Poor Monica. She has to be feeling like a character out of an old Lord Buckley routine.
And when they got to Mexico City Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, The Gasser, sat down to knock a note on King Ferdinand The First to hip him where he’s been goofin’ all this time.
Only took him eight years. Little Sunday afternoon flip, you know.
So he says, “Your Majesty,” ( he’s writin’ in the letter )
He says, “I’ve suffered from pavement rash.”
He says, “I’ve been billed, willed, and twilled.”
He said, “I’ve been flung, wanged, and loonged.”
He said, “I’ve been hung up, and jacked up, and framed up, and backed up. I’ve been stacked up, and macked up, and racked up.”
“But,” he said, “I never dug no jazz like this last riff you put me on.”
He said, “My buddy cats and me was in such a sad bind we were breathin’ in staccato to keep the pilot light lit.”
Looking for a neat new place in the tropics just isn’t as easy as it might seem, poiting or no poiting.
I… have never… been … THAT… drunk! Tring to crack open leftover ordinance with ANYTHING you hold in your hand is strickly Darwinisem at work. No, boobs offer little protection aginst explosive devices… but mines also can only put a minor amount of chew into an island. I would be willing to bet the girls can find if there are any more such things around and ‘poit’ them to… Cleavland? … or whatever.
Morals eh. i came across a good one recently that might aply… “If you do something foolish once, It’s a mistake. If you do it again, it’s not a mistake anymore.” I do believe the girls have an ongoing need to get thier excitement fix going.
Well as destructive such a old device is, it wont destroy a whole island so most of the beach should be still fine altrough it should be made safe first by somebody not risking her life when trigering something well .. not so nice
Anyone remember that part in “Duck Amuck” (look it up on YouTube, you’ll love it) where Daffy was hitting that bomb with a hammer and it blew up in his face? First thing that came to mind reading this.
For some reason, the final panel seems to call out to me for a description in terms of heraldry. I’m not that familiar with the less common aspects of the terminology, though… can anybody help out and provide a better phrasing?
What I’ve come up with so far: A Latina couchant Or, above a golem dormant inverted sable, on a field hardwood barry proper.
To get a more descriptive heraldic terming would sound absolutely obscene (heraldry is based loosely of french, after all).
Think of it this way, if you had included the heraldic term for ‘broken or injured’ (which M and Jin definitely qualify for), the description (in english) would have sounded like a hot lesbian scene.
I thought of using “glissant inverted” to describe Jin, as a play on her snake form in the Chimera, and “jacent inverted” could also work, but “dormant” seemed to be the more common term.
My father lost his hearing when one of those washed up on the beach in The Wash (England) and just as his buddy said “Look an unexploded sea mine…” It made more than a ‘poit’…
No. Just no.
No to what?
BTW, am I the only one who thinks the mine looks like it’s got a cute face?
Poor Monica. She has to be feeling like a character out of an old Lord Buckley routine.
And when they got to Mexico City Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, The Gasser, sat down to knock a note on King Ferdinand The First to hip him where he’s been goofin’ all this time.
Only took him eight years. Little Sunday afternoon flip, you know.
So he says, “Your Majesty,” ( he’s writin’ in the letter )
He says, “I’ve suffered from pavement rash.”
He says, “I’ve been billed, willed, and twilled.”
He said, “I’ve been flung, wanged, and loonged.”
He said, “I’ve been hung up, and jacked up, and framed up, and backed up. I’ve been stacked up, and macked up, and racked up.”
“But,” he said, “I never dug no jazz like this last riff you put me on.”
He said, “My buddy cats and me was in such a sad bind we were breathin’ in staccato to keep the pilot light lit.”
Looking for a neat new place in the tropics just isn’t as easy as it might seem, poiting or no poiting.
