They ARE winged predators. Hawks and eagles can see thumb-sized mice running around a grassy field from 100 feet in the air. That kind of focal length is ridiculous to human understanding.
There are people who has extremely sharp eyesight. I remember a woman who was able to read a news paper at 100 meters, that’s pretty incredible. Meanwhile I need to get the same paper to within 20 cm if I’m to read it without my glasses.
If I remember correctly people with that kind of eyesight is very rare, much less common than people able to see an extended range of colors.
But “apples and oranges” is comparing opposites. They aren’t opposite. They simply have different abilities, not opposite. Both have supernatural abilities. Heck, Monica’s eyes even light up. Comparing Shelly to an ordinary human would be an apples to oranges comparison.
“apples and oranges” isn’t about opposites, from our friend Wikipedia, which puts it better than my exhausted headachey brain is capable of at this moment “The idiom comparing apples and oranges, refers to the apparent differences between items which are popularly thought to be incomparable or incommensurable, such as apples and oranges. The idiom may also be used to indicate that a false analogy has been made between two items, such as where an apple is faulted for not being a good orange.”
No, “apples and oranges” doesn’t mean comparing opposites; it means comparing things that aren’t comparable in any meaningful way.
Comparing either of the girls to an ordinary mortal *wouldn’t* be an example, because haves vs have-notes is a perfectly good comparison. Comparing Shelly’s sight and Monica’s poiting *would* be, because they don’t have enough in common to be usefully compared.
I think it’s comparing supernatural abilities. That is, having super-peepers can’t really compare to heading off to your own private (now) oil drenched, debris strewn, holey beach in the Caribbean at will.
“There you go man, keep as cool as you can. Face piles of trials with smiles. It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave. Keep on thinking free.”
I never really understood the point of having such fantastic vision. the reason it works for eagles is because they are so far up when they fly. but for us humans, we would just get super close ups of things like garbage, or acne, or worse. it would be horrifying.
There doesn’t seem to be an (apparent) reason why Shelly can’t learn to teleport. If I remember right, nobody (on-screen) taught Monica; after having it done to her a couple of times, she just started poiting.
Makes me wonder about Nudge – if she can’t poit, how does she go from the Library to WapsiWorld (and vise versa) when Tepoz isn’t free?
wow… I used the word museum a lot instead of library. Here I’ll let this page do the talking.
3 pages before it, Phix says where the doorway is.
AFAIKT, it’s the glyph readers that can teleport. Monica showed signs of it before she was ever teleported, (the bra incident), but it was after she was getting teleported that she learned how to do it herself.
There are doorways, like the one on 18th Street. I think Phix may have some affinities for doors from her time spent in the Library.
Tepoz MIGHT be. He seems to know how to use glyphs;, after all he inscribed some on the GGG so that now only someone who has died can command them. He thought that would prevent anyone from ever gaining control over them again. He never figured on someone like Monica, who’d died and been recessitated, coming along…
As to the GGG being able to teleport, that may be due to their condition.
Jin is a full-fledged glyph reader, but I don’t remember anything saying that the other two can read glyph. But if someone programmed them with the ability to poit, they could poit.
Golems (sp?) have to “read” glyphs, by there definition. But they are not “actual” glyph-readers, except for those of them that were BEFORE they were remade. They have access to some of the spell casting power, but not all of that power.
No doubt that Jin is a glyph reader, and as is mentioned, Tepoz added lines to the girls code.
As for Brandi and Bud read the addy below and the three that follow…
Having lived in Minneapolis (and I think I know where they are from the background (one of the stairs on the East side of Lake Calhoun, possibly 36th st)
Unless M has forgotten her contacts or her prescription is grotesquely out of date, she should be able to see a windsurfer on the other side of the Lake.
I was hoping someone would have noticed the stairs by now. Yes, we’ve seen them before! Until now I wasn’t sure they were a real place in Minneapolis, but I’m glad they are. Google Maps isn’t too helpful, but the neighborhood’s look seems about right.
Update: Check out the intersection of W 33rd St and E Calhoun Parkway. Google Maps Street View is taken from the top of the stairway, but the fence is right, and at the bottom there’s the open grassy area and bicycle path that we saw when Bud cracked the pavement with her head.
