That’s life. There’s no way of telling how long we’ll be here and worrying about it only makes you miserable.
Live life, cherish your friends and loved one, and try to be a good person. Karma will balance it all out when the time comes.
no one likes their mortality shoved in their face i suppose
funny how thinking of anothers future death makes us think of our own
(and my books it does NOT make you morbid. it makes you intelligent. only a complete moron would die leaving their loved ones to sort out the details…and yes. i have had close loved ones be morons :P)
and this answers the question about time-jumping.
didn’t happen
just monica decided to pull out all the stops and looks hot just cuz she can
to be able to buy a drink at a pub where the drink costs (albeit in a humerous way) the same as a psychiatrists appointment hour – it is not and no way can be described as a dive.
dives would have cheeper stuff
I know several high end establishments that the owners and better patrons call “dives” as a loving little nickname. The usual phrase used is “welcome to my little dive”.
Strange she’s depressed about this.
1. That’s 99% of her friends to begin with (100% of everyone elses’ friends)
2. It’s what she’s wanted most in her life.
You know, I had that same thought. Why would it bother her that yet another friend is mortal when so many people in the world that she knows (has known) are already?
Then again, I suppose if you derive some sense of security from knowing that some things will last forever…and then you learn that one of those things (or in this case, one of those people) actually won’t last indefinitely…well I suppose that might be a little bit of a gut blow. It just seems like it would be something easier to get over without the need for alcoholic psychiatric assistance.
Maybe it’s the “no one knows how long” part? Odd that I just assumed Jin would live out a “normal” length life after being reset; whereas, Monica seems to be concerned that it might be shorter…
She might be worried that Jin will still commit suicide. She knows about Jin looking forward to death. That would had some uncertainty on top of everyday uncertainty.
Or she might not trust the repair that Maya made to Jin. Of course, I still don’t understand why she didn’t try to work with or at least talk with Maya before Maya did anything to Jin. Given how long her hair grew, she had plenty of time. (And, yes, her hair was this length before Maya played Dr. Frankenstein.) It’s almost hypocritical of her to worry about Jin now.
i am a little surprised everyone is going off on their own.
if you had heard your friend had changed – wouldn’t you want to go see em to say hi and reassure them nothing has changed in your friendship?
think i would.
Pain, despair, and anger should never be shared. Everyone in CGG is hurting in one way or another. Monica is hurting because now she knows she will loose Jin when before Jin was going to outlive her. May is drepressed that her good deed turned out to be not so good a deed. Jin is abandoned by everyone but Aaron so far. With this many negative feelings why on earth would they get together to share them??
Normally yes. That would be the first thing I would do. But when you find out that she got the second wish she’s always wanted(first being getting her mom back) after all of her friends worked thier butt off getting it, the first thing she does is try to shoot her self in the head.
Something like this can sure bring up some strange emotions.
One theory yesterday, considering her longer hair, was that some time had passed over the weekend, and this was a few months into the future. That getting together would then have happened already.
Huh, ok… I need a chart showing the timeline of the comic, and if it’s in effect the same as real time. Yesterdays comic with the line of “a few years” is true in our time, but it’s likely only been days in theirs.
Or time flows weird in the Wapsiverse and a single conversation can take days.
I’ve been going throught he arcive trying to do the same thing to put on the waspi square wikipida site. As I read through this I could find very few errors.
The only one I could find for sure was that it states that Topaz brought the girls to the new world between 10,500 and 5,200 bc. This had to be later, around at least 1350-1330 BCE as its stated that Bud had something to do with Amenhotep IV with him being in Egypt between this time frame.
Other than that this was a great website.
I’m glad everyone above found the chronology useful and accurate. It’s a wiki, so it’s not like I own the interpretation or anything, but you can blame me for anything presumptuous or wack there.
Yesterday, Nimrod mentioned the old forums and character stats, which I don’t seem to have as easy access to as he does. He suggests, based on those, that the story has moved ahead at only half speed to real time (5 story years presented over ten) — but that isn’t quite the count I’m getting with my “historiography” approach.
Taking all the seasonal episodes presented as given, we still have a couple years of Heather moving to the Twin Cities before that, for a total of about seven, maybe eight years. In fact, except for one time marker (in a flashback narration box) that I haven’t included yet, I think Paul is keeping very close to the real passing of years. If the ratio is shorter than 1-year-per-year, then the story takes place later in the decade, if only because of when Ghost Hunters is on the air. Though of course in Wapsiverse even these things might have fallen at different points in the timeline.
Final & most important caveat: It’s just a show, we should really just relax.
I completely misunderstood how much time had passed, and missed Monica’s longer hair prior to Bud and Brandi’s plasma golf. I’m gonna go eat some humble pie now.
