What would “fifthed” be??? And add my WAAAHOOOEEE!!! to alll the “wows! AND I think I would like a T-shirt (grey and black-her wing wrapped around the body) TOO!!!
first thing i thought when i saw the last panel was “wow that would be an amazing wallpaper”. So if there’s room on the bandwagon…. I have a kazoo and a dream…
Kai i also like your shirt idea.
Tina was always supposed to be slightly unsettling. Just friendly enough to cover it up. When she’s getting to the point, the friendliness fades and she gets down to business and the creepiness shows a little more.
Tina knows these two know HER, so she is free to be herself (themself? themselves? I give up!) with them – refreshing for her, eerie for us – I love it!
Actually, Paul said that the gray text means that it is just one of her demons talking. Black means that what Tina says is being filtered by the committee of demons.
Err, does she seem just a tiny bit too…………..eager for this? I get the impression she enjoys the idea a leetle too much. And she might be Jin’s only hope.
This should prove interesting. Hopefully not Chinese-Curse interesting.
But the demons aren’t Tina. They never were. She was the one with all the knowledge and the doctorate to prove it. She had the training in what to do. At best, the demons may have picked up a few things, but they are not the psychoanalyst. Tina is gone. Going to the faux Tina doesn’t really make sense to me. Yeah, I know, ours is not to question why, ours is but to read and pry. That’s my problem. I’m always questioning why.
I’m working under the assumption that she’s the closest they’re going to get to the real deal. It’s probably not a good idea to take Jin to a city regular for this treatment, so using what the demons picked up from Tina doesn’t seem like a bad start.
Well, is it too much to assume that since the demons possess the Original Tina’s brain they might be able to access it some of her memories like, say, a hard drive? I could be wrong… but who knows.
Anyone you channel and any entity that possesses you can access all the information in your conscious mind, sometimes better than you can. I do channelling work, so I know.
I think it’s instinct. The committee doesn’t have the memories of doing a psychology degree (or any other part of Tina’s original life), not that they can consciously recall. But the demons *are* based on the original personality, and so I’d guess they’ve got that knowledge at a subconscious level… if that term means anything for demons…
The more I think about it (and I obviously think about it too much), I think they should skip the Kenya Blend and just open up a can of Chock Full O’ Nuts.
So, what’s the deal with Tina’s wings? What do they represent, or why does she have them in the first place? They appear in skeletal form in one of the images on Ebay this week, but I don’t recall seeing them any other time or any explanation for them.
I’m thinking one of Tina’s Demon band has, as its representation, an “Angel of Protection” of sorts. Perhaps a demon of “Concern”?
You know, that might be the reason why Tina 1.0 was so well connected with her demon horde: she was a psychologist, and could compartmentalize each of her demons. I bet her demons know the DSM-IV front and backwards…
sorry, it’s just you. In the first panel, her folded hands seem to be shielding the scoop neck on the blouse, but the sleeves seem to be the same on both. In the third panel she’s moved her arms to under her boobs, providing the cleavage boost and making the scoop visible.
OK, so, as I see it then the wings actually represent (are part of) the particular demon who is speaking through Tina at that moment. Is that right? Must be an impressive demon. Perhaps an actual angel of hell (one of the fallen former residents of heaven)? That would be quite an “honor.” To be so important in the grand scheme of things to come to the attention of one of them. It would also make “Tina” a force with which ot be reckoned. Or, looking at the Looney Tunes eyes, it might just be the one most nutzo. Oh wait … that could be one one the same.
Actually, it does make sense as it is. She’s saying that Jin and M think that Tina 1.0 (the you that you used to be) could be helpful. She’s not saying that Tina 2.0 could be helpful, but that doesn’t seem to matter.
This may seem like a joke but it isn’t. I like the attention to detail in how her right breast (form her perspective) is slightly “smooshed” to her right.
It might seem simple but that could have easily been overlooked. Especially since she is not Monica.
Can I post a vote to see this shot of Tina as the next sculpture. Those wings would be SO cool.
Those look very much like Raven wings; and considering how Ravens are expressed/described in various cultures – (particularly my own, First Nations) wuh oh….
Some unsuspecting guy needs to fall for her just so we can see another one trying to cope with the decision of hot babe GF vs crazy mystical weirdness.
Wow the second craziest girl in Wapsi Square wants to help. Now that I think about Jin and Tina can have a crazy off and decide who’s the best of the worst.
Ok, now THAT is seriously cool, Tina. Wow.
and first comment? Really? Go me.
Errr. Are we -certain- that the conglomerate of demons with seriously cryptic everything should e in on this one?
And so, in every sense — Tina spreads her wings.
It’s kind of of a symbolic undertone.
“No, I’m not terrified of a Mad Goddess walking into my cafe. I’m not exactly ‘normal’ myself, remember?”
Okay. I made a (one word) comment and it didn’t show up – still hasn’t, despite several refreshes.
So i tried to post it again – and it says it’s a duplicate and won’t let me..
