Doasisay by Paul Taylor on August 3, 2009 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: BrandiLocation: Bud and Brandi's Apartment Related Comics ¬ Follow Her Lead Kikai Caldera Cumulativejournal Patchesofgrass Enjoyyourevening
That’s just hilarious!
The benefit (problem?) of reading a book written by yourself. You can anticipate your own startled questions and have snappy answers ready!
other benefit(problem?) is that you would be laughting your ass off knowing how you would be reacting when you would be reading your book and being trolled by your old you
It also works with comments to comic strips on successive archive read-throughs . . .
I take it this isn’t the first edition of the book…
But who’s Janet?
All three names could refer to Shelly. Maybe her parents named her differently in different time loops.
That’s Janet.
Janet shows up later.
Actually, Janet showed up before. During a costume party for the museum workers. In a french maid costume.
Before you. After this page.
I hate it when I argue with myself, and I turn out to be right. It aggravates me to no end.