Please forgive me for asking this. I had cancer in 2008 and my music expressed my anger and fear of death and, finally, the change in my feelings about it all.
Leuconoe, don’t ask — it’s dangerous to know —
what end the gods will give me or you. Don’t play with Babylonian
fortune-telling either. Better just deal with whatever comes your way.
Whether you’ll see several more winters or whether the last one
Jupiter gives you is the one even now pelting the rocks on the shore with the waves
of the Tyrrhenian sea — be smart, drink your wine. Scale back your long hopes
to a short period. Even as we speak, envious time
is running away from us. Seize the day, trusting little in the future.
John W Campbell once said that oxygen is the nastiest drug out there – withdrawal is always fatal, a single small dose causes lifelong addiction and it’s 100% fatal in the long run.
It also goes for water. There was a pamphlet going around my campus a decade back about the need to “put an end to “dihydrogen-monoxide”, the horrible substance that causes lifelong addiction with lethal withdrawal effects, and, you know what’s the worst about it?
*They put it in everything…!*
i seem to recall a while back that there was a bill to “Ban Dihydrous Monoxygen” going to be introduced to some state legislature and that had to get 5,000+ signatures on it before they would actually “do” anything with it… and they GOT THEM!.. then somebody who READ the thing, and had a bit of science knowledge about them, realized what they were talking about and dropped it.
For humans (and most of our close relatives) he’s right, of course. The stuff tends to cause giddiness if you over-indulge, too, and exposure brings with it some immediate hazards as well.
There are organisms which simply don’t care about it… they can use oxygen, or use a different metabolic pathway (e.g. fermentation) to gain energy from other pathways. They can respire oxygen, but don’t need to. The yeasts that produced that lovely 18-year-old Macallen are of that sort.
And, there are some (e.g. obligate-anaerobic archaea) for which oxygen is a quick and nasty poison (like chlorine or fluorine gas is, for us), and which must metabolize other materials. Fermento mori, as it were…
And then there are the whole ecosystems around deep sea vents that apparently use sulfur, particularly Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and other such nice compounds instead of oxygen.
Definitively reminded of Linda Hunt from Silverado. LOVE that movie.
Anyhow, I figured that her knees were on the barstool. I did something similar in my childhood when playing on the barstools at my grandparents’ house. Granted, I didn’t have the rack back then to act as a cushion like she does, but the principal was the same.
come on Paul, when are we going to see the whole gang together again ?
This business with seeing at maximum 2 people together in every one comic is killing me, and I think i’m not alone there
I didn’t see yesterdays comic, so when I saw Monica in this one I immediately exclaimed out loud WOW!
Monica is looking crazy hot! I’m talking Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz, and Jessica Alba in their prime hot!
Paul, my penis thanks you!
“Carpe Noctum” motto of the AC130 pilot. Have you seen one of those nasties? One version has a 105mm Howitzer sticking out the side, another has banks of .30 cal gatling guns (5000 rounds/min/gun) and runs through 30 tons of ammunition in less than a minute…
Ah… so… just like the rest of us, then.. :3
Life is fatal!
Yes. Studies have shown that the average mortality rate of those with “life” is 100%, usually within 100-120 years.
those of “us” you mean. there are some neat jellyfish who are theoretically immortal.
fuckin jellyfish…fuckin infinitely refreshing cells…fuckin cheating death…
Same with lobsters.
That is an epically simple truth.
Carpe drinkum.
Precisely what Horace had in mind! It’s essentially an Epicurean credo.
That’s life. There’s no way of telling how long we’ll be here and worrying about it only makes you miserable.
Live life, cherish your friends and loved one, and try to be a good person. Karma will balance it all out when the time comes.
*looks at planet*
blinking hope karma sorts it out. frickin needs to do some overtime to do so!
I’m referring to the individual.
*looks at the world* As far as I’m concerned I have little hope for the incoming generation or the rest of the world for that matter.
no one likes their mortality shoved in their face i suppose
funny how thinking of anothers future death makes us think of our own
(and my books it does NOT make you morbid. it makes you intelligent. only a complete moron would die leaving their loved ones to sort out the details…and yes. i have had close loved ones be morons :P)
and this answers the question about time-jumping.

didn’t happen
just monica decided to pull out all the stops and looks hot just cuz she can
oh and side-note
to be able to buy a drink at a pub where the drink costs (albeit in a humerous way) the same as a psychiatrists appointment hour – it is not and no way can be described as a dive.
dives would have cheeper stuff
I know several high end establishments that the owners and better patrons call “dives” as a loving little nickname. The usual phrase used is “welcome to my little dive”.
to quote shelly
As opposed to the echidna martini?
i had completly forgot about that
Strange she’s depressed about this.
