And I agree regarding Daren. Most bartenders never even talk to you beyond your order + cost. Daren not only talks, but gets to know his customers, and even gets personal with them (babysitting Dietzel and such). I’ve never met a bartender 1/10th as good as Daren myself.
I know that the bar I ended up working at on campus as a student was a bit like that (not the babysitting though). I ended up working there because the staff got to know their regulars and I made a lot of friends there.
sometimes you wanna go
where everybody knows your name,
and they’re always glad you came.
you wanna be where you can see
troubles are all the same
you wanna be where everybody knows your name
It’s a habit that comes from having spent a lot of time listening to foreign languages — I sometimes find it easier to think of the name that a language gives itself than the English version of the name.
Loved that show. Love that theme song. Almost had a pub that was that way for me…and then I started getting caught up in the rest of my life and stopped going. I know how Monica feels…except that I didn’t know the bartender. I had a waitress who knew me by name…and when I went back, she was gone.
Its Bizzaro World!
Hey Paul, just let me know when Power Girl is gonna get there. I now have the sudden urge to connect the polka dots for some reason???
I feel a little like when the original cast of SNL was replaced, only I know these characters aren’t a replacement for this comic but the start of a different one (possibly in an alternate universe from ours).
Anyone checked out the background? Euther that’s a very artsy poster, or the place needs some serious glasswork before the winter.
Is it a “dive” after all?
And yay for the new kids!
Well, the new look on Darren (did I get the spelling right this time?) has an interesting side-effect…
The page was loading really slow for me, so there was a two second period where all I could see of today’s strip was down to his lower lip. With only that much of his face showing, he really reminded me of Gordon…a guy who used to be on Sesame Street when I was little (I’m assuming he’s not still on the show since it was decades ago that I watched regularly).
Well, I always thought they were still going to Darren’s place. Just between the panels, y’know.
This sounds a bit like good-bye.
I feel for Monica and the gang, being over here for 8 years ‘my place’ is gone and I mourn that on Saturday nights when I get to my hooch and forget, just for a second, then realize I won’t be going there.
I heard it was Edison showing up one day and he kept acting like he was too deaf to hear her riddles. And then after prawning around the stacks ignoring her, he sent cease-and-desist letters.
Real reason she was still irked at humans when Mon showed up.
I have mixed emotions about this. My first TVs were B&W. I didn’t know they were B&W, though, to me they were in color. When we got a color TV and I saw cartoons in color for the first time, I was horrified to see Huckleberry Hound was blue!? I got used to it and all, but I remember the shock. So I apologize to anyone (especially Paul) who saw her differently. The first time I colored her and put her in the Library of Congress I made her a redhead because that was the way I saw her. When I did my first Gravatar and decided it would be Phix, well I continued. I am glad you see her that way now, ’cause I sure like that picture you colored and it looks right to me her being a redhead! Of course I know women who change hair color frequently, so if she showed up in another color, it wouldn’t bother me too much. To me, however, she is a natural redhead.
Phix IS a redhead. That’s the way I have her in one of the old prints that I did. I thought it looked good with the hawk colored wings that I gave her.
Thank you, Paul, for chiming in with that information. I now feel no guilt for making her a redhead, because she always was one. My Gravatar isn’t twisting ‘reality’, but reinforcing it. Cool beans!
I just had a thought — for most people as we get older we have less interest in going out to bars and things. I suspect that’s what’s happened to Monica and Shelly and the gang. I also suspect that that’s why Darren expected them to move on.
I just had another thought: When are Monica and Keving going to settle down, get married and have children?
I know — I’m probably one of them. I had a weird feeling come over me this morning and, for a few seconds, I felt like Monica’s father.
The great thing about cartoon children is that the don’t really barf over you, their nappies don’t really smell, etc. Maybe my ex is right in saying that I might be more ready to be a father than I thought.
I can’t help thinking there’s a story in that last frame. The way I see it, the guy and
the woman in the hat are old friends, the blonde has a thing for the guy, and the redhead has a thing for the chick in the hat. N’est pas?
alternate owen, monica, amanda and shelly!
or is the third jacqui
Darren really is a good bartender

i would never want to graduate from his bar
yay! i’m first!
