Yes–another pizza, since the first one seems to have vanished!
saving the world can wait, but the pizza cant
Well, they do have a few years to get their ducks in a row–and their calendar machines and pizzas.
Saving the World is hard work, they need the extra energy!
They should invite over Tina. I hear Demons love Pizza. I wonder if the Pizza Bimbo has Demons?
Everybody has demons, just not in the same way as Monica… or Tina for that matter.
Save the Earth! It’s the only planet with pizza!
No it’s not. Not any more.
Really? Name another planet that has pizza.
I’m really glad I don’t have to pay Monica’s food bill. That is one of the downsides of a fast metabolism.
According to the people I’ve known with that kind of metabolism, eating all the time isn’t so hot, either.
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Yes–another pizza, since the first one seems to have vanished!
saving the world can wait, but the pizza cant
Well, they do have a few years to get their ducks in a row–and their calendar machines and pizzas.
Saving the World is hard work, they need the extra energy!
They should invite over Tina. I hear Demons love Pizza. I wonder if the Pizza Bimbo has Demons?
Everybody has demons, just not in the same way as Monica… or Tina for that matter.
Save the Earth! It’s the only planet with pizza!
No it’s not. Not any more.
Really? Name another planet that has pizza.
I’m really glad I don’t have to pay Monica’s food bill. That is one of the downsides of a fast metabolism.
According to the people I’ve known with that kind of metabolism, eating all the time isn’t so hot, either.