Awesome As You by Paul Taylor on October 18, 2017 at 10:15 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Scarlet, TimothyLocation: Gryphon Middle School Related Comics ¬ Never Stood A Chance Be Okay Girl Stuff Boy Stuff Ready To Go Last Places
I’m thinking maybe Scarlet should talk to her grandmother. Unless she’s deceased. Unless she’s a ghost and can talk to her that way.
Q room.
Unless her Grandmother wrote a lt more than just that notebook, I don’t know how useful a Q-Room session would be!
And Timothy is just the right height for now!
I’d give him a few more inches. Just so she can comfortably rest her chin on his head.
Oh, you meant for _Timothy_?
A few more inches so he can comfortably drool into her cleavage… That’s what would happen anyway…
“Hands Cpt. Obvious his trophy”
“Teleports out”
Scarlet says “…my grandmother was some kind of ghost whisperer…” — I would guess from the past tense that grandma is no longer around.
Either he is going to get himself a LOT of pussy in college…
…or he’s going to marry his first girlfriend, and have a healthy, happy marriage that lasts until death, while all their friends and peers are getting divorced over and over.
…and a loooot of kids!
Wow! Timothy’s da MAN!
I Second That!
Was going to type a similar post, but you said it first.
You Go Timothy.
Just… win.
Timmothy is becoming quite the smooth operator.
Just exactly what Scarlet needed.
Timothy is a KEEPER.
He’s got good instincts, that’s for sure!
Timothy wins Boyfriend of the Year with that comment.
That’s is one way to ground your girlfriend that is starting to freak a lil. 😊
\m/ Timothy! You are the man!
She’s got an STD on her hands–a Silver Tongued Devil!
Wonder if Timmeh is related to Gary from “Ménage a 3” and knows how to give a good Swirley (no, not the kind that involves a bully and a toilet bowl)
I think they’re all a bit young for that yet. He’s a sweet kid.
I KNEW there was something I liked about Timmy!
He said the right thing.
Oh the boy’s got moves. . .
So many boyfriend points right there
What a lovely thing to say.
“Do you know if she’s seeing anyone?”
Timothy is such a darling little sweetie. EXACTLY what a catboy is supposed to be!