*does the ‘i’m first’ dance*
first time i have done that dance
So, did you do the “I’m first” dance for it being the first time to do the “I’m first” dance here?
(This recursion could go on a long time.)
Definitely Jacqui’s doppelganger.
And I agree regarding Daren. Most bartenders never even talk to you beyond your order + cost. Daren not only talks, but gets to know his customers, and even gets personal with them (babysitting Dietzel and such). I’ve never met a bartender 1/10th as good as Daren myself.
I know that the bar I ended up working at on campus as a student was a bit like that (not the babysitting though). I ended up working there because the staff got to know their regulars and I made a lot of friends there.
I would like to see the second panel in color …
What color would go bext for the third doppelganger’s hair?
The freckles give me the impression that she’s a redhead.
Sounds plausible …
sometimes you wanna go
where everybody knows your name,
and they’re always glad you came.
you wanna be where you can see
troubles are all the same
you wanna be where everybody knows your name
Meet the new class, almost the same as the old class – modulo any superpowers or stuff like that.
Yet. That we know of.
or vice versa.
One way of checking that is for Monica to speak in DYOO and see if any of them answer her.
The “In-Universe” term for that is “Glyph”, not DYOO. Do you really read the comic?
It’s a habit that comes from having spent a lot of time listening to foreign languages — I sometimes find it easier to think of the name that a language gives itself than the English version of the name.
After all there is this strip.
Opus, the Pwned!
If Doppelgangers experience Deja Vu, would that violate the laws of physics?
No, but it might violate the Physics of Laws. ;-p
Would have been funny if it were Paul’s rif on the bar crowd at Girls With Slingshots – for just a second there I almost thought it was….
Same here. Same here. Jamie.
That or a liberal interpretation of Rule 63.
Rule 63 is a rule of the internet that reads as follows: “For any given male character, there is a female version of that character.”
So if this were the case, who would be who?
My guess from left to right; Shelly, Alan, Owen, and Kevin.
I need some sleep.
I smell a spinoff!
No that was me.
Sorry ’bout that.
He wasn’t kidding when he said that tending bar was a lot like teaching.
D’aww. Should this be so sweet? I mean…it’s just about a bar but….still I say “D’awwwww”.
where everybody knows your name.. deedee deedee deedee doo doooooooo…. NORM!
Loved that show. Love that theme song. Almost had a pub that was that way for me…and then I started getting caught up in the rest of my life and stopped going. I know how Monica feels…except that I didn’t know the bartender. I had a waitress who knew me by name…and when I went back, she was gone.
Its Bizzaro World!
Hey Paul, just let me know when Power Girl is gonna get there. I now have the sudden urge to connect the polka dots for some reason???
There are always a need batch of flakes, fruits, and freaks to come in after the older ones have moved on to greener pastures.
As long as those fruits aren’t bananas.
And yes, it will be within the power of these four misfits to save the world.
The one on the left made me think immediately of my son. <3
That fact ought to give you first dibs on specifying a preference for his hair color, should somebody decide to actually colorize this one.
What say you? Mauve mohawk? Crimson crest? Fuscia fuzzies?
Wapsi Square: The Next Generation
Just like The TARDIS They eventually leave, move on, and others fill the void.
The girl on the right somehow makes me think of Katharine with a large dose of Shelly’s attitude.
I feel a little like when the original cast of SNL was replaced, only I know these characters aren’t a replacement for this comic but the start of a different one (possibly in an alternate universe from ours).
And the guy on the far left goes to my church (but then I go to a “different” kind of church, even for Unitarians).
Anyone checked out the background? Euther that’s a very artsy poster, or the place needs some serious glasswork before the winter.
Is it a “dive” after all?
And yay for the new kids!
Well, the new look on Darren (did I get the spelling right this time?) has an interesting side-effect…
The page was loading really slow for me, so there was a two second period where all I could see of today’s strip was down to his lower lip. With only that much of his face showing, he really reminded me of Gordon…a guy who used to be on Sesame Street when I was little (I’m assuming he’s not still on the show since it was decades ago that I watched regularly).
