we’re like only a few seconds of this continuing to a ka-girling or ka-boying…
good way of poit-ing it
Awww, they’re bonding!
Can… Can we thow the pun jar at cast members is that even allowed?🤔
I think you need to poit it around the fourth wall. Maye you can poit it out to a poit designated by Paulo?
Shush with the puns! Pay attention. This is im-poit-ant.
That’s what we’re poiting out!
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we’re like only a few seconds of this continuing to a ka-girling or ka-boying…
good way of poit-ing it
Awww, they’re bonding!
Can… Can we thow the pun jar at cast members is that even allowed?🤔
I think you need to poit it around the fourth wall. Maye you can poit it out to a poit designated by Paulo?
Shush with the puns! Pay attention. This is im-poit-ant.
That’s what we’re poiting out!