Garrison Keillor once talked about going camping in -40F weather in the Boy Scouts.
You’d wake up in the middle of the night, dig yourself out of the mass of people sleeping in the same tent for warmth, and go to the Pee Tree.
And, since no-one was looking, you’d pee straight up to watch the little yellow ice blobs come tinkling (yes, i know, but that’s the sound they’d make) down.
Was Neil down there for a Con or a book signing? I met him at a signing here in Minneapolis for the Sandman book. I gotta hunt that down and read it again.
No it’s not. I carefully put the coffee mug down before I open up Wapsi Square. Read the comic, take a sip of coffee and hit the comments button. The cup remains on the table until I’m done reading. Sometimes I take a break and drink the coffee, but I quit reading until I put the cup down. It’s just safer that way.
Gonna try an experiment… I have a “PG” Gravatar and ill see if it gets through. It takes a while for Gravatars to propagate after you change them, so if you see Monica, it’s not changed yet.
(Or, perhaps, i did this yesterday and changed back…)
Many people in the upper midwest either got nailed this weekend, or got skipped by the storm. Sioux Falls was not too bad, go 40-50 miles out & it was nasty heavy wet gloop!
Urgh. “wonderful” (I’m having a battle with my keyboard and mouse. So is Steve. No wonder these Really Nice Samsung Keyboards we bought a few months back were on surplus so cheap.)
Meh, Spokane gets about half of its annual precipitation in November and December. Right now it’s in liquid form and I’m trying to weld up a a BBQ trailer out in it. Snow would be easier to deal with.
I don’t know about everywhere. Some places have 14″ or less as record total snowfall for one year…*sits back and enjoys the lack of snow glomping in her part of Texas*
Well…that is a problem from time to time, but we Texan women are trained from an early age how to put hose on without snagging it on spurs. *triple pokes for the stereotype*
mweh. Texans. They get all the good stuff. And I bet their houses never smell like wet mittens, hat, boots, snowpants, and jacket, either. *jealous rage*
If its as cold as we think it is, then its fortunate (or Unfortunate if you’re a perv) that Monicas’ arm is blocking our view of …..the “girls”. KnowwutImsayin’??
Perhaps…most of the “architecturally sound” bras I wear don’t show any of the famous signs of cold, and Monica’s bras probably beat mine with a designer’s framed diploma.
You think it was bad in the cities, come a bit further south. I’m still waiting for a webcomic to do a couple of panels with people snowed in a bar *hinthinthint*.
SERIOUSLY. Life in the Twin Cities is lovely for so many reasons…But the schizoid weather is NOT one of them. Pablo’s not kidding – We went from 67 and sunny to 8 inches of snow in 72 hours. Bleeeech.
One of the great things about the internet is being able to find live cams for just about anyplace in the world. It does appear the Wapsi folks do have a fore-taste of things to come and a nice winter wonderland to “enjoy.”
Odd. Not all the previous instances of your gravatar were updated. Looking at the source code for this page, I can see why; they are pointing to different places. Why that is so is known only to the gravatar programmers.
I’m noticing that when your userid was all lowercase “shadobabe” it didn’t have it, but when you correctly changed it to mixed case “ShadOBabe” it appeared….
I think shadobabe switched email addresses. The URL for the image request contains the md5 hash of the email address shadobabe specified when he submitted his comments. Apparently there is no gravatar associated with the email address he was giving at first. The person’s “name” doesn’t really matter.
I will add that, despite the fact that, for some reason, i prefer female avatars, i am definitely not a gurl…
Somewhere – oh, yeah, on – someone, assuming that, because my then-current avatar there was Monica, i must be female, not only informed me that i didn’t know what i was talking about, but (to my reading, anyway) implied that that was all right, since i was a gurl and gurls don’t know a lot about music history…
I once got into a full scale argument with a guy regarding what constitutes a “song” vs a “piece of music” and he ended his part of the argument by glancing down at my chest, smirking, and saying I wouldn’t know what I was talking about.
That’s one of the only times my friends have ever had to hold me back to keep me from physically assualting a person…
Having spent many years in South Dakota (all the cold and none of the fun of MN) you could make money betting that come the day after Halloween it would snow. Four years in a row at one point. Spooky.
That’s tradition here in Winnipeg, Manitoba too; actually, it’s usually on (or worse, the day before) Halloween. Makes choosing a costume an exercise in frustration, I’ll tell you that much.
