She’s a bit taller than Brandi (with the old ‘fro), so I’d say Phixy is about 6’4-6’6″. She could play center for the Minnesota Lynx – if they were still around.
And that was unexpected (again)… Does this mean our director man finally will get a name?
I’ve got to say I’m suprised Phix is a polymorph. We knew the GGG could assume their animal forms, but I don’t recall anything that hinted Phix could also change shape. I don’t think that’s a traditional sphinx ability. Hopefully if Katherine sees her she won’t freak.
RE the professoer: Lovers of archeology delve deeper.
The replies only go 5 deep. To keep the posts in the conversation, you sometimes have to hit reply on an earlier comment. =) If you repost, I can dump this one.
And I find it funny that your avatar is of Shelly getting “surprised” by Brandi. Then again, that’s nothing compared to your old BLC avatar…
Another subject: Is Pablo going for a bit more of a “minimalist” viewpoint for the characters themselves, at least in terms of details? Phix’s hair isn’t as lined-out as it was when we first met her in the library (at least that I can recall).
Generally, Paul only seems to put in males for two reasons. 1) To show at least some of the female characters are hetrosexual. 2) To show them killed. The little Aztec guy seems to be an exception. Sort of a running plot point combined with comic relief. The females always picked on the little fella though. Bullies.
Now just reverse male and female and you have prime time network television. * replace killed with : belittled, trivialized, shown as over eye candy, etc.
Actually, before I pretty much stopped watching it nearly entirely, I saw them using both genders as eye candy in most shows. And where comedies are concerned, the males come off as PW’d idiots and the females the “smart” ones (smart being a relative term). Anyway, it’s all become junk. Even good shows like Law and Order have degenerated into little more than a soap opera or liberal propoganda of the week.
I would be curious as to why you think all the Law and Orders seem to be “degenerating” to is just “liberal propaganda” or “soap operas.” Though, I guess that is closer to a political question that could lead to long and hairy conversations not suited for the comment section of this webcomic. If you’d like to contact me, my e-mail is I’d be happy to discuss with you just about anything.
Also, Tepoz MAY be a weasel or some other kind of rodent turned golem. Not quite a “male” in the human context as Brandi, Bud, Jin, and Maya may come closer to. Heck, he may have more interest in Dietzel sexually than Monica. ;P I’ll wonder how many peoples’ brains break at that.
Obviously, Phix didn’t see the weather report, or she wouldn’t have worn open-toed strap-n-heel sandals in MSP in February. Otherwise, I more than aprove – tall brainy types with glasses (SIgh) (politicly incorrect daydream here)
I once got SNOWED IN for an extra three days at the end of my college semester. Within that same massive snowstorm, I and a few others witnessed a group of African American ladies walking into the cafeteria/student center in heels higher and more ridiculous than Phix’s. There were many walkways with many inches of ice on them, not to mention the grand majority of campus walkways still covered in snow. So, I’ve seen ridiculous people doing ridiculous things in ridiculous clothing far above and beyond what Phix is shown in here. Yes, she’s another of the mythical women who don’t seem affected by the cold, but that also doesn’t mean she couldn’t have poited herself. I wouldn’t know, to be honest.
Oh, that’s just unfair. Here I was thinking Phix’d be cute if she was ‘real’, and now you’ve gone and done it. Maneater, indeed.
Blast. And I was hoping to hook up with her, too, at least in fantasy. Now you’re going to give her to the Prof.
As my mom used to say; “All you need is a mouthful, any more is a waste!”
Of course, I never could understand why she would volunteer such a comment which was obviously TMI!
Nice play, Monica wonders about all the other artifacts that are out there needing protection or protected from. Gee (he asked knowingly) I wonder what that could possibly lead to.
Well, in her ‘natural’ form, Phix is awesome, a very intimidating presence by virtue of her size and form. As she is looking down at Monica from her accustomed height, perhaps she simply selected for the eye height above ground with which she is comfortable, resulting in a large human body.
Ah, love/lust. Ya know, I don’t think anyone has ever gotten married in the series. I guess shacking up or being F-buddies is the way to go in the Waspiverse. Not that there is anything wrong with that. In fact I don’t see why any sane man marries a woman these days, what with the cards stacked against them should it all go sour. As I see it, the only pure love is that of a parent for their child. The rest is just a form of lust and/or codepencence. And I believe it is lust we are seeing in this case.
I agree with you. And hey, F-buddies and shacking up are and have been VERY common throughout history. Perhaps it IS the way to go. I honestly wouldn’t know from personal experience. But yeah, neurologically, all “love” starts as lust, and then grows to co-dependence, by the papers I’ve read. That does not mean, necessarily, that any “biological functions” must be performed to make the leap, but I do say there is the chemical more than metaphysical influence here.