I noticed that the stairway at 32nd also looks like a reasonable fit, but the images there are not as clear. The Wapsi Square staircase definitely has a landing partway down; it may take a Minneapolis resident to tell us which one is a better fit. That tree and telephone pole should nail it – as soon as someone can actually go look at the real life location.
” Alright Monica … I spy with my little eye … ummm, something beginning with N”
“N … hmmm … notebook?”
“Nail? Nitelight? Nurse? Nose? Net?”
“Okay, Shelly, I give up, what is it?”
Meh…she might not have realized it was a super power until Monica said something. Besides, showing off would be transforming into a sphinx at an (in)appropriate time.
Good job, M. Real nice quietly and tacitly agreeing with Shelley that 80,000 years of isolation and loss of humanity punctuated only by killing naive alternate versions of herself wasn’t punishment enough for her for leaving you a little out of the loop while saving you from being the pawn of demons.
C’mon. Someone drops an emotional bomb of self-loathing like that in the last page, and you focus on the eyesight trick she mentioned as a distraction?
That’s either grade-A emotional insensitivity/obliviousness or tacit agreement.
Shelly’s comment was pointing out that she realizes that the time in the forest was a gift, not worthy of a punishment. And both M and Shelly realize that there is nothing that Shelly needs to be punished for, however, M is still admitting that she still has psychological issues from the whole ordeal.
I don’t think Shelly realized she had super vision. Given her reaction to Monica’s dialog on the first frame I’d say she was having a dawning moment of realization there.
Of course her full on snarkiness is just Shelly being herself for once in the next panel.
Either that or Shelly was a bit apprehensive about Monica’s reaction.
Shelly’s improved vision probably grew on her during her time in the forest along with her Sphinx persona, so she might actually have been testing her own perception against Monica’s.
I don’t think she is reacting to Monica in the first frame. She’s either looking at the windsurfer or staring off into space. I think there are two possibilities. 1) She was worried about the windsurfer for some reason already on Friday and is still worried today. 2) She was changing the subject, in which case she was probably thinking about what Monica had been saying and how much Monica had suffered.
can you use a telescope in a basement with no light?
no? Neither would Shelly. Unless she can catch more light in her eyes than normal humans, it would still be difficult for her to see…
Are you drawing a connection between the two? I wouldn’t. To me, both are trying to see what is going on in the first panel and both are worried about it. In the second panel, Shelly looks a bit defensive. I’m not sensing any snarkiness at all.
I don’t think Shelly was just messing with Monica. If she was trying to get a reaction out of her, there was no reason to pretend to be worried when Monica wasn’t looking at her. She didn’t seem to be worried about Monica’s reaction because she wasn’t looking at her.
A second idea (I mentioned it above just now) is that Shelly is feeling very guilty about what she did to Monica. So when Monica brought it up on Friday, she changed the subject to the windsurfer, but she’s still feeling guilty in Panel 1 today.
Shelly crossing her arms makes her look defensive. Her body language looks too much like she’s turning away from Monica in the second panel to look like she was trying to be snarky.
Maybe, but I don’t see Shelly as turning further away–she could be standing that way from the beginning. And I’m not sure I meant full snark–only that she’s kinda glad at how Monica is taking it, and that she got that zinger about her eyes out there.
good eyes she has XD
They ARE winged predators. Hawks and eagles can see thumb-sized mice running around a grassy field from 100 feet in the air. That kind of focal length is ridiculous to human understanding.
There are people who has extremely sharp eyesight. I remember a woman who was able to read a news paper at 100 meters, that’s pretty incredible. Meanwhile I need to get the same paper to within 20 cm if I’m to read it without my glasses.
If I remember correctly people with that kind of eyesight is very rare, much less common than people able to see an extended range of colors.
I can see for miles and miles…
You’d think from that distance, she’d need a crystal ball to see him right through the haze.
She can see clearly now, the rain is gone.
Joe beat me to it…
I know you’ve deceived me, now here’s a surprise…I know that you did ‘cuz there’s magic in my eyes…
thanks! you got that going in my head, now. ‘Sides, she can see better from the Magic Bus
She better she better she bet…
Let’s hope she don’t get fooled again!
And to all you who don’t know what we’re talking about, “Don’t try to dig what we all say.”
They’re probably wondering “Who are they talking about”…
“Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.”
Bahahaha!! Awesome!
She has sight beyond sight?
She doesn’t need it. On a clear day, you can see forever.
