica thought she already had enough to worry about…
I suspected that this conversion was going to have something to do with Monica’s struggle to fix Jin because it seemed to be about more than seeing Katherine act weird. Now my guess is that she is going to try to find something to trigger another adventure for Monica, but it will wind up helping Monica with the adventure she is already on. Katherine probably doesn’t know about Jin’s problem yet.
When Kathy said “another” adventure for Monica, my mind immediately thought “whoa! you mean, you were in charge of the first one too?” But nah… unless the’re a lot more to Katherine than we know about. Fun stuff, regardless.
To be fair, she actually tried to motivate Monica (also here) and did trigger a few things happening. Monica wouldn’t have discovered that the portal cloth was missing from the museum’s vault if not for Katherine, for example.
This got me wondering about Phix’s reaction to Katherine. I could not figure that out. Did Phix know Katherine was crazy? Was she trying to discourage Katherine, but at the same time give hints to Monica? Phix didn’t seem to discourage Monica and Katherine coming back, but as far as I know Katherine never went back with Monica. (Actually, I can’t remember Katherine doing anything important after that.) Was Phix trying to encourage Monica to look “long and hard” or was she saying that Monica wasn’t going to find anything? The next place Monica found information was from her grandfather’s tapes, not from the library. I thought communications with the spirit world was the “tabloid crap” that was supposed to be in the library, though.
So, Katherine is deciding on whether or not to preciptate an Event. Which brings up fishy discussions on the wise-ness of doing such. “A Jedi seeks not these things” is one side of the argument. “Do you want to live forever?” is another side. But, often overlooked is the side hinted at by the Real GhostBusters cartoon:
“Ray, what are you doing?”
“I was thinking, Egon, you know how when you look for someone, you never find them right off? But when you finally stop, you find them? Well, I figured if I stay in one place long enough, everyone I ever met will find me.”
“Ray, that is the most ridculous thing I ever….”
“Ray? Ray Stantz?”
“Hey, it’s my old kindergarten teacher! Haven’t thought about her in years!”
“I’m going to leave now…..”
If you are ready enough, you never know what will come and find you. Is Katherine ready enough?
I think Paul means Katherine may do something like this, where Katherine will show Monica things to try to pique Monica’s interest. As far as I know, Katherine would still like to show that there really was an old-world / new-world connection, but she wants Monica to be the one to find enough proof for it.
A lot of it has to do with the amount of stuff I’ve avoided doing lately by going through the Waspi archives, instead. ;-/ Speaking of teh dumb, I totally missed your pun on Thursday and thought I was being original with mine. I also only recently figured out who Amanda’s short friend in the earliest strips was. DUH!
One more thing. I posted as “eschmenk” on the Pibgorn site. That’s why I’m comfortable with people I recognize from there. If I had known I would get so involved in the comments here I would have made that clear from the start, but I kind of got sucked into it. I’ll probably switch to “eschmenk” here, too.
It would be interesting to know when Katherine stopped taking her medications. Was she acting merely eccentric previously because she had been taking her meds until recently? Were things already worse than what we saw? Even off her medications, her symptoms seem fairly moderate.
Actually, i figured that, if she were forewarned, she might be able to duck out. Perhaps, if Phix is gallivanting around with Monica’s boss, she needs someone to take care of the Library for a while.
Meds. Hmmm… Back on her meds… If they’re anything like my husband’s “meds”, she should stay away from them and seek professional help. If they’re anything like professional meds, she should stay away from them and seek recreational help. However…. Getting Monica back into an adventure, while it doesn’t sound exactly fun for Monica, sounds awesome for us.
Mmmm , find Monica a new adventure .
Looks like Monica’s trepidation concerning the “other shoe” is stepping up to the plate…

Go back on the meds.
Trust me on this.
Then go find Monica.
Oh yeah , that too . My bad . I was reading it as she wanted to go off her meds , at first .
No, don’t go on the meds. I’ve tried a few, and most of the ones that claim to regulate your brain just screw it up! Stay off the meds.
Mileage varies, Chaise Murphy. Without meds I wouldn’t have a life.
Katherine might be in for a small shock if she goes that route. From what I could tell from Monica, she had her fill of “adventures” for quite a while.
Ah, but — have adventures had their fill of Monica?
It’s never a good idea to just take yourself off your “meds.” I wonder how long she’s been off them? That not withstanding, I really don’t think Monica needs any help in finding adventures. In fact she doesn’t find them, they find her and she is powerless to resist doing her part in the drama.
Just speaking up for Kath, maybe she requested to be taken off and then was weaned off in a controlled way by her doctor? She doesn’t strike me as the type to just say “Screw this!” one morning and lay off them…
The woman caught, killed, and ate squirrles. I think there is a person beneath the one we know who is much more impetuous than the one others normally see. I believe she not only would stop taking prescription meds at a whim, but would try some non-prescription ones from time to time as well.
I’m no expert, but I’m under the impression that antipsychotic drugs can have rather unpleasant side effects. I think another very bad thing is for her to be drinking any alcohol at all.
