The only thing missing from “Dammit, Jin I’m an anthropologist.” Is the phrase “I’m not a psychiatrist” It was put somewhere else in the speech bubble, rendering the star trek phrase incomplete
Monica “Bones” Varareal! (I apologize if I butchered her last name) I swear that old Star Trek meme came to my head as soon as I started reading. And Tina being a Psychiatrist in a previous life? That would explain the way she talks.
Heh, your use of the nickname “Bones” as a Star Trek reference has an additional “pun factor ” based upon another fictional “Bones” who just happens to be a anthropologist…
It’s definitely been mentioned before. I want to say it was mentioned in the same series of strips that introduced her backstory via newspaper clippings on the wall.
It’s astounding, time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll
But listen closely, not for very much longer
I’ve got to keep control
I remember doing the TIme Warp
Drinking those moments when
The blackness would hit me and the void would be calling
Let’s do the time warp again…
Let’s do the time warp again!
And then a step to the right
Put you hands on your hips,
And bring your knees in tight!
But it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane!
Lets do the time warp again!
Dude, don’t tease me with the word slasher. I spent three years following the “calendar machine” arc hoping Monica’s throat would go tomato surprise all over the frame. Obviously our favorite creamery isn’t going to get aerated so please let me work out my grieving process and learn to love Mammary Sue.
Fnord, but, technically, she did die. Maybe not first – I’d think the various golems would be first, and she and Tina are pretty much simultaneous, but she did die, for a moment.
I was very surprised that (original) Tina’s diary did not come up until now. Especially when Monica was desperate for clues about the calendar, yet she dismissed the diary completely. I felt that it was rather inconsiderate towards Tina (the demon coop) who really wanted to know what was written in there…
And today we learn that Paul was saving it for the next story line!
Jin in the final panel makes me want to find a way to hit a golem without hurting yourself. Because seriously, that cheeky expression is driving me off the wall.
Yay, Star Trek reference FTW.
“I’m not going back, Jin/Jim!” – Monica/Spock
The only thing missing from “Dammit, Jin I’m an anthropologist.” Is the phrase “I’m not a psychiatrist” It was put somewhere else in the speech bubble, rendering the star trek phrase incomplete
Viable while avoiding possible legal entanglements, perhaps?
No, a pastiche of a catchphrase is pretty standard fair use.
Monica “Bones” Varareal! (I apologize if I butchered her last name) I swear that old Star Trek meme came to my head as soon as I started reading. And Tina being a Psychiatrist in a previous life? That would explain the way she talks.
Heh, your use of the nickname “Bones” as a Star Trek reference has an additional “pun factor ” based upon another fictional “Bones” who just happens to be a anthropologist…
Darnit Jin ! She’s a anthropologist , not a magician !
It’s worse than that, Jin, she’s dead.
It’s worse than that, he’s dead, Jin!
Dead, Jin!
Dead, Jin!
It’s worse than that, he’s dead, Jin!
Dead, Jin!
Golems on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow, there’s Golems on the starboard bow Jim!
Arrrg! Boo for no edits buttons…
Ye canna change the script, Jin! Up ta you, Jinny!
It’s worse than that, it’s physics, Jin!
To The old Wolf:
It’s life Jin but not as we know it
Not as we know it
Not as we know it
It’s life, Jin, but not as we know it
Not as we know it
Tina was a pshrink?
Did we know that?
I didn’t . Then again , I still have yet to read up on the last two years , in the archives .
Far as know, first time it’s come up. Explains a lot, doesn’t it?
And another boo for lack of editing functions.
It’s definitely been mentioned before. I want to say it was mentioned in the same series of strips that introduced her backstory via newspaper clippings on the wall.
Damnit Jin?
Dammit, Janet!!
It’s astounding, time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll
But listen closely, not for very much longer
I’ve got to keep control
I remember doing the TIme Warp
Drinking those moments when
The blackness would hit me and the void would be calling
Let’s do the time warp again…
Let’s do the time warp again!
It’s just a POIT to the left……..
And then a step to the right
Put you hands on your hips,
And bring your knees in tight!
But it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane!
Lets do the time warp again!
Damnit Jin, I’m a doctor (PhD) not a doctor (MD)!
Monica obviously doesn’t read webcomics or she would know that generally the girl with the largest breasts in the cast can do anything.
But, as ever fan of slasher movies knows, the girl with the largest rack usually gets killed first.
Perhaps getting killed first falls under “can do anything”?
Dude, don’t tease me with the word slasher. I spent three years following the “calendar machine” arc hoping Monica’s throat would go tomato surprise all over the frame. Obviously our favorite creamery isn’t going to get aerated so please let me work out my grieving process and learn to love Mammary Sue.
Fnord, but, technically, she did die. Maybe not first – I’d think the various golems would be first, and she and Tina are pretty much simultaneous, but she did die, for a moment.
I was very surprised that (original) Tina’s diary did not come up until now. Especially when Monica was desperate for clues about the calendar, yet she dismissed the diary completely. I felt that it was rather inconsiderate towards Tina (the demon coop) who really wanted to know what was written in there…
And today we learn that Paul was saving it for the next story line!
I felt the same way. But at least now we know why no one could read it. She was a doctor!
No one ever said no one could read it. Tina said it was in shorthand, which apparently she knew but her demons don’t.
She didn’t find any clues about the calendar, only “subject seems distracted today”
…in shorthand, of course.
I like the rendering on the hands in the middle panel, BTW.
Hands? What hands? I don’t see any hands… oh, wait, THERE they are, toward the sides of the panel. I was a tad focused on the middle.
(Okay, I geek out too much about this comic…)
Anyways… THAT’s why she doesn’t talk about those notebooks!
Hey wait, you were supposed to post Wednesday’s strip today so we don’t have to wait until then to see it. What gives?
Or is this another ‘it’s just me’ situation?
Jin in the final panel makes me want to find a way to hit a golem without hurting yourself. Because seriously, that cheeky expression is driving me off the wall.
Oh, that was wonderful. So very wonderful. ;] Oh, and the hair blowing about is a nice touch, lately.
Dude. March. Twin Cities. Need we elaborate?
(Hell, the wind here in Texas is near blowin’ my wig off . . . and I don’t wear a wig.)
I think this can be easily resolved by meds. Lots and lots of meds.
Okay, maybe, but what about Jin?
Enough meds, and who cares about Jin?
You people are having too much fun with this. I like it!
Guess what Mona; the snake charmer’s makes a valid point…
Hmm…. and Tina still has some diaries, written in Shorthand. I wonder if she has notes on Jin.