Shelly set that one up nicely, didn’t she?
Yes she did.
So (rattling jar) who want to make the first “Eagle Eyes” pun?
Um… I think you kinda just did…. pay up
Love your “My Little Spinnerette” avatar!
Someone was inspired by Odin’s horse…
I wondered if anyone was going to notice…
Okay, she has Superman-like vision. What has that to do with apples and oranges?
Monica can teleport. Shelly can’t.
Shelly has preternatural vision. Monica doesn’t.
Comparing their abilities is like comparing…
this is the part where you say “Oh, I get it!” SoWhyMe…
But “apples and oranges” is comparing opposites. They aren’t opposite. They simply have different abilities, not opposite. Both have supernatural abilities. Heck, Monica’s eyes even light up. Comparing Shelly to an ordinary human would be an apples to oranges comparison.
“apples and oranges” isn’t about opposites, from our friend Wikipedia, which puts it better than my exhausted headachey brain is capable of at this moment “The idiom comparing apples and oranges, refers to the apparent differences between items which are popularly thought to be incomparable or incommensurable, such as apples and oranges. The idiom may also be used to indicate that a false analogy has been made between two items, such as where an apple is faulted for not being a good orange.”
No, “apples and oranges” doesn’t mean comparing opposites; it means comparing things that aren’t comparable in any meaningful way.
Comparing either of the girls to an ordinary mortal *wouldn’t* be an example, because haves vs have-notes is a perfectly good comparison. Comparing Shelly’s sight and Monica’s poiting *would* be, because they don’t have enough in common to be usefully compared.
Well.. Apples and oranges are both spherical, both fruit, both colorful.
I wouldn’t say they are “opposites”. Saying apples to cucumbers might be more of an opposite.
Apples to oranges means similar yet different. As with many things the context has been skewed to be in places where it probably should not have been.
I think it’s comparing supernatural abilities. That is, having super-peepers can’t really compare to heading off to your own private (now) oil drenched, debris strewn, holey beach in the Caribbean at will.
Orange you glad I didn’t say apple?
Don’t play with the fringe of my hinge syringe!
“There you go man, keep as cool as you can. Face piles of trials with smiles. It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave. Keep on thinking free.”
It’s still enjoying a lazy Sunday for the next half hour for me. I’m not ready for Monday or Tuesday.
But, I don’t think anyone said I think I am. I think….
Therefore….Oh, balls, it’s all bolloxed up now.
I just might love you. Don’t tell my husband. XD (darn it all, need to go listen to that album now…)
Heh, I can’t remember now which strip it was where there was all the speculation over Shelly being able/not able to poit, but we now have our answer
I never really understood the point of having such fantastic vision. the reason it works for eagles is because they are so far up when they fly. but for us humans, we would just get super close ups of things like garbage, or acne, or worse. it would be horrifying.
I suppose it could be useful being able to read small print at 20 paces.
Kramegame- But She can fly, and is a predator, so for her it does make sense.
Tell that to Chuck Yeager. Or Bob Anderson.
Having the ability to see long distances in sharp focus is *not* the same as being able to have vision that magnifies like a microscope.
It’s not as if she has (as far as we know now) a 2X or 10X magnification built into her eyes.
Exactly, her vision doesn’t magnify things, she just sees in super detail.
She would be super-awesome at needlepoint! Or soldering circuit boards!
Super detailed garbage…or acne….there’s a lot to be said for being nearsighted. People look better out of focus…
This. It doesn’t have to be magnified, I just used “close ups” for a lack of a better term at the time.
It doesn’t seem fair.
It’s Monica who needs supervision.
*poi(n)ts to pun jar*
Which Shelly can now supply.
Am I the only one noticing the song lyrics being posted…? Wait a minute, Mr. Postman!
Stop! In the name of the law!
Monica had superpowers. Shelly stabbed Monica in the brain, and now Shelly has superpowers.
Lesson of the day: Highlander was right!
…there can be only one?
Hmmm…maybe Highlander had the right idea but was overzealous about it?
More like: “Hey, it’s a kind of magic.”
*looks at knife on dinner plate*
Oh, SonicThunder… C’mere, you got to see this… thing… outside…
*walks over innocently*
Sure. What’re we looking at?