I… have never… been … THAT… drunk! Tring to crack open leftover ordinance with ANYTHING you hold in your hand is strickly Darwinisem at work. No, boobs offer little protection aginst explosive devices… but mines also can only put a minor amount of chew into an island. I would be willing to bet the girls can find if there are any more such things around and ‘poit’ them to… Cleavland? … or whatever.
If any of us ever need anything broken big time, we know who to send.
That wasn’t an island destroying explosion, so this island should be fine now … as long as there aren’t any more sea urchins …
So the moral of this story line is don’t drink and Point ???
Geek, you mis-spelled the accepted euphemism for teleportation (not an easy thing to do, you succeeded).
guess it’s just an “n-house joke”
Might not be his fault, if his autocorrect is on a rampage.
Morals eh. i came across a good one recently that might aply… “If you do something foolish once, It’s a mistake. If you do it again, it’s not a mistake anymore.” I do believe the girls have an ongoing need to get thier excitement fix going.
“Experience is that little voice that tells you this was a bad idea the first time.”
You don’t suppose their was a subconscious desire to buy some new eringos do you ?
they’re getting closer to ‘buying the farm’ than anything else.
Well as destructive such a old device is, it wont destroy a whole island so most of the beach should be still fine altrough it should be made safe first by somebody not risking her life when trigering something well .. not so nice
happy treasure hunting!!!
beep….. beep….beep…. biiiiiiiiiiiip!
Anyone remember that part in “Duck Amuck” (look it up on YouTube, you’ll love it) where Daffy was hitting that bomb with a hammer and it blew up in his face? First thing that came to mind reading this.
“Underneath the chestnut tree,
The village smithy stands…..”
“Who’s responsible for this?!?”
I can just picture Paul, pen in hand, turning away from his Bristol board and grinning at us… “Ain’t I a stinker?”
“carry on cowboy”
the indian is rubbing two sticks together to make fire… a cowboy hands him a stick of dynamite, with explosive results!!
Indian sitting there, parts of his clothing in flames…

“well, it never did THAT before….”
Well there MIGHT be something left of this island this time.
For some reason, the final panel seems to call out to me for a description in terms of heraldry. I’m not that familiar with the less common aspects of the terminology, though… can anybody help out and provide a better phrasing?
What I’ve come up with so far: A Latina couchant Or, above a golem dormant inverted sable, on a field hardwood barry proper.
Dave, your heraldry is fine.
To get a more descriptive heraldic terming would sound absolutely obscene (heraldry is based loosely of french, after all).
Think of it this way, if you had included the heraldic term for ‘broken or injured’ (which M and Jin definitely qualify for), the description (in english) would have sounded like a hot lesbian scene.
(does terminology search) (laughs out loud)
Right you are!
I thought of using “glissant inverted” to describe Jin, as a play on her snake form in the Chimera, and “jacent inverted” could also work, but “dormant” seemed to be the more common term.
It would probably be for the best of everyone if Jin & M do NOT poit around the globe when they are this hammered o_O
Sorry to say it took all weekend to think of this, but here it is anyway:
I notice they still have their bikinis on, so it must not have been a strip mine!
( Hides in corner – tosses wallet at pun chasm )
Oh, never mind… ShneekeyTheLost beat me to it…
Why did she blow it up?!
A mine is a terrible thing to waste!
*flees* :p
She didn’t waste the mine; but it sure tried to ‘waste’ the two of them.
(a little Vietnam-era slang there)
Playing catchup and not reading comments, so this may have been said…
There’s a sea urchin like that on the cover of a Dragonforce album… Inhuman Rampage, I think… Those urchins go boom.
My father lost his hearing when one of those washed up on the beach in The Wash (England) and just as his buddy said “Look an unexploded sea mine…” It made more than a ‘poit’…
Remember, what’s yours is MINE! (pun jar explodes like sea mine did)
great idea, letting the two that are human and mortal go bombing around for new vacation sites
I now pronounce you MINE and Wife *rimshot*
Is that… an Atari 2600 joystick?!?