Or at least, I’ll show up for their open house long enough to eat some of those cookies, read a pamphlet and listen to their sales pitch, to be polite, and then go back to being a neutral party!
Hey, part of my comment vanished. Probably the left/right arrows. Between sort and snerk was ” And Tina is a real demon with an espresso machine”.
(Having to re-tell a joke takes the fun out of it……..)
if by “arrows” you mean hyphens and lesser/greater-than symbols … done in the right order that equates to “begin comment field” and “end comment field” in HTML. Comment fields aren’t rendered by the browser … so they get dropped out. Just a guess.
Monica’s top slipped up her torso. At least, that’s what I’m assuming – given her insistence upon well-fitting bras and whatnot, I would guess that she wouldn’t intentionally tie things so that she wasn’t getting any support.
Mr. Taylor–I have a suggestion. For those of us who are old enough to have failing memories, you might have a character list on your web site that includes the essentials about each character and (for the less-common ones) links to parts of the story in which they’re included. I certainly remember seeing Amanda in the past, but I can’t remember ANYTHING about her. Oh, yeah, and I’m too lazy to go poking through 10 years of strips to find her….
Love WS–THANK YOU for doing it!
Take a look at the one from January 13th, 2003. That was, as far as I have discovered, the very first use of a four-fingered hand in this strip. And the artwork has gotten better and better since.
Yah, it’s kind of hard to tell because the very next day we have the iconic 8-ball t-shirt strip, and it’s awhile before the subject of Tepoz comes up again, and not with Amanda…
It’s nice to see Amanda again, because she’s great, but also because it makes us see how Monica has matured. It’s true that Amanda started as her “big sister”, but now it sounds (alright, “looks”) more like a conversation between 2 big sisters.
Instead of the (life support? ATM machine?) on the chest of the Monica Vader suit, there MUST be a clevage window – how else will she use the Force on us?
OK, there’s the design for the next Wapsi poster/print…. Please?
I think punch and pie would be just as effective.
Maybe, but that’s a whole ‘nother webcomic!
Which, at the moment, is more “slowly rotting undead nightmare corpse” than “sexy bikini top”
White and Sexy Darth Vader costume… Storm Trooper meets Leia EP.IV anyone?
What with the Calendar machine subplot and all, has it really been more than a month, if that, in ‘Wapsi time’ since Amanda was around?
‘Earthy young woman’ >snortsnerk<
I've seen a T-shirt that says "Come to the dark side. We have cookies". To which my roomate promptly replied "What kind?"
I wonder if the cookies are better on the light side or the dark side…
They COULD be Oreos. And then the answer to that question would be “Yes.”
Dude. Whichever side has ‘WCMN’, I’m there.
Or at least, I’ll show up for their open house long enough to eat some of those cookies, read a pamphlet and listen to their sales pitch, to be polite, and then go back to being a neutral party!
Darkside cookies are well known to be superior and more plentiful.
This comic made me think of this great piece of Star Wars fan art
Hey, part of my comment vanished. Probably the left/right arrows. Between sort and snerk was ” And Tina is a real demon with an espresso machine”.
(Having to re-tell a joke takes the fun out of it……..)
if by “arrows” you mean hyphens and lesser/greater-than symbols … done in the right order that equates to “begin comment field” and “end comment field” in HTML. Comment fields aren’t rendered by the browser … so they get dropped out. Just a guess.
C’mon now Monica, Tell Amanda the truth.
I dare you.
But she did. Everything she said was true. Literally.
Gawd. What a pun. I could sweat for a week and not come up with one that good.
It takes consummate skill to tell the absolute truth without revealing secrets that are not yours to be told this way.
What fatuncle said. Also, Bud wants to fit in so she wouldn’t have wanted Monica to have said any more than that.
I don’t know about a white Darth Vader outfit, but pink… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RgMsy7B1UQ
“Milk and cookies” … so that’s what the kids are calling it now. I suppose with her she’s got plenty of both.
This MUST be drawn! It’s an immoral imperative! Srsly!
Second! DARTH COOKIE! .. or something to that effect XD
Those aren’t simply breath sounds.
*coooooo-kiiiiieeeee, coooooo-kiiiiieeeee*
Muhahahahahha. Its bad when the reallity shows you that your mental images are not that far off….. *
*Thou shalt not enter “Sexy Storm Trooper” in Google Image Search….
We shalt not enter “sexy stormtrooper” into google search…
Hey . Monica adroitly pulled that explanation off .
Monica’s top slipped up her torso. At least, that’s what I’m assuming – given her insistence upon well-fitting bras and whatnot, I would guess that she wouldn’t intentionally tie things so that she wasn’t getting any support.
