Interesting question. We’ve never really seen Tina’s counter tops from a down view before, always from a side view. If they’ve always been there, then one has to wonder if the images of the Aztec God responsible for the creating of the calender has any significance to present, future, or past events
Hmmm, you know, thinking about it, if there were a bunch of politicians present at the making of it, and they all got turned immortal like Jin’s mother, it wouldn’t be too far fetched to think that one of them would take ownership of the idea and become the aspect of a god for it. Explains the immortality, and makes him wealthy and powerful for it
No, we have seen the counter top before: here and here. The design wasn’t there. I also thought it was just a function of Monica closing her left eye. Perhaps Nudge convinced Tina to add it recently?
Now I am wondering if Tina / Nudge is making the design appear by putting her hands on the counter top. It looked like there was some black stuff up against her hand on Monday’s strip. Is there a connection?
Still, it looks as if Paul intentionally drew different counter-tops. The one where Tina tried to warn Monica about Jin looks like tiles, while this one doesn’t.
Regarding William’s second point, Mayahual, Kukulcan and the others did things like that and used used the Golem Girls as guards.
Or maybe they just appeared when the calendar was destroyed and Monica was “locked”…I am convinced there will be an interesting stroy behind it because it is too deliciously sudden…
I’m guessing “far enough for all practical purposes.”
In the high school gym, all the girls in the class were lined up against one wall, and all the boys against the opposite wall.
Then, every ten seconds, they walked toward each other until they were half the previous distance apart.
A mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer were asked, “When will the girls and boys meet?”
The mathematician said: “Never.”
The physicist said: “In an infinite amount of time.”
The engineer said: “Well . . . in about two minutes, they’ll be close enough for all practical purposes.”
Shelly has come a long way from spending so much time trying to entice Owen to seducing a cop after exploding a grill…whatever happened to Owen and Lakshmi?
I like Monica’s glasses in a kind of a “little geeky but still cute” sort of way. I think that’s how Monica thinks of herself, at least when she’s feeling confidant.
I noticed that Shelly changed the story a little. That’s not surprising, really.
(also, the phrase “bang ___’s brains out” always makes my mind come to a screeching halt; I know it’s hyperbole, but the mental imagery always makes me go “ew”)
Love everything about today’s strip – Tina’s marking Shelly’s aura – she could just as well have shouted “Hey! You finally got some!” – to Monica’s joke, to Shelly’s blunt delight. But yeah, like quasarmogul said, don’t wink, Shelly!
“Worried”, not exactly, but I am concerned about someone that’s been basically locked up for a few thousand years going back into society without some instruction in the new social mores that have evolved since she was trapped in the Demon world.
Isn’t it more like 81,200 years? And she wasn’t completely “locked up”, right? She was able to come out every 1435 years to teach Monica the ancient language, right?
Getting the cop into bed must have been more of a struggle then we know. As I recall, Shelly’s bed is an upper bunk, quite a way up (from the strip in which her conscience is showing her Monica’s head being impaled). I envision a petite King Kong carrying him up the ladder over her shoulder (perhaps drooling a bit as well).
It’s like I said, if you made Wapsi into a tv show, it’d be like Sex and the City, but with all the SUCK removed. … and, you know, Twilight Zone, Doctor Who, Cosmos, Star Trek, and Xena. OK fine, crap analogy but whatever, I <3 this comic.
Interesting – when we saw it in this strip, i assumed that it was just an artfully-simulated consequence of the recent explosion she’d just supposedly gone through.
But, judging by today’s final panel, looks as if it’s Shelly’s new look…
Way to not mince words there, Shel.
My thoughts exactly. I was going to comment on that but I think you pretty much said it best.
I knew a bunch of people would want Nudge as their icon! You beat me to it ^_^
Even if she is a collective of demons, Tina is all grrl…
Well, the collective is all female demons, who have probably always been attatched to one female or another.
Do Waspi-verse guys have demons?
Yep . She’s such a girl , still .
Do you think Tina and dabbled would get along?
I thought the icons on the counter were only visible when Monica was having a look at Nudge yesterday…have they always been there?
Interesting question. We’ve never really seen Tina’s counter tops from a down view before, always from a side view. If they’ve always been there, then one has to wonder if the images of the Aztec God responsible for the creating of the calender has any significance to present, future, or past events
Hmmm, you know, thinking about it, if there were a bunch of politicians present at the making of it, and they all got turned immortal like Jin’s mother, it wouldn’t be too far fetched to think that one of them would take ownership of the idea and become the aspect of a god for it. Explains the immortality, and makes him wealthy and powerful for it
No, we have seen the counter top before: here and here. The design wasn’t there. I also thought it was just a function of Monica closing her left eye. Perhaps Nudge convinced Tina to add it recently?
Could be. It’s still one of those ‘why’ things
Now I am wondering if Tina / Nudge is making the design appear by putting her hands on the counter top. It looked like there was some black stuff up against her hand on Monday’s strip. Is there a connection?
Still, it looks as if Paul intentionally drew different counter-tops. The one where Tina tried to warn Monica about Jin looks like tiles, while this one doesn’t.
Regarding William’s second point, Mayahual, Kukulcan and the others did things like that and used used the Golem Girls as guards.
