that really depends on the person and their build. there is a proportional size beyond which every single person I’ve spoken with has said that being out of their bra for more than sleeping is uncomfortable to painful. the more dense your breast tissue, the smaller your relative size before the weight overpowers the muscle/tissue ability to support with any degree of comfort. it’s a good theory, but only works in practice to a point.
Its at strips like this I miss AmazonePrincess.
It would make her VERY happy, and she would describe just HOW happy!
What happened to her, was she banned?
She really should be careful. If she went jogging and the “girls” got outta synch, she could beat herself silly!
Fairportfan – thanks for that link! lmao! That’s pretty much what she looked like. Our mom thought it was hysterical, ’til she brought out the “funny” in front of company. To add to the pandemonium, my sis had given our longhaired german shepard a set of ’em too. That was one of those family moments that you simply have to remember to the victims embarrassement at the most inopportune times! (I know I have pictures somewhere!)
Good evening, ma’m. I’m Sgt. Newton of the Gravity Police. Do you know why I’ve doubled you over? Are you aware that there’s a law that states F=MA? Do you have any idea the force those cacahuates of yours were generating? I’m going to have to issue you a citation for multiplying quite a substantial mass by a reckless amount of acceleration. This is a class 2 infraction that carries a fine of one major oowie, payable immediately.
Oh, and BTW, Pabloso fabuloso, take the “and” out of the thought balloon and that second panel (or the second and third panels together) would make a killer diller best seller t-shirt/poster/wallpaper/whatever else you put it on. . . .I’m just sayin’. . . .
Rather than causing facial trauma, I’d think that spinning an unbalanced (ahem) and/or topheavy structure like our Monica, would more likely have yanked her off her feet-think of the center of gravity! Even with one leg out as a counterbalance, she’d’ve been pulled horizontal…
Secondly, the cartoon I was first reminded of (sorry about no link) involved a stair climber and the image of two basketballs going independantly down a flight of stairs!
Pablo, you’ve outdone yourself yet again! I’ve not seen anyone capture both the joy and pain of being a (busty) woman more so than you.
and I agree with Gunnr, when he said that taking the “and” out of the fourth thought balloon would make an outstanding graphic for a t-shirt / poster / wallpaper / whatever … even a coffee mug!
I guess it’s time to comment. Over the past week I’ve been reading this comic – it’s fantastic! The art style reminds me a little bit of Calvin and Hobbes…especially the comic from a while back with Monica and Dietzel sledding! And the storyline’s a good bit interesting, in my opinion.
I’m talking out my ass, so I guess all I really want to say is keep up the good work and I hope to see this keep going for a while! Katherine for the win!
Lucky she doesn’t have a broken jaw…
That…looks incredibly painful. More so than the implied injuries of a sports bra that can’t hold you back
Hey ! Careful were you swing those things !
Could’ve been worse, she could have a busted jaw, broken nose and two black eyes…….
The ladies of Going would disagree — more time out of the sling would let her normal tone and comfort return.
Beautiful pose, btw!
*They* would, and *we* would have to reply that there is nothing wrong with speculative realism in comics.
M is becoming more and more of a patchwork of hotness these days, with Phix’s neck and Bud’s legs.
that really depends on the person and their build. there is a proportional size beyond which every single person I’ve spoken with has said that being out of their bra for more than sleeping is uncomfortable to painful. the more dense your breast tissue, the smaller your relative size before the weight overpowers the muscle/tissue ability to support with any degree of comfort. it’s a good theory, but only works in practice to a point.
One of these days, she going to cause some serious injuries; either to herself, or some poor innocent bystander.
Without even touching him, too.
Monica seems to have changed her mind about some things since this strip.
It’s possible she was wearing a bra in that strip.
However, THANK YOU for linking that blast from the past!
OK the thought of doing pirouettes bra-less made my own boobs hurt.
Ditto! yeh God owwwieeee.
Its at strips like this I miss AmazonePrincess.

It would make her VERY happy, and she would describe just HOW happy!
What happened to her, was she banned?
She just stopped posting, methinks.
I haven’t heard from her since I left the Angelic Cheerleaders guild in WoW.