And this is a lovely comic to lead into a valentine’s day weekend, if the date is correct.
Oh dear! Now the sphinx is out of the bag!
Nice to meet you! Put me down for some Gyros, dearie!M
What would be the point of going out to meet people, and never actually, you know, meeting people?
Pot luck?
Kewl, man, I’ll bring the pot!
/me ducks and runs for cover
hahahahh not better than mine!
I like tall women…
Pablo says about as tall as Brandi, but i think she looks taller.
She’s wearing heels, though.
Brandi is about 5’11”, so I do believe that Phix is taller. I’d say that she’s about 6’4″.
Hey! Yesterday you said…
6′ 4″??
I think I’m in love!
Now, that’s a whole lotta woman. In multiple meanings of the phrase…
She’s a bit taller than Brandi (with the old ‘fro), so I’d say Phixy is about 6’4-6’6″. She could play center for the Minnesota Lynx – if they were still around.
And that was unexpected (again)… Does this mean our director man finally will get a name?
Little fellow with wings and a diaper appears … *Twang!*
Love is in the air…
Aaaaannnnd we have total brain lock. Repeat, we have total brain lock. Hello indeed. I think Cupid just used a bazooka on him.
Oh, if the director only had any clue of whom he was saying “Hello” to…
Mogg, I love Phix…
You might even say I have a Phixation.
The Old Wolf
If you are about to unveil your depraved, evil, and mind altering tendency towards puns, I am leaving.
He’s unveiled it, turned on the lights, had the band play a fanfare, and started selling tickets.
But we don’t like bald trees.
Oh, good one. ^_^
I’ve got to say I’m suprised Phix is a polymorph. We knew the GGG could assume their animal forms, but I don’t recall anything that hinted Phix could also change shape. I don’t think that’s a traditional sphinx ability. Hopefully if Katherine sees her she won’t freak.
RE the professoer: Lovers of archeology delve deeper.
Natural selection suggests that polymorphism is a native ability of any advanced life form.
With a slit that high, Phix is closer to wearing a loincloth than a skirt.
Obviously, you are not a Pibgorn reader, if you think that’s high…
Naw, I hate Pibgorn and the blowhard egotist who draws it.
We love you too.
“We?” Do you work on his staff?
Nah, he just means that there are more of us around here than you might think. Each to his own, it’s all good.
Hqiz, that was supposed to be a response to “SoWhyMe”. Wish there were a way to delete comments…
Ask Paul politely, and he can make them go away.
The replies only go 5 deep. To keep the posts in the conversation, you sometimes have to hit reply on an earlier comment. =) If you repost, I can dump this one.
Oh my god, there are MEN in this comic?
Yeah. You can bug-bomb, put down boric acid and spray, but they keep coming back.
Wait-a-minute. Did you say “roaches“? :S
And I find it funny that your avatar is of Shelly getting “surprised” by Brandi. Then again, that’s nothing compared to your old BLC avatar…
Another subject: Is Pablo going for a bit more of a “minimalist” viewpoint for the characters themselves, at least in terms of details? Phix’s hair isn’t as lined-out as it was when we first met her in the library (at least that I can recall).
I hope it’s a trend (what can I say, I’d like to see more guys!)
Generally, Paul only seems to put in males for two reasons. 1) To show at least some of the female characters are hetrosexual. 2) To show them killed. The little Aztec guy seems to be an exception. Sort of a running plot point combined with comic relief. The females always picked on the little fella though. Bullies.
Now just reverse male and female and you have prime time network television. * replace killed with : belittled, trivialized, shown as over eye candy, etc.
Actually, before I pretty much stopped watching it nearly entirely, I saw them using both genders as eye candy in most shows. And where comedies are concerned, the males come off as PW’d idiots and the females the “smart” ones (smart being a relative term). Anyway, it’s all become junk. Even good shows like Law and Order have degenerated into little more than a soap opera or liberal propoganda of the week.
I would be curious as to why you think all the Law and Orders seem to be “degenerating” to is just “liberal propaganda” or “soap operas.” Though, I guess that is closer to a political question that could lead to long and hairy conversations not suited for the comment section of this webcomic. If you’d like to contact me, my e-mail is I’d be happy to discuss with you just about anything.
Also, Tepoz MAY be a weasel or some other kind of rodent turned golem. Not quite a “male” in the human context as Brandi, Bud, Jin, and Maya may come closer to. Heck, he may have more interest in Dietzel sexually than Monica. ;P I’ll wonder how many peoples’ brains break at that.
Obviously, Phix didn’t see the weather report, or she wouldn’t have worn open-toed strap-n-heel sandals in MSP in February. Otherwise, I more than aprove – tall brainy types with glasses (SIgh) (politicly incorrect daydream here)
Jin runs out to get the mail/paper barefoot in snow.
Bud goes swimming in mid-winter.
I’m sure Phix is just as impervious to cold as they are.
Now whether she should have considered the visual effect, the “huh?” reactions… That’s another matter.
I once got SNOWED IN for an extra three days at the end of my college semester. Within that same massive snowstorm, I and a few others witnessed a group of African American ladies walking into the cafeteria/student center in heels higher and more ridiculous than Phix’s. There were many walkways with many inches of ice on them, not to mention the grand majority of campus walkways still covered in snow. So, I’ve seen ridiculous people doing ridiculous things in ridiculous clothing far above and beyond what Phix is shown in here. Yes, she’s another of the mythical women who don’t seem affected by the cold, but that also doesn’t mean she couldn’t have poited herself. I wouldn’t know, to be honest.
Doesn’t it depend a bit on whether she will go outside? Since she telepoits to and from the Bibloteche, why would she need to dress up for outside?
Heloooo , nurse .
Whoops . That should’ve been , hellooooo , nurse .
I think the timer in his brain just went ‘ding!’
P.S. Pablo, does that 6’4″ include the heels?
I’m not sure it was the one in his brain.
Turkey’s done.
(Thinks) I don’t know who this woman is… she sure is a riddle.
“Tall Drink of Water” vs “Short and Stacked”.
Have Phix sit down so Monica won’t get a stiff neck.
Oh, that’s just unfair. Here I was thinking Phix’d be cute if she was ‘real’, and now you’ve gone and done it. Maneater, indeed.
Blast. And I was hoping to hook up with her, too, at least in fantasy. Now you’re going to give her to the Prof.
Now I have to say, I DID see that coming.
Phix’es head is the size of Monica’s entire torso. o.0
To be fair, so is Monica’s. It’s an artistic license dealio.
Mentally insert 4 panels of the director thinking “Hamina mamina.” over and over again while his brain does a full reset and POST.
no … 3 panels “Hamina mamina.” followed by “blink-crash-reset” followed by a second “Hamina mamina.”
So that’s the “Deer In The Headlights” look, eh? Poor fellow, his disc drive is spinning, but the data won’t format…
Lemme tell ya, if I saw a woman like Phix when I walked into a room, my hamster would have just fallen clear off it’s wheel.
The poor guys either smitten with the kitten, or his allergies are stirring up.
Twitterpated! Phix is all right. I still like ’em short and busty.
Busty is strictly for show. Large breasts are highly overrated. Small, firm, and well shaped is/are much better.
*strong agreement*
As my mom used to say; “All you need is a mouthful, any more is a waste!”

Of course, I never could understand why she would volunteer such a comment which was obviously TMI!
This is now in my top five comics to read each day .
Nice play, Monica wonders about all the other artifacts that are out there needing protection or protected from. Gee (he asked knowingly) I wonder what that could possibly lead to.
Whoops. Too much bra power again.
Now that is what I call a tall woman, I vote for more amazon women come save the day
I agree with the other comments – I think Cupid just hit the director. Now the question is whether Phix likes the brainy, scholarly types?
Hmmm, what are the chances
Hellooooooooo, Librarian!

Geez, If Phix was any taller she could pick up Monica and sit her on her lap for this conversation.
Well, in her ‘natural’ form, Phix is awesome, a very intimidating presence by virtue of her size and form. As she is looking down at Monica from her accustomed height, perhaps she simply selected for the eye height above ground with which she is comfortable, resulting in a large human body.
Ah, love/lust. Ya know, I don’t think anyone has ever gotten married in the series. I guess shacking up or being F-buddies is the way to go in the Waspiverse. Not that there is anything wrong with that. In fact I don’t see why any sane man marries a woman these days, what with the cards stacked against them should it all go sour. As I see it, the only pure love is that of a parent for their child. The rest is just a form of lust and/or codepencence. And I believe it is lust we are seeing in this case.
I agree with you. And hey, F-buddies and shacking up are and have been VERY common throughout history. Perhaps it IS the way to go. I honestly wouldn’t know from personal experience. But yeah, neurologically, all “love” starts as lust, and then grows to co-dependence, by the papers I’ve read. That does not mean, necessarily, that any “biological functions” must be performed to make the leap, but I do say there is the chemical more than metaphysical influence here.
And this is a lovely comic to lead into a valentine’s day weekend, if the date is correct.
an extra thought would be to wonder how many “dating books” or “how to talk to people and get them to do what you want” type books Phix has read.
Wow I finally caught up on all this. ^.^ Can’t wait to see where everything is going.
For those interested in bygone South American civilizations, this may be of note: Peru Temple
Blinded by beauty, with a sudden loss of words.
Man, she is tall!
DAMN! The woman is an Amazon!!