Or maybe they just appeared when the calendar was destroyed and Monica was “locked”…I am convinced there will be an interesting stroy behind it because it is too deliciously sudden…
Well, the one where the top looked like plain tiles occurred after Monica’s doorway was locked. I hope that there is something to this, though.
BTW, did you see the enigmatic hint that Paul put in the comments Monday?
Yes, I did, and I see that the black sludge appearing to come out of Monica’s legs and onto the counter could very well have “painted” it…
Well, Monica certainly took Nudges look in stride… and umm Shelly needs to be clearer, I really can’t at all tell how far she got with the cop.
I’m guessing “far enough for all practical purposes.”
In the high school gym, all the girls in the class were lined up against one wall, and all the boys against the opposite wall.
Then, every ten seconds, they walked toward each other until they were half the previous distance apart.
A mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer were asked, “When will the girls and boys meet?”
The mathematician said: “Never.”
The physicist said: “In an infinite amount of time.”
The engineer said: “Well . . . in about two minutes, they’ll be close enough for all practical purposes.”
Shelly, what ever you do, DO NOT close your left eye.
Watch her go to wink and she does just that.
Shelly has come a long way from spending so much time trying to entice Owen to seducing a cop after exploding a grill…whatever happened to Owen and Lakshmi?
Owen was actually the reason I really started reading this comic… it would be nice to see him again.
Details details! :-j
Oh wait! is the officer, or whatever is left of him still in handcuffs.
I hope not, he has to go to work eventually.
heh heh, I wonder if he’s patiently awaiting Shelly’s return with his keys, coffee and round 5 of “frisking”…
…and 6 and 7…
Hope it wasnt just a one night thing.
And shelly looks georgous and so grown up in this ‘toon! Still not sure on monica’s glasses though..they dont look right.
I like Monica’s glasses in a kind of a “little geeky but still cute” sort of way. I think that’s how Monica thinks of herself, at least when she’s feeling confidant.
I noticed that Shelly changed the story a little. That’s not surprising, really.
@ladywolf: “whatever is left of him” was funny!
Basically, that’s what happened.
Seems to me if she truly had such a great time, with so many “friskings”, she should be walking bow-legged. Not to mention wearing relaxed fit jeans.
I can only imagine what her bedroom looks like.
(also, the phrase “bang ___’s brains out” always makes my mind come to a screeching halt; I know it’s hyperbole, but the mental imagery always makes me go “ew”)
Try this strip, then.
(In case it’s not obvious, Cousin Lula is a succubus…)
Be sure to read Larry Niven’s essay “Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex”
Julius Zimmerman did a hard-core cartoon titled “Wonderbop”, showing Wonder Woman being knocked unconscious when she pulls down Kal-El’s tights…
This needs a correct soundtrack.
Play “Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me” from Rocky Horror PS, especially the lines of Magenta and Columbia: “Tell me more, Tell me more, more, more, more!”
I was feeling done in….
Couldn’t win
Shelly ! Hoo-waa !
Waiter, one headboard here, extra bind points please!
Heheheh . I like Shelly’s flourish of her sunglasses , while dishing .
I like Shel’s hairdo.
Love everything about today’s strip – Tina’s marking Shelly’s aura – she could just as well have shouted “Hey! You finally got some!” – to Monica’s joke, to Shelly’s blunt delight. But yeah, like quasarmogul said, don’t wink, Shelly!
AAAaaahhhhhh, SHELLY!!!! You GO, girl!
I love Shelly’s pose and expression in the last panel.
And meanwhile, Mayahuel is wandering around “exploring”, getting into God only knows what kind of mischief. Am I the only one worried about that?!?
“Worried”, not exactly, but I am concerned about someone that’s been basically locked up for a few thousand years going back into society without some instruction in the new social mores that have evolved since she was trapped in the Demon world.
Isn’t it more like 81,200 years? And she wasn’t completely “locked up”, right? She was able to come out every 1435 years to teach Monica the ancient language, right?
Hahaha, go Shelly!
This is the best humor I’ve read in a comic in a long while. Thank you for starting my day off with a good chuckle. :3
(Lucky cop, though…)
Subtle, I wonder if we’ll ever know what they’re hinting at.
I’m just basking in all the Tina-ness. Love her eyes. They should make Tina contact lenses (;
YOU GO GIRL!!! (both Tina AND Shelly)
Getting the cop into bed must have been more of a struggle then we know. As I recall, Shelly’s bed is an upper bunk, quite a way up (from the strip in which her conscience is showing her Monica’s head being impaled). I envision a petite King Kong carrying him up the ladder over her shoulder (perhaps drooling a bit as well).
Or just picking him up and tossing him onto the upper bunk. This is a gal that has been known to hurl V-8 blocks around.
It’s like I said, if you made Wapsi into a tv show, it’d be like Sex and the City, but with all the SUCK removed. … and, you know, Twilight Zone, Doctor Who, Cosmos, Star Trek, and Xena. OK fine, crap analogy but whatever, I <3 this comic.
Interesting – when we saw it in this strip, i assumed that it was just an artfully-simulated consequence of the recent explosion she’d just supposedly gone through.
But, judging by today’s final panel, looks as if it’s Shelly’s new look…
I’m glad Shellly found someone…
congratulations shelly. this has been the first time in the history of the comic, if i’m not mistaken, that’s she’s been intimate with a guy