Not that I’m complaining…
Well, she did say, “My backyard is my oasis to wear things that small-busted gals wouldn’t think twice about wearing.”
She also said her boobs snack on sturdy bras. This little bikini number isn’t sturdy…so slippage is only natural.
Hell, I experience slippage in my sturdiest bras…men aren’t the only ones who occasionally need to ‘readjust’ you know.
Obi Won eat your heart out….
I’d eat some of them cookies in a heartbeat…
Mr. Taylor–I have a suggestion. For those of us who are old enough to have failing memories, you might have a character list on your web site that includes the essentials about each character and (for the less-common ones) links to parts of the story in which they’re included. I certainly remember seeing Amanda in the past, but I can’t remember ANYTHING about her. Oh, yeah, and I’m too lazy to go poking through 10 years of strips to find her….
Love WS–THANK YOU for doing it!
He has that. On the top menu bar, click on “About” then “Cast”. It might not have all that info, but it’s a start.
Okay. SInce someone mentioned “sexy storm trooper”, i have to share the image that today’s strip called to mind.
(It’s apparently a photo manipulation, but still…)
I think that the original photo may have been shot at Atlanta’s Dragon*Con
I wonder what Paul saw at Springcon.
@Paul: FWIW, the May 13 strip isn’t showing up right in the May archives. http://wapsisquare.com/2010/05/page/2/
Should be fixed now.
Thanks for the heads-up! ^_^
freaking awesome outfit…my daughter will want one for sure!
You had me at Hello Kitty…
FWIW: A recent New York Times article. (The article might not be available much longer, though.)
I was surprised that Hello Kitty has been around for 36 years. I don’t know when it was introduced in the US, though.
Wanna see something really scary?
How about a $395 pink and white sapphire Hello Kitty pendant?
Exactly. Something so simple, yet sooooo lucrative…
You think it’s a manip? I’m not so sure.
Perhaps the Dark Side is trying new uniforms in an attempt to lure more females into the trooper ranks.
I can’t find it, but i’ve seen the original photo.
Take a look at the right leg, where the boot meets the legging
Ahh, yes… the Pastel Lord of the Sith!
“Come to the Neon Side, Luke… we have ladyfingers!”
Jim in Amarillo
More likely come out “Come to the Neon Side, Luke… we have Leiafingers!”
I wonder if the white chocolate mocha had anything to do with Monica’s calmness.
I’m a little surprised at Amanda portraying herself so negatively. I realize that she’s not that serious, but I don’t remember her being particularly snarky. At least she tried to help. (That’s the first strip in the archives.) She also got involved with the supernatural stuff early, but without knowing what was going on.
I forgot that Amanda knows about Tepoz. (I must stop reading the archives!)
Thanks, Eschmenk! Those help!
Anything from more recently?
Take a look at the one from January 13th, 2003. That was, as far as I have discovered, the very first use of a four-fingered hand in this strip. And the artwork has gotten better and better since.
Looks (judging from the knuckles) as if Amanda might have four-fingered hands in the previous strip.
Clicking forward from that one, i hit this one, which leads me to wonder what Monica’s Mexicans relatives would think of Georgette…
Given the look on her face, Amanda prolly thought Monica was just kidding…
If she thought Monica was kidding, she played along with the joke.
I messed up the link, BTW. This is correct: http://wapsisquare.com/comic/01232002/
Yah, it’s kind of hard to tell because the very next day we have the iconic 8-ball t-shirt strip, and it’s awhile before the subject of Tepoz comes up again, and not with Amanda…
*suddenly perks up*
Cookies? Who’s got milk and cookies?!
(fights urge to make a milk/monica joke)
Dear God,
Thank you for Paul Taylor’s genius….especially the thought of Monica in a sexy Vader outfit. It’s like Nerd Christmas in June. I am a happy boy now.
It’s nice to see Amanda again, because she’s great, but also because it makes us see how Monica has matured. It’s true that Amanda started as her “big sister”, but now it sounds (alright, “looks”) more like a conversation between 2 big sisters.
Amazing work as usual !
Hey! No hogging the cookies and milk! Please pass them around.
Monica is cute in the first panel, with her stomach kind of pooching out.
Lets reflect; besides Amanda, who else haven’t we seen in quite a while in this comic? Kathryn? Darren? Julie? etc.
Instead of the (life support? ATM machine?) on the chest of the Monica Vader suit, there MUST be a clevage window – how else will she use the Force on us?
OK. Enough imagining…make with the color strip, soon…
Oh Bud is earthy all right, but NOT the way you think…
First thing that popped in my head? Monica in a sultry voice saying “Hey there, little girl…want some cookies?: ^(^_^)^
Well, Mon, we all sure are!