But i still don’t see the original…
So, what i said (just in case) was:
Gotta say – Jin’s eyes (her expression in general) still kind of creep me out.
…Is there anyway we could get that last panel of Tina and her wings as a wallpaper?
Seconded, and WOW!!!!!
Quartered. With an extra “WOW” on top.
What would “fifthed” be??? And add my WAAAHOOOEEE!!! to alll the “wows! AND I think I would like a T-shirt (grey and black-her wing wrapped around the body) TOO!!!
Not for me, thanks. To sit down at my desk before my morning coffee and see those eyes staring at me? Brrrrrrrrr!
Try having an oracle for a soulmate. *evil grin*
Something wicked this way comes!
NOTE TO SELF: Never ask for today’s special. Your first one? Yeah, that’ll be your last one.
Especially NOT at Coffee of Doom.
first thing i thought when i saw the last panel was “wow that would be an amazing wallpaper”. So if there’s room on the bandwagon…. I have a kazoo and a dream…
Kai i also like your shirt idea.
“the dead do not … poo”
ill jump on that wagon 2 that would be an awesome wallpaper!!!
Hey did this ever pick up and if not any way to get it going cause that would be a sweet wallpaper
Tina’s got to be my favorite character !
“Set a thief to catch a thief!”
So maybe this works with Schizoid demons too?
I miss old normal crazy Tina. New demonic crazy Tina is still unsettling.
Tina was always supposed to be slightly unsettling. Just friendly enough to cover it up. When she’s getting to the point, the friendliness fades and she gets down to business and the creepiness shows a little more.
Tina knows these two know HER, so she is free to be herself (themself? themselves? I give up!) with them – refreshing for her, eerie for us – I love it!
I love her wings! I imagine them suddenly unfurling with the snapping sound of a flag in the wind.
OOoooh, nifty wings!
Lovely. Not a succubus but still cute. 
And Kali? As in the Indian Goddess Kali? (this a sorta reference to the Indiana Jones ToD?)
I need to look her up again.
Kali is the Goddess of time and change. Not someone to have interested in you.
[Disheartened Marvin the Depressed Robot Voice] Kali? Don’t talk to me about Kali. [/voice]
More excellent HGTTG reference FTW.
I think it’s gonna take more than a couple cups of Kenya blend to iron out the wrinkles in this one…
Feh. Should be “Most excellent…”
I’ll just go back to lurking.
What if…
Tina has always had these snippits of wisdom and insight.
As though only one demon were speaking.
Maybe thats the ‘original’ Tina but was somehow turned into a demon when she died?
No… but I have my theories as to who someone else’s personal demon might be…
Actually, Paul said that the gray text means that it is just one of her demons talking. Black means that what Tina says is being filtered by the committee of demons.
Oh, I’m aware of that, but I also have my suspicion that the “main piece” of Tina got shoved into a basement somewhere.
Err, does she seem just a tiny bit too…………..eager for this? I get the impression she enjoys the idea a leetle too much. And she might be Jin’s only hope.
This should prove interesting. Hopefully not Chinese-Curse interesting.
May you live in interesting times. May you find that which you seek.
Also, noticed we went from composite-group-o’demons-speak to only-one-in-charge-speaking. Worrisome?
But the demons aren’t Tina. They never were. She was the one with all the knowledge and the doctorate to prove it. She had the training in what to do. At best, the demons may have picked up a few things, but they are not the psychoanalyst. Tina is gone. Going to the faux Tina doesn’t really make sense to me. Yeah, I know, ours is not to question why, ours is but to read and pry. That’s my problem. I’m always questioning why.
I’m working under the assumption that she’s the closest they’re going to get to the real deal. It’s probably not a good idea to take Jin to a city regular for this treatment, so using what the demons picked up from Tina doesn’t seem like a bad start.
Well, is it too much to assume that since the demons possess the Original Tina’s brain they might be able to access it some of her memories like, say, a hard drive? I could be wrong… but who knows.
I don’t think they can.
Anyone you channel and any entity that possesses you can access all the information in your conscious mind, sometimes better than you can. I do channelling work, so I know.
I think it’s instinct. The committee doesn’t have the memories of doing a psychology degree (or any other part of Tina’s original life), not that they can consciously recall. But the demons *are* based on the original personality, and so I’d guess they’ve got that knowledge at a subconscious level… if that term means anything for demons…
Actually, Tina is creeping me out, somewhat, also.
I didn’t really take in her expression in the bottom panel at first; the ings distracted me…
Anybody else hear the “FLRFFF!” noise when her wings came out? XD
Not at first, but now that you mention it, I do…
I like the “sound of a flag unfurling” description.
I also like the “stinky tea”!!! Heeheehee!
Not really stinky (it smells kinda like me after I’ve been running a smoker all day), but anti-cholinergic as all hell . . . yeah. That.
If Jin is part John Nash, can we expect some submissions on her part to the annals of pure mathematics?
The more I think about it (and I obviously think about it too much), I think they should skip the Kenya Blend and just open up a can of Chock Full O’ Nuts.
So, what’s the deal with Tina’s wings? What do they represent, or why does she have them in the first place? They appear in skeletal form in one of the images on Ebay this week, but I don’t recall seeing them any other time or any explanation for them.
I remember Extremely-Scary-Tina-As-Seen-By-Bud-The-First-Time-They-Met having wings and a very creepy-looking “smashed skull” effect…
Is that the image?
Your memory is correct. On the next page she has a bush growing out of her head. I don’t know what any of that represents.
Wings here, too.
Bat wings, though.
Looks as if she’s being smart-ass.
I’m thinking one of Tina’s Demon band has, as its representation, an “Angel of Protection” of sorts. Perhaps a demon of “Concern”?
You know, that might be the reason why Tina 1.0 was so well connected with her demon horde: she was a psychologist, and could compartmentalize each of her demons. I bet her demons know the DSM-IV front and backwards…
There was a Mayan bird demon. I don’t know if that has anything to do with anything, though.
It could just be she drank some “Red Bull”.
or not
I think I need to drink some Red Bull, because it took me THIS long to figure out what you meant by that.
Er. Is it just me, or did Tina change clothes in between the first and third panels?
sorry, it’s just you. In the first panel, her folded hands seem to be shielding the scoop neck on the blouse, but the sleeves seem to be the same on both. In the third panel she’s moved her arms to under her boobs, providing the cleavage boost and making the scoop visible.
There aren’t enough girls with dark wings in comics. Believe me, I read a lot of them and they seem to be a rare breed.
I could almost see the anime flourish of the air filled with feathers. So, what does this aspect sound like? British? Asian? Southern Gothic?
Now we’re talking “badass”.
C’mon! *Everyone* who works in a coffee shop has those eyes…
Well, by the end of the shift, maybe…
Caffeine contact highs, maybe?
Tina is amazing, and I want a statue of her. :3
With wings.
OK, so, as I see it then the wings actually represent (are part of) the particular demon who is speaking through Tina at that moment. Is that right? Must be an impressive demon. Perhaps an actual angel of hell (one of the fallen former residents of heaven)? That would be quite an “honor.” To be so important in the grand scheme of things to come to the attention of one of them. It would also make “Tina” a force with which ot be reckoned. Or, looking at the Looney Tunes eyes, it might just be the one most nutzo. Oh wait … that could be one one the same.
If I was ever to correct grammar… but knowing Jin’s condition, it makes sense. That it doesn’t make sense that it.
Of course I’m also paranoid MY brain is a little broken and I just can’t comprehend. EEP! Someone confirm that she’s speaking oddly.
Actually, it does make sense as it is. She’s saying that Jin and M think that Tina 1.0 (the you that you used to be) could be helpful. She’s not saying that Tina 2.0 could be helpful, but that doesn’t seem to matter.
Having been publicly spanked for correcting grammar, I ain’t saying nuthin’ nohow noway!
*hugs* =) You’re cool, I just want folks to remember that the characters “ain’t” perfect.
But we like to imagine that you are … it gives us hope that all of this will, eventually, make sense…
Does Tina have a boyfriend? Just askin…
She didn’t seem to have any friends at all.
This may seem like a joke but it isn’t. I like the attention to detail in how her right breast (form her perspective) is slightly “smooshed” to her right.
It might seem simple but that could have easily been overlooked. Especially since she is not Monica.
Can I post a vote to see this shot of Tina as the next sculpture. Those wings would be SO cool.
Those are vulture or giant condor wings, not hawk, eagle, or owl wings. Interesting foreshadowing…
I would have thought they’d be raven’s wings – but I’m an English major, not an ornithologist.
Those look very much like Raven wings; and considering how Ravens are expressed/described in various cultures – (particularly my own, First Nations) wuh oh….
They are definitely raptor wings.
Yeah, looks kinda like Quechua here.
Woaaaaah, crap. *Runs in opposite direction of Tina’s expression*
I <3 Tina!!
Some unsuspecting guy needs to fall for her just so we can see another one trying to cope with the decision of hot babe GF vs crazy mystical weirdness.
Wow the second craziest girl in Wapsi Square wants to help. Now that I think about Jin and Tina can have a crazy off and decide who’s the best of the worst.
Well, when you have one problem, it’s a problem. But when you have two problems, it often happens that one can solve or help solve the other.
Hot, and wings, more so.
Simple question, in the third panel, are both quotes the same manifestation of Tina, or different voices?
Somehow, I visualize two different “aspects” of her both suddenly intrigued by the “opportunities” of helping Jin.
Oh, wow, I never thought of that… That would be even CREEPIER than just the plain quotation.
Paul the artwork just continues to blow me away. The writing ain’t half bad either.
Does anybody else get a “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” vibe from Jin’s shirt? Anybody?
Anyone think Tina’s gonna freak-out even ^more^ intensely when she meets Phix than she did meeting bud?