1. That’s 99% of her friends to begin with (100% of everyone elses’ friends)
2. It’s what she’s wanted most in her life.
Of course, that’s if she’s talking about Jin…
You know, I had that same thought. Why would it bother her that yet another friend is mortal when so many people in the world that she knows (has known) are already?
Then again, I suppose if you derive some sense of security from knowing that some things will last forever…and then you learn that one of those things (or in this case, one of those people) actually won’t last indefinitely…well I suppose that might be a little bit of a gut blow. It just seems like it would be something easier to get over without the need for alcoholic psychiatric assistance.
Maybe it’s the “no one knows how long” part? Odd that I just assumed Jin would live out a “normal” length life after being reset; whereas, Monica seems to be concerned that it might be shorter…
She might be worried that Jin will still commit suicide. She knows about Jin looking forward to death. That would had some uncertainty on top of everyday uncertainty.
Or she might not trust the repair that Maya made to Jin. Of course, I still don’t understand why she didn’t try to work with or at least talk with Maya before Maya did anything to Jin. Given how long her hair grew, she had plenty of time. (And, yes, her hair was this length before Maya played Dr. Frankenstein.) It’s almost hypocritical of her to worry about Jin now.
Oh, come on, let’s not start the wake yet. How ’bout a ‘Welcome to Sanity!’ party or something (after the bruises fade a bit).
We also need to sneak a peek at the Jin 2.0 Operators’ Manual.
i am a little surprised everyone is going off on their own.
if you had heard your friend had changed – wouldn’t you want to go see em to say hi and reassure them nothing has changed in your friendship?
think i would.
Pain, despair, and anger should never be shared. Everyone in CGG is hurting in one way or another. Monica is hurting because now she knows she will loose Jin when before Jin was going to outlive her. May is drepressed that her good deed turned out to be not so good a deed. Jin is abandoned by everyone but Aaron so far. With this many negative feelings why on earth would they get together to share them??
Normally yes. That would be the first thing I would do. But when you find out that she got the second wish she’s always wanted(first being getting her mom back) after all of her friends worked thier butt off getting it, the first thing she does is try to shoot her self in the head.
Something like this can sure bring up some strange emotions.
Well, her 2nd wish was technically to be able to die. She’s never really stated just how quickly she wanted that wish to occur.
The gun incident was just like a kid discovering their Christmas present early. Jin couldn’t wait to unwrap it.
I thought when she talked to Allen she wanted to grow old with him so they could die together.
One theory yesterday, considering her longer hair, was that some time had passed over the weekend, and this was a few months into the future. That getting together would then have happened already.
And, even if it’s shorter, it might still be a day or two.
In Jin’s case you might want to assure the manipulative little minx that something can change.
i have visions of little jins running around now
reckon she would make a good mum?
Huh, ok… I need a chart showing the timeline of the comic, and if it’s in effect the same as real time. Yesterdays comic with the line of “a few years” is true in our time, but it’s likely only been days in theirs.
Or time flows weird in the Wapsiverse and a single conversation can take days.
she was referring to last time she went into darrens bar.
was the last time when she went there with katherine?
which was at least some time last year if not the year before even in wapsi time.
Your wish is our command.
The Wapsi Square Wiki: Chronology
Ah thank you Wolf, that’s actually quite helpful.
I’ve been going throught he arcive trying to do the same thing to put on the waspi square wikipida site. As I read through this I could find very few errors.
The only one I could find for sure was that it states that Topaz brought the girls to the new world between 10,500 and 5,200 bc. This had to be later, around at least 1350-1330 BCE as its stated that Bud had something to do with Amenhotep IV with him being in Egypt between this time frame.
Other than that this was a great website.
Mm, pardon me there.
I’m glad everyone above found the chronology useful and accurate. It’s a wiki, so it’s not like I own the interpretation or anything, but you can blame me for anything presumptuous or wack there.
Yesterday, Nimrod mentioned the old forums and character stats, which I don’t seem to have as easy access to as he does. He suggests, based on those, that the story has moved ahead at only half speed to real time (5 story years presented over ten) — but that isn’t quite the count I’m getting with my “historiography” approach.
Taking all the seasonal episodes presented as given, we still have a couple years of Heather moving to the Twin Cities before that, for a total of about seven, maybe eight years. In fact, except for one time marker (in a flashback narration box) that I haven’t included yet, I think Paul is keeping very close to the real passing of years. If the ratio is shorter than 1-year-per-year, then the story takes place later in the decade, if only because of when Ghost Hunters is on the air. Though of course in Wapsiverse even these things might have fallen at different points in the timeline.
Final & most important caveat: It’s just a show, we should really just relax.
But, y’know, fandom. This is what it does.
So we didn’t jump forwards years in time. Good. I would have been really confused if that were the case.
Oh, I think we’re still in the same scene.
