I will never be a fancy gentleman. Hobo level jugwine for me until the end of days. Eight dollar Imperial whiskey isn’t THAT bad! Not quite as nice as Maker’s Mark, and it can’t compare to most scotches, but still.
Shelly drinks traditional martinis right? So what gin or vodka is an $80 pour, even at bar prices? I can’t find one of either that retails around $1,400/liter, which would be the right price point after the bar’s markup.
That’s pretty good advice. Anyone who spends a whole panel talking about how much money they spent on something and how much they’re gonna enjoy it is just asking for trouble…
I don’t think I’d WANT and $80 martini.
Either it’s not good enough to be worth $80, and you’re pissed off you paid for it…
or it IS that good, and that’s all you’d drink from then on until you have to sell your house to afford them.
I agree, especially since vodkas are more or less interchangeable once you get to the mash type and gins are more about personal taste than quality once you get better than rotgut.
;-; For the martini
OMG for Shelly in heels like that.
Holy carp, that is quite an impressive pose!
Anyone who puts any thought into bodybuilding will make sure that they stay very flexible, as it is possible to get muscle-bound.
And women tend to have more flexibility than men anyway. Don’t know about where golems come in–but, hey, clay is totally malleable, isn’t it?
Well, good thing we don’t have to worry about that, seeing as Shelly is very much flesh and bone, she isn’t made of clay
She does yoga, right?
That’s like a spider-man pose!
Spidergirl Shelly?
I find it funny that her drink is still in the glass
I don’t think it is.
yup, what looks like the drink is just the broken edge of the glass
I will never be a fancy gentleman. Hobo level jugwine for me until the end of days. Eight dollar Imperial whiskey isn’t THAT bad! Not quite as nice as Maker’s Mark, and it can’t compare to most scotches, but still.
…wait. We’re talking mixed drinks.
Shelly drinks traditional martinis right? So what gin or vodka is an $80 pour, even at bar prices? I can’t find one of either that retails around $1,400/liter, which would be the right price point after the bar’s markup.
That’s pretty good advice. Anyone who spends a whole panel talking about how much money they spent on something and how much they’re gonna enjoy it is just asking for trouble…
The question is what on earth is an _Echidna_ Martini? Does it involve Australian herbs or spices in some way?
I had to look it up, but (in Greek mythology) Echidna was the mother of Cerberus, the Chimera, and the Sphinx, etc. She was the mother of Monsters.
Hell, If I paid $80 for that drink and it spilled…I’d be screaming WAY worse explicitives than that!!
I don’t think I’d WANT and $80 martini.
Either it’s not good enough to be worth $80, and you’re pissed off you paid for it…
or it IS that good, and that’s all you’d drink from then on until you have to sell your house to afford them.
I agree, especially since vodkas are more or less interchangeable once you get to the mash type and gins are more about personal taste than quality once you get better than rotgut.
80 dollars? In American boozahol value? What’s it made of, liquor of moon dust distilled with ember water? I wants it.