There doesn’t seem to be an (apparent) reason why Shelly can’t learn to teleport. If I remember right, nobody (on-screen) taught Monica; after having it done to her a couple of times, she just started poiting.
Makes me wonder about Nudge – if she can’t poit, how does she go from the Library to WapsiWorld (and vise versa) when Tepoz isn’t free?
There is a building with a door not far from the museum that people who know about the museum can go through to reach the museum.
wow… I used the word museum a lot instead of library. Here I’ll let this page do the talking.
3 pages before it, Phix says where the doorway is.
Yeah I knew about the museu…..LIBRARY annex, but it wasn’t there til recently.
But it was there before Nudge went back to the library, which is why Nudge doesn’t need to poit to get in and out.
AFAIKT, it’s the glyph readers that can teleport. Monica showed signs of it before she was ever teleported, (the bra incident), but it was after she was getting teleported that she learned how to do it herself.
There are doorways, like the one on 18th Street. I think Phix may have some affinities for doors from her time spent in the Library.
More than the glyph readers can teleport. Bud, Brandi and Topaz can all teleport and they aren’t glyph readers.
They at least can speak glyph…Shelly presumably can’t.
Tepoz MIGHT be. He seems to know how to use glyphs;, after all he inscribed some on the GGG so that now only someone who has died can command them. He thought that would prevent anyone from ever gaining control over them again. He never figured on someone like Monica, who’d died and been recessitated, coming along…
As to the GGG being able to teleport, that may be due to their condition.
And having been taught to read glyphs. if I recall correctly.
Jin is a full-fledged glyph reader, but I don’t remember anything saying that the other two can read glyph. But if someone programmed them with the ability to poit, they could poit.
…and Jim somehow has the ability to teach Bud and Brandi things, apparently. It didn’t sound like programming them, but maybe it is.
Golems (sp?) have to “read” glyphs, by there definition. But they are not “actual” glyph-readers, except for those of them that were BEFORE they were remade. They have access to some of the spell casting power, but not all of that power.
No doubt that Jin is a glyph reader, and as is mentioned, Tepoz added lines to the girls code.
As for Brandi and Bud read the addy below and the three that follow…
It’s the simplest rule for who can teleport or not:
Because the plot demands it.
I really meant that to be “telepoit”!
Guess my internal spellchecker is on automatic.
Shelly looks so cute when she’s pensive…
Having lived in Minneapolis (and I think I know where they are from the background (one of the stairs on the East side of Lake Calhoun, possibly 36th st)
Unless M has forgotten her contacts or her prescription is grotesquely out of date, she should be able to see a windsurfer on the other side of the Lake.
That also is the stairs that Monica let her bike “fall down” after she bought it with Amanda.
And, if memory serves, that’s also where Bud took a header into the sidewalk in front of Mr. Ambulance Chaser.
If the background is anything to go by, it looks like it might be misty or foggy. That would probably change things.
The shadows make it look sunny and Shelly’s hair blowing would mean no low fog.
I was hoping someone would have noticed the stairs by now. Yes, we’ve seen them before! Until now I wasn’t sure they were a real place in Minneapolis, but I’m glad they are. Google Maps isn’t too helpful, but the neighborhood’s look seems about right.
Update: Check out the intersection of W 33rd St and E Calhoun Parkway. Google Maps Street View is taken from the top of the stairway, but the fence is right, and at the bottom there’s the open grassy area and bicycle path that we saw when Bud cracked the pavement with her head.
I do believe you are right. It does look like the 33rd st staircase.
However, there is the beach at the 32nd st staircase where some of the other things have occurred.
I noticed that the stairway at 32nd also looks like a reasonable fit, but the images there are not as clear. The Wapsi Square staircase definitely has a landing partway down; it may take a Minneapolis resident to tell us which one is a better fit. That tree and telephone pole should nail it – as soon as someone can actually go look at the real life location.
It’s going to suck playing “Eye Spy” with her now.
” Alright Monica … I spy with my little eye … ummm, something beginning with N”
“N … hmmm … notebook?”
“Nail? Nitelight? Nurse? Nose? Net?”
“Okay, Shelly, I give up, what is it?”
*giggles* Like!
*snicker* That’d be the kind of joke I’d pull, for which my wife would smack me upside the head.
Heh- puts me in mind of a Blackadder episode…
“All right Baldrick, I’ll play your silly little game…I spy with my teeny eye something that begins with “T”..