But she’s not on her meds at the moment.
Never been on anti-psychotic drugs myself, but someone I knew did. The side effects were quite horrible, and he wouldn’t take his meds unless someone stood over him watching.
I call the side effects horrible as he preferred acute paranoia, panic attacks and hearing voices over taking his meds. I sat and talked him down a few times and the things he heard and saw was the stuff they make horror movies about, and yet he insisted it was better than the meds.
Now he’s free of them as he took his life rather than risk hurting or even killing his parents or siblings. And that too was something he thought was better than the side effects of his meds…
Good for him.
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! Good morning!
“What a lot of things you do use ‘good morning’ for! Now you mean that you want to get rid of me, and that it won’t be good till I move off.”
Just then a soft knocking came at the door.
“Dammit,” muttered Frito, roused from his reveries. “Who’s there?”
There was no reply save another, more insistent knock.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming,” Frito went to the door and opened it.
There on the stoop were twenty-three lyre-strumming nymphs in gauzy pants-suits couched in a golden canoe borne on the cool mists of a hundred fire extinguishers and crewed by a dozen tipsy leprechauns uniformed in shimmering middy-blouses and fringed toreador pants. Facing Frito was a twelve-foot specter shrouded in red sateen, shod in bejeweled riding boots, and mounted on an obese pale-blue unicorn. Around him fluttered winged frogs, miniature Valkyries, and an airborne caduceus. The tall figure offered Frito a six-fingered hand which held a curiously inscribed identification bracelet simply crawling with mysterious portents.
“I understand,” said the stranger solemnly, “that you undertake quests.”
Frito banged the door shut in the specter’s surprised face, bolted, barred, and locked it, swallowing the key for good measure. Then he walked directly to his cozy fire and slumped in the chair. He began to muse upon the years of delicious boredom that lay ahead. Perhaps he would take up Scrabble.
“Silence,” commanded Goodgulf in a loud voice. “Speak not of the Great Ring here or anywhere. If Sorhed’s spies discovered that you, Frito Bugger, hailing from the Sty, had the One Ring, all would be lost. And his spies are everywhere. The Nine Black Riders are abroad again, and there are those who claim to have seen the Seven Santinis, the Six Danger Signs, and the entire Trapp family, including the dog. Even the walls have ears,” he said, pointing to two huge lobes which were protruding from behind the mantelpiece.
Harvard Lampoon’s “Bored of the Rings”? Been a long time since I read that — about 35 years…
i keep thinking that ‘book’ was a hallucination from my childhood, gunna have to track it back down now and give it another whirl.
@Lustwane – got a catchall email address you can post here? I’ve got it in PDF if you’d like…
“Toke-a-lid! Smoke-a-lid! Pop the mescalino!
Stash the hash! Gonna crash! Make mine methedrino!
Hop a hill! Pop a pill! For Old Tim Benzedrino!”
I found a pdf of “Bored of the Rings” at the following link. Enjoy! http://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/boredoftherings.pdf
Good lord, I was beginning to think that I was the only one who read that book. This is the first time since I was 17 that I’ve seen anyone besides myself even mention it. Tom Bombadil I never liked, Tim Benzidrene was awsome. He inspired me to write a song using some of his rhymes as the chorous. One of these days I’m going to have to post it on youtube as most of the people I’ve played it for seem to think it’s hilarious. I still get requests for it at parties where a guitar is handy.
cue Dramatic Prarie Dog music, then Looney Toons “that’s all folks” music.
For every person with a biochemical imbalance who takes up running, going out and collecting interesting dildos there are ten who take advice from fish.
*gopher head turn*
Did Katherine somehow initiate the whole thing? Those black eyes…
Did she get a haircut mid-strip?
Nope, she’s resting her head on the back of her sofa.
Thank goodness. I thought that for some reason she had changed into Jin, and that was going to blow my mind.
Damn you inconveniently positioned wine glass!
dam you ‘randomly’ opaque wine glass!
I think you both mean “well placed knuckle.”
PW is keeping this PG or better, you know…
It’s inconvenient for us.
I vote for the adventure.
Then again monica might just spill her ‘ghost golem’ story to katherine and thats kinda an adventure!
The meds katherine might be on prolly dapen her fear of stuff but they prolly also dampen her enjoyment of things also,
Personally would prefer to be depressed as hell and know i am depressed as hell than to take meds and never know if a happy feeling was from meds or from me.
Actually, all that Anti-depression meds do is balance out the chemicals in your brain, they don’t generate happy. It’s like if your brain is sitting at -10, the meds bring you back to 0 so that when your happy, you can actually be +5, instead of only a -5. So any happy you have is rest assured yours. Hope that wasn’t too confusing. Also, Adventure. Always the adventure.
Having suffered from severe depression in the past I have very little to no downside from the meds I am taking, the only problem is for those if I skip a day it does cause severe fluctuations. And as far as the feeling happy and sad, I can still get sad and I can still get very happy. they by no means fix everything either.