Oh, by the way – THAT is the Monica we know and love there in that last panel. (No “8” on that t-shirt, though…)
She really should be careful. If she went jogging and the “girls” got outta synch, she could beat herself silly!
Fairportfan – thanks for that link! lmao! That’s pretty much what she looked like. Our mom thought it was hysterical, ’til she brought out the “funny” in front of company. To add to the pandemonium, my sis had given our longhaired german shepard a set of ’em too. That was one of those family moments that you simply have to remember to the victims embarrassement at the most inopportune times! (I know I have pictures somewhere!)
It’s worth following on from that strip for a few days to see Sue and Lynxie’s interpretation of “Ride of the Valkyries” and how it comes out…
Good evening, ma’m. I’m Sgt. Newton of the Gravity Police. Do you know why I’ve doubled you over? Are you aware that there’s a law that states F=MA? Do you have any idea the force those cacahuates of yours were generating? I’m going to have to issue you a citation for multiplying quite a substantial mass by a reckless amount of acceleration. This is a class 2 infraction that carries a fine of one major oowie, payable immediately.
Oh, and BTW, Pabloso fabuloso, take the “and” out of the thought balloon and that second panel (or the second and third panels together) would make a killer diller best seller t-shirt/poster/wallpaper/whatever else you put it on. . . .I’m just sayin’. . . .
hehehe… I’ve made that mistake before…
With all that momentum I’m surprised she’s not still spinning.
I heard that in Britain, they’ve started stocking K-cup bras in the stores. And I thought a K-Cup was the little coffee pod I use in my coffee maker… (video ad warning)
Rather than causing facial trauma, I’d think that spinning an unbalanced (ahem) and/or topheavy structure like our Monica, would more likely have yanked her off her feet-think of the center of gravity! Even with one leg out as a counterbalance, she’d’ve been pulled horizontal…
Secondly, the cartoon I was first reminded of (sorry about no link) involved a stair climber and the image of two basketballs going independantly down a flight of stairs!
Yes, think about hammer throw event in sports. Picture what would happen to the hammer thrower if she didn’t let the thing go at the end of the spin.
Even more painful
Heheh .
Although I have a substantial bustline, I have yet for that to happen to me…that must HURT!!! (but at least she’s not as bummed anymore)
And now, for the physics majors: Was M’s Ooowie caused more by a) centrifugal force, b) centripetal force, c) momentum, or d) all of the above?
(see my comment yesterday regarding the Servers and Daylight Savings Time.)
um, I’d A) and C) probably IMHO ;-p
They’re trying to escape!
Indeed. Steel belted radial bra
Ouch !
Is that what is meant by “look before you leap?”
Pablo, you’ve outdone yourself yet again! I’ve not seen anyone capture both the joy and pain of being a (busty) woman more so than you.
and I agree with Gunnr, when he said that taking the “and” out of the fourth thought balloon would make an outstanding graphic for a t-shirt / poster / wallpaper / whatever … even a coffee mug!
If Monica needed a bra before doing that, it might be, HOOK before you leap!
And this is the character development I wish people would wait for before commenting. But hey, it is a free internet.
HAH! she looks cute in the last frame…
Although Taylor, you’re doing a lot of Fan Service of late…
loved how you drew her dancing around with her beautiful hair flying around in the air.
so awesome.
Thank you! ^_^
Agreed! Beautifully done pose, very dynamic and fluid!
And great expression on Monica at the end

Anyone remember Kevin and the “Aaaugh! Monica Bounce!” thought balloon? Some gals never learn……….bless ’em!
Way cool job! The posing looks pretty awesome. Can’t say I envy her though.
Has the server discovered Daylight Time yet?
I don’t think so.
Nope — it’s still on standard time. I really wish they’d fix it.
I guess it’s time to comment. Over the past week I’ve been reading this comic – it’s fantastic! The art style reminds me a little bit of Calvin and Hobbes…especially the comic from a while back with Monica and Dietzel sledding! And the storyline’s a good bit interesting, in my opinion.
I’m talking out my ass, so I guess all I really want to say is keep up the good work and I hope to see this keep going for a while! Katherine for the win!
It’s a good thing noone was standing too close, or they would have gotten a literal ‘bust in the mouth’. XD