I completely misunderstood how much time had passed, and missed Monica’s longer hair prior to Bud and Brandi’s plasma golf. I’m gonna go eat some humble pie now.
Please forgive me for asking this. I had cancer in 2008 and my music expressed my anger and fear of death and, finally, the change in my feelings about it all.
Monica has been Paul’s “voice” for years. So…
Paul, are *you* OK?
Depends on whether or not his kitchen remodeling is done.
Or if he’s planning on killing it (it=kitchen).
i cannot decide if taking out the fridge or the sink would be the object that renders a kitchen unusable and therefore ‘dead’
I’m fine, thanks for asking.
You’re welcome…I’m glad to hear it…and please keep the great strips coming!
Oh, yeah, I hope your kitchen is fine, too!
Leuconoe, don’t ask — it’s dangerous to know —
what end the gods will give me or you. Don’t play with Babylonian
fortune-telling either. Better just deal with whatever comes your way.
Whether you’ll see several more winters or whether the last one
Jupiter gives you is the one even now pelting the rocks on the shore with the waves
of the Tyrrhenian sea — be smart, drink your wine. Scale back your long hopes
to a short period. Even as we speak, envious time
is running away from us. Seize the day, trusting little in the future.
Thank you.
Life, the worlds most terminal STD.
John W Campbell once said that oxygen is the nastiest drug out there – withdrawal is always fatal, a single small dose causes lifelong addiction and it’s 100% fatal in the long run.
It also goes for water. There was a pamphlet going around my campus a decade back about the need to “put an end to “dihydrogen-monoxide”, the horrible substance that causes lifelong addiction with lethal withdrawal effects, and, you know what’s the worst about it?
*They put it in everything…!*
It’s invaded the internet too: such as
i seem to recall a while back that there was a bill to “Ban Dihydrous Monoxygen” going to be introduced to some state legislature and that had to get 5,000+ signatures on it before they would actually “do” anything with it… and they GOT THEM!.. then somebody who READ the thing, and had a bit of science knowledge about them, realized what they were talking about and dropped it.
For humans (and most of our close relatives) he’s right, of course. The stuff tends to cause giddiness if you over-indulge, too, and exposure brings with it some
immediate hazards as well.
There are organisms which simply don’t care about it… they can use oxygen, or use a different metabolic pathway (e.g. fermentation) to gain energy from other pathways. They can respire oxygen, but don’t need to. The yeasts that produced that lovely 18-year-old Macallen are of that sort.
And, there are some (e.g. obligate-anaerobic archaea) for which oxygen is a quick and nasty poison (like chlorine or fluorine gas is, for us), and which must metabolize other materials. Fermento mori, as it were…
And then there are the whole ecosystems around deep sea vents that apparently use sulfur, particularly Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and other such nice compounds instead of oxygen.
Switching gears to a less sombre subject – Monica’s feet can’t possibly be on the floor in the first panel.
(I’m sort of reminded of Linda Hunt in Silverado.)
no, but then again half of the bar stools i’ve sat on are so high that MY feet don’t touch the ground either, and i’m 6’1″.
Definitively reminded of Linda Hunt from Silverado.
LOVE that movie.
Anyhow, I figured that her knees were on the barstool. I did something similar in my childhood when playing on the barstools at my grandparents’ house. Granted, I didn’t have the rack back then to act as a cushion like she does, but the principal was the same.
Monica and co. should throw Jin a “Happy Re-Birthday” party.
Or, if feelings from the suicide attempt are still a little raw, throw her one next year, on the anniversary.
come on Paul, when are we going to see the whole gang together again ?
This business with seeing at maximum 2 people together in every one comic is killing me, and I think i’m not alone there
If I had to take away only one thing from “The Critic”, it would be Carpe Canum.
I didn’t see yesterdays comic, so when I saw Monica in this one I immediately exclaimed out loud WOW!
Monica is looking crazy hot! I’m talking Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz, and Jessica Alba in their prime hot!
Paul, my penis thanks you!
Nah, don’t worry, our dear bucci-i is somewhat monomaniacally obsessed by a base human function, but he’s not really dangerous…..
“Carpe Noctum” motto of the AC130 pilot. Have you seen one of those nasties? One version has a 105mm Howitzer sticking out the side, another has banks of .30 cal gatling guns (5000 rounds/min/gun) and runs through 30 tons of ammunition in less than a minute…
Gonna die, and no one knows how long till it happens? Yeah, that’s called the human condition. Welcome back to it, Jin.
And yes, Monica’s looking hot to the third power here. Rawr!
That’s absolutely horrible.
How in the world can anyone serve 18 yrs Macallan on the rocks? Bad Paul. Bad bad baaaad!
That was meant to be a highlight on the glass. No ice touched that Scotch. =)