Now my ADD pills there is a completely different story
I think Katherine is schizophrenic. It doesn’t look like an anxiety disorder to me. Of course, that could be part of what is going on, too.
OK, now I understand the heated discussion with “Oscar” about living vicariously through Monica. Katherine is actually going to manipulate things so she can do that, but was conflicted about it. Poor Monica thought she already had enough to worry about…
I suspected that this conversion was going to have something to do with Monica’s struggle to fix Jin because it seemed to be about more than seeing Katherine act weird. Now my guess is that she is going to try to find something to trigger another adventure for Monica, but it will wind up helping Monica with the adventure she is already on. Katherine probably doesn’t know about Jin’s problem yet.
Two thumbs up!!!!
When Kathy said “another” adventure for Monica, my mind immediately thought “whoa! you mean, you were in charge of the first one too?” But nah… unless the’re a lot more to Katherine than we know about. Fun stuff, regardless.
To be fair, she actually tried to motivate Monica (also here) and did trigger a few things happening. Monica wouldn’t have discovered that the portal cloth was missing from the museum’s vault if not for Katherine, for example.
This got me wondering about Phix’s reaction to Katherine. I could not figure that out. Did Phix know Katherine was crazy? Was she trying to discourage Katherine, but at the same time give hints to Monica? Phix didn’t seem to discourage Monica and Katherine coming back, but as far as I know Katherine never went back with Monica. (Actually, I can’t remember Katherine doing anything important after that.) Was Phix trying to encourage Monica to look “long and hard” or was she saying that Monica wasn’t going to find anything? The next place Monica found information was from her grandfather’s tapes, not from the library. I thought communications with the spirit world was the “tabloid crap” that was supposed to be in the library, though.
BTW, this is an ironic strip about hearing voices that people might have forgotten. I just happened to spot that while looking around.
Oh, i think Phix was honestly embarrassed by scaring Kath that much…
So, Katherine is deciding on whether or not to preciptate an Event. Which brings up fishy discussions on the wise-ness of doing such. “A Jedi seeks not these things” is one side of the argument. “Do you want to live forever?” is another side. But, often overlooked is the side hinted at by the Real GhostBusters cartoon:
“Ray, what are you doing?”
“I was thinking, Egon, you know how when you look for someone, you never find them right off? But when you finally stop, you find them? Well, I figured if I stay in one place long enough, everyone I ever met will find me.”
“Ray, that is the most ridculous thing I ever….”
“Ray? Ray Stantz?”
“Hey, it’s my old kindergarten teacher! Haven’t thought about her in years!”
“I’m going to leave now…..”
If you are ready enough, you never know what will come and find you. Is Katherine ready enough?
Kath is a chess master!?
No, but she’s an excellent researcher.
I think Paul means Katherine may do something like this, where Katherine will show Monica things to try to pique Monica’s interest. As far as I know, Katherine would still like to show that there really was an old-world / new-world connection, but she wants Monica to be the one to find enough proof for it.
This is correct.
I expected you to make us speculate a little more, but it’s nice to know I was right about this, at least.
I envy your ability to synthesize all of this. I haz teh dumb…
A lot of it has to do with the amount of stuff I’ve avoided doing lately by going through the Waspi archives, instead. ;-/ Speaking of teh dumb, I totally missed your pun on Thursday and thought I was being original with mine. I also only recently figured out who Amanda’s short friend in the earliest strips was. DUH!
One more thing. I posted as “eschmenk” on the Pibgorn site. That’s why I’m comfortable with people I recognize from there. If I had known I would get so involved in the comments here I would have made that clear from the start, but I kind of got sucked into it. I’ll probably switch to “eschmenk” here, too.
@Eric – Yeah, Wapsi is as addictive as all getout, innit? Nice to see you over here!
It would be interesting to know when Katherine stopped taking her medications. Was she acting merely eccentric previously because she had been taking her meds until recently? Were things already worse than what we saw? Even off her medications, her symptoms seem fairly moderate.
One suspects Monica would be rather interested in that thought…
You just want to see Monica scream again, don’t you?
Well, it might be entertaining…
Actually, i figured that, if she were forewarned, she might be able to duck out. Perhaps, if Phix is gallivanting around with Monica’s boss, she needs someone to take care of the Library for a while.
Lik a decade or so.
“Dark eyes. A man could drown in eyes like hers, if he’d let himself.”
Meds. Hmmm… Back on her meds… If they’re anything like my husband’s “meds”, she should stay away from them and seek professional help. If they’re anything like professional meds, she should stay away from them and seek recreational help. However…. Getting Monica back into an adventure, while it doesn’t sound exactly fun for Monica, sounds awesome for us.
Let’s do it!
We have GOT to do something about that girl’s teeth.
going off your meds…been there, done that; BAAAD IDEA! trust me on this one people
Let’s just say {speaking from eleven years in the future} that Katharine is gonna go looking for an adventure for Monica and find … something …