It looks like they would make a good super hero team. However, without one another they would be less effective.
All that time of Shelly claiming she didn’t want superpowers, and now that she has them, she’s showing off.
Meh…she might not have realized it was a super power until Monica said something.
Besides, showing off would be transforming into a sphinx at an (in)appropriate time.
You mean she got Monica to think about something other than herself?
The characters say one thing than do another all the time.
In this case maybe she didn’t want what happened to happen, but she discovered that it’s not all bad.
It’d be more like oranges and watermelons, I’m thinking….
*rattles pun jar*
It may not be a pun but, that was still a terrible joke.
Dear Spaghetti Monster… we are up to $47.29. And 247 pesos. And about two pounds. And two Australian quarters… What should we buy?
Not to mention the kidney, several assorted sweets, two dubloons, and some Korean military pay scrip from 1951.
Hmmm, need to collect on the IOU’s first though.
some grated Parmesan cheese?
“Weight, 105. Yeah, in your bra!”
What does i got in my Pockets of Random Holding right now?
Five Pobble beads……
The world’s greatest egg salad recipie…..
And a envelope of Don Martin sound effects…..
Good job, M. Real nice quietly and tacitly agreeing with Shelley that 80,000 years of isolation and loss of humanity punctuated only by killing naive alternate versions of herself wasn’t punishment enough for her for leaving you a little out of the loop while saving you from being the pawn of demons.
This is relevant to today’s page … how?
Yeah, that had me confused too.
C’mon. Someone drops an emotional bomb of self-loathing like that in the last page, and you focus on the eyesight trick she mentioned as a distraction?
That’s either grade-A emotional insensitivity/obliviousness or tacit agreement.
Shelly’s comment was pointing out that she realizes that the time in the forest was a gift, not worthy of a punishment. And both M and Shelly realize that there is nothing that Shelly needs to be punished for, however, M is still admitting that she still has psychological issues from the whole ordeal.
Wow, I so did not get that intent from reading her line — I pretty much got the opposite.
I don’t think Shelly realized she had super vision. Given her reaction to Monica’s dialog on the first frame I’d say she was having a dawning moment of realization there.
Of course her full on snarkiness is just Shelly being herself for once in the next panel.
Either that or Shelly was a bit apprehensive about Monica’s reaction.
Shelly’s improved vision probably grew on her during her time in the forest along with her Sphinx persona, so she might actually have been testing her own perception against Monica’s.
I don’t think she is reacting to Monica in the first frame. She’s either looking at the windsurfer or staring off into space. I think there are two possibilities. 1) She was worried about the windsurfer for some reason already on Friday and is still worried today. 2) She was changing the subject, in which case she was probably thinking about what Monica had been saying and how much Monica had suffered.
Hold on; OK so Shelly has telescopic vision. What about when Monica’s eyes glowed in the basement and she could see in the dark, hmmm? :-/
can you use a telescope in a basement with no light?
no? Neither would Shelly. Unless she can catch more light in her eyes than normal humans, it would still be difficult for her to see…
I just have to say I love the looks on Shelly’s face–apprehensive and worried, then dawning snarkiness as Monica realizes what’s happening.
Are you drawing a connection between the two? I wouldn’t. To me, both are trying to see what is going on in the first panel and both are worried about it. In the second panel, Shelly looks a bit defensive. I’m not sensing any snarkiness at all.
I don’t think Shelly was just messing with Monica. If she was trying to get a reaction out of her, there was no reason to pretend to be worried when Monica wasn’t looking at her. She didn’t seem to be worried about Monica’s reaction because she wasn’t looking at her.
A second idea (I mentioned it above just now) is that Shelly is feeling very guilty about what she did to Monica. So when Monica brought it up on Friday, she changed the subject to the windsurfer, but she’s still feeling guilty in Panel 1 today.
Shelly crossing her arms makes her look defensive. Her body language looks too much like she’s turning away from Monica in the second panel to look like she was trying to be snarky.
Maybe, but I don’t see Shelly as turning further away–she could be standing that way from the beginning. And I’m not sure I meant full snark–only that she’s kinda glad at how Monica is taking it, and that she got that zinger about her eyes out there.
I still think M got the better deal. Poiting is a skill I’d love to have. :3
Under the right conditions you can see the Andromeda Galaxy (2.5 million light years).