In Egyptian lore, the left eye is synonymous with the moon. It belonged to Horus, who fought with Seth to avenge the death of his father Osiris. In the battle, Seth tore out Horus’ left eye and broke it into pieces. Later on, parts of the eye were retrieved from across the world, infused with magic, made whole, and then given back to Horus. This is commonly called the Wadjet Eye, and is largely viewed as a symbol of order wrought from chaos, picking up the pieces kinda thing.
M closing her left eye makes her blind to things belonging to an orderly universe, leaving only Nudge, who ostensibly is not.
Huh. When I used to read auras, I did so by closing my left eye and viewing with my right, but for a very different reason – I am *severely* nearsighted in my right eye (somewhere around 20/200) whereas back-in-the-day my left eye had better-than-average vision (around 25/10 if I recall correctly) and the low-res sight made it easier to see what my eyes could not.
The Egyptian lore puts a fascinating spin on the way that worked for me…
(And I thought Horus eventually triumphs over Set/Seth and takes revenge for the murder of his father, Osiris? It was the whole purpose for which his mother, Isis, conceived and birthed Horus after all…)
Anyone else think Tina’s diary will be the latest incarnation of Chekhov’s gun? And what will it have to do with Jin’s “voices” and the sudden appearence of Nudge??
Paul, I just gotta save, love the art work. And at the same time, I want to strangle you. I have been going through and coloring the more artistically striking pieces (I do not publish these anywhere, I just do it for fun) and this one I have no IDEA where to start, even if I were to work on it. Just…Keep up the good work. And make a statue of it, it’d be a big seller.
Given that Nudge is sporting Mountain Goat style horns, I would expect her to be in Earth tones for optimal camouflage. Go with Browns, Greys and Blacks to be able to blend into a Rocky Mountain terrain.
I like how things are similar, but not symmetrical- the horns, for instance, are craggy and each is unique- and I love it. Wonderful effect. Brilliant, as usual.
Paul’s demon design is, as usual, breath taking and awe inspiring. The creature is, indeed, fetching in a fetish kinda way. I would be concerned about those bony projections on her body during a hug. It could be her appearence is designed to strike fear as well. By contrast, Here is one I found a while back I thought was fetching, yet not frightening. For purposes of a good story, however, frightening is better.
(transcript of conversation between me, as DM, and one of my D&D players when they were confronted with an eleven-foot-tall demonic mackaw in a wizard’s tower)
In Egyptian lore, the left eye is synonymous with the moon. It belonged to Horus, who fought with Seth to avenge the death of his father Osiris. In the battle, Seth tore out Horus’ left eye and broke it into pieces. Later on, parts of the eye were retrieved from across the world, infused with magic, made whole, and then given back to Horus. This is commonly called the Wadjet Eye, and is largely viewed as a symbol of order wrought from chaos, picking up the pieces kinda thing.
M closing her left eye makes her blind to things belonging to an orderly universe, leaving only Nudge, who ostensibly is not.
That’s my take on things, anyway.
Ohh i only knew the first bit of this (ann rice ^^). Who won in the end? Horus or seth?
I think he meant to type set the Egyptian God of evil and hours won in the end
Horus won, sort of – but only because Isis recovered the pieces and put the jigsaw puzzle together.
Huh. When I used to read auras, I did so by closing my left eye and viewing with my right, but for a very different reason – I am *severely* nearsighted in my right eye (somewhere around 20/200) whereas back-in-the-day my left eye had better-than-average vision (around 25/10 if I recall correctly) and the low-res sight made it easier to see what my eyes could not.
The Egyptian lore puts a fascinating spin on the way that worked for me…
(And I thought Horus eventually triumphs over Set/Seth and takes revenge for the murder of his father, Osiris? It was the whole purpose for which his mother, Isis, conceived and birthed Horus after all…)
Tricksters are chaotic, by nature – so of course when the orderly “Collective” is blocked, what is left is the trickster . . .
Ooo … Fanservice! A horny demon in a low-cut dress! Woo-hoo!
(Nudge … Wink …)
Anyone else think Tina’s diary will be the latest incarnation of Chekhov’s gun? And what will it have to do with Jin’s “voices” and the sudden appearence of Nudge??
all i have to say is “WHOA DAMM!” (pardon my french)
Ok, show of hands, how many of you closed your left eye?
Paul, I just gotta save, love the art work. And at the same time, I want to strangle you. I have been going through and coloring the more artistically striking pieces (I do not publish these anywhere, I just do it for fun) and this one I have no IDEA where to start, even if I were to work on it. Just…Keep up the good work. And make a statue of it, it’d be a big seller.
Given that Nudge is sporting Mountain Goat style horns, I would expect her to be in Earth tones for optimal camouflage. Go with Browns, Greys and Blacks to be able to blend into a Rocky Mountain terrain.
I like how things are similar, but not symmetrical- the horns, for instance, are craggy and each is unique- and I love it. Wonderful effect. Brilliant, as usual.
I just realized something, the horns kind of remind me of those snake tablets you can get during 4th of July after you’ve lit them.
Mmm. Lovely design. Now I want to draw.
Paul’s demon design is, as usual, breath taking and awe inspiring. The creature is, indeed, fetching in a fetish kinda way. I would be concerned about those bony projections on her body during a hug. It could be her appearence is designed to strike fear as well. By contrast, Here is one I found a while back I thought was fetching, yet not frightening. For purposes of a good story, however, frightening is better.
I want that last panel as a desktop wallpaper
me too. Second time I’ve wanted a Tina wallpaper =[ I never got my first one though.
Oddly enough, I think she bears a strong resemblance to Shelly!
I can see it.
Cool do, doll. Who does your horns?
oh sweet buttery jesus–they have scones!
Every demon I meet has bigger horns than mine.
It’s not the size that matters, it’s…
Nudge is absolutely excellent!
I actually caught myself saying “Wow, she’s beautiful!” out loud.
“Is there a window?”
“I’m out it.”
You’re on the tenth floor.
“I don’t care, I’ll take my chances.”
(transcript of conversation between me, as DM, and one of my D&D players when they were confronted with an eleven-foot-tall demonic mackaw in a wizard’s tower)
Ha! I walk around with one eye open more than my wife cares for, now I have a reason.
Ooh. I LIKE her!
Heh heh, demon women; cool. heh heh
Is it bad that I still think she’s hot as hell?
Would that be figuratively, literally, or both?

Wow. Demonic Tina/Nudge is very tempting. I love the design.
Duessa: Great avvie! I loved that strip!!!
I believe Nudge is not a member of Tina’s committee of demons.