I’m thinking that there’s more than one calendar-machine-type-thingy floating around.
Meet the new Darren, same as the old Jin.
Makes me wonder what happened to the cohort immediately prior to Monica & Co.
I’ve been looking for it ever since this strip, but I rather suspect the one on the Right is named either Janet or Michelle
Made me think of that Seinfeld episode. “Me so happy, me could cry!”
I like that Monica’s doppelganger is full figured cuz I always thought Monica looked a bit out of balance with such small hips.
god, I hope that Paul is not starting a new comic and ending this one on the bombshell of turning Jin into a human being again…
Well, I always thought they were still going to Darren’s place. Just between the panels, y’know.
This sounds a bit like good-bye.
I feel for Monica and the gang, being over here for 8 years ‘my place’ is gone and I mourn that on Saturday nights when I get to my hooch and forget, just for a second, then realize I won’t be going there.
Apropos of nothing, I did a color test for Phix and just liked the way it turned out…
I like this. Nicely done.
And now we know why she doesn’t have an audio section.
I’d heard it was her habit of listening to Slim Whitman albums at 78 that closed down the audio section…
I heard it was Edison showing up one day and he kept acting like he was too deaf to hear her riddles. And then after prawning around the stacks ignoring her, he sent cease-and-desist letters.
Real reason she was still irked at humans when Mon showed up.
The real scary part of that comment is that there are people driving cars that do not understand that reference.
Y’know, I’d never considered Phix a redhead until your gravatar, and now that’s how I always see her…
^^The previous post was aimed at W above^^
I have mixed emotions about this. My first TVs were B&W. I didn’t know they were B&W, though, to me they were in color. When we got a color TV and I saw cartoons in color for the first time, I was horrified to see Huckleberry Hound was blue!? I got used to it and all, but I remember the shock. So I apologize to anyone (especially Paul) who saw her differently. The first time I colored her and put her in the Library of Congress I made her a redhead because that was the way I saw her. When I did my first Gravatar and decided it would be Phix, well I continued. I am glad you see her that way now, ’cause I sure like that picture you colored and it looks right to me her being a redhead!
Of course I know women who change hair color frequently, so if she showed up in another color, it wouldn’t bother me too much. To me, however, she is a natural redhead.
Phix IS a redhead.
That’s the way I have her in one of the old prints that I did. I thought it looked good with the hawk colored wings that I gave her.
Thank you, Paul, for chiming in with that information. I now feel no guilt for making her a redhead, because she always was one. My Gravatar isn’t twisting ‘reality’, but reinforcing it. Cool beans!
Still it looks great.
Yes indeed it does.
its lovely

when the comics get coloured the wonderfulness of the actual picture and the design on their tops really do stand out amazingly well
I’ve missed Darren’s quiet wisdom. How true that one does graduate from such places. He and Tina should meet lol
The one on the right reminds me of Tina.
I just had a thought — for most people as we get older we have less interest in going out to bars and things. I suspect that’s what’s happened to Monica and Shelly and the gang. I also suspect that that’s why Darren expected them to move on.
I just had another thought: When are Monica and Keving going to settle down, get married and have children?
i know a few couples who never ‘settled down and had kids’
they prefer to go on holiday and go to dinner on a regular basis
they have years a head of them 
monica and kevin are still very young
I know — I’m probably one of them. I had a weird feeling come over me this morning and, for a few seconds, I felt like Monica’s father.
The great thing about cartoon children is that the don’t really barf over you, their nappies don’t really smell, etc. Maybe my ex is right in saying that I might be more ready to be a father than I thought.
Again, not relevant to anything, except my gloating over having the ONLY Bud-n-Stinky t-shirt in existence.
(that puts me one step closer to total world domination)
Oh wow, a girl with a waist that’s almost as wide as her head! And room for internal organs! Fancy!
I can’t help thinking there’s a story in that last frame. The way I see it, the guy and
the woman in the hat are old friends, the blonde has a thing for the guy, and the redhead has a thing for the chick in the hat. N’est pas?
N’est ce pas. My French sucks.