Makes me think that Monica maybe part Viking … like the ones that lived near ice some parts of the year (and slip on it every year). Monica (and the Vikings) just don’t learn what can (and will) happen from one year to the next.
IIRC, there was a strip a long time ago where she went through her ethnicity and which grandparent she inherited traits from. It would be hard to find. I am pretty sure she said she was Mexican, Irish and a couple of other things, but I don’t think Viking was one of them.
Greetings from California. Or as the natives are calling it this year, the PASTURIZING STATE!
First it’s schorching for 3 to 5 days, then it’s freezing for 3 to 5 days.
(No comfortable transition in between)
At least snow is pretty. We have been getting dreary cold rain, alternating with bright sunshine, here in my part of the Sooner State. Rain makes my joints ache, and the coin flip weather isn’t helping any.
Gee, did it snow last night up there?
Looks that way!
I’m really lovin’ the illustrations today .
Perfect timing, Paul!
Between Friday and Saturday, we got 6-8 inches of SNOW!
It was heavy, cold and wet. Just like my second g.f.
Should see what it’s like in Fairbanks alaska. At some point it gets cold enough you can watch spit bounce off the sidewalk.
Garrison Keillor once talked about going camping in -40F weather in the Boy Scouts.
You’d wake up in the middle of the night, dig yourself out of the mass of people sleeping in the same tent for warmth, and go to the Pee Tree.
And, since no-one was looking, you’d pee straight up to watch the little yellow ice blobs come tinkling (yes, i know, but that’s the sound they’d make) down.
Interesting. Since -40°F = -40 C (and, of course, absolute scales like K have no negative temps), -40 designates a unique temperature.
But I must admit, I never had to pee in that sort of temperature…
And projectile vomiting can violate the Geneva Convention on the rules against weapons of cruel & unusual wounding.
Heh. Neil Gaiman was just stuck down here in Atlanta on his way back home from New Orleans because of that snow storm.
Was Neil down there for a Con or a book signing? I met him at a signing here in Minneapolis for the Sandman book. I gotta hunt that down and read it again.
He was at a performance of his fiance, Amanda Palmer, who has reunited with her former partner to perform as the Dresden Dolls once again.
That face she makes at the end is quite intimidating. XD
DANGIT!! Why is my Gravatar not showing up!?
Can you guys see it?
Nope, no Gravatar. You are reduced to a silhouette, and your hair appears to have fallen out.
*pokes Fatuncle in the ribs* That’s for making me choke on my tea. I thought I was safe to take a drink after viewing the comic.
No it’s not. I carefully put the coffee mug down before I open up Wapsi Square. Read the comic, take a sip of coffee and hit the comments button. The cup remains on the table until I’m done reading. Sometimes I take a break and drink the coffee, but I quit reading until I put the cup down. It’s just safer that way.
I got to find out why it isn’t working.
Ha!! Fixed it!!
I am no longer a bald silhouette. I now look like Bud.
No, i still see a bald silhouette as far as you know…
I think you’re just messing with her and that’s rude. Her pink elephant is showing up fine, now.
PG rated Gravatar?
She is indeed frightening when she’s angry.
ShadOBabe: What is the setting on your Gravatar? I don’t know whether this site allows anything more than “G” rated…
Gonna try an experiment… I have a “PG” Gravatar and ill see if it gets through. It takes a while for Gravatars to propagate after you change them, so if you see Monica, it’s not changed yet.
(Or, perhaps, i did this yesterday and changed back…)
Yep. It won’t allow anything but “G” rated Gravatars.
So i have now switched to a “G” rated one that was banned at another site because they were afraid it might offend someone…
You little devil you.
Ah, this brings back memories…
I’m thinking of Charlie Brown, Lucy, and a Football….
Many people in the upper midwest either got nailed this weekend, or got skipped by the storm. Sioux Falls was not too bad, go 40-50 miles out & it was nasty heavy wet gloop!
Was this strip on stand-by … or is this just a wonder coincidence?
Urgh. “wonderful” (I’m having a battle with my keyboard and mouse. So is Steve. No wonder these Really Nice Samsung Keyboards we bought a few months back were on surplus so cheap.)
It helps if you don’t keep spitting coffee or tea on the keyboards!
Reality. Brought to you in comic format (small doses; the only way to