I don’t know how to take it.
Hearing a para talk about having “a limited grasp of the supernatural” is almost too cute.
If I weren’t so old I’d want to date Daylia.
They all are, in their own way and own field of expertise
And at least one person reacts the same way (different person for each person), for Lyn it’s Day 🙂
And whotthell was wrong with what she said?
Imagine Sheldon Cooper trying to get the cool kids to like him by showing off his brain?
This is just much cuter.
Nothing was wrong, it’s just overloading Day’s Scientific Understanding Buffer
Castela should take them to the Library to talk to the ghost of Atsali’s birth mother. She’s sort of a proof-of-concept for Rosslyn’s theory.
Hey Gummi Bears are good at bouncing back. Oh, the candy, not the TV show? My bad.
Learning to ask “Well, do you want to talk over some of the possibilities?” would be a good first step.
I must use Oh Gummi Bears when my friends and I get together tomorrow.
I had a similar thought. 😀
Rosslyn, Calm down before your blouse explodes!
All too easy when her bra size is halfway into the alphabet. She’s gotta be like an M-cup.
M for Monica?
Certainly! Or massive, melons, mountains…
Well, she IS a Succubus (or half, anyway)
Panel 3: Urp, I did it again…
I don’t know how to take it.
Hearing a para talk about having “a limited grasp of the supernatural” is almost too cute.
If I weren’t so old I’d want to date Daylia.
Just because she’s a para doesn’t mean she knows everything about them
You are hyu-mon, right? Do you know everything about how a hyu-mon works?
Damn, is she ever intelligent (possibly too much for her own good)
They all are, in their own way and own field of expertise
And at least one person reacts the same way (different person for each person), for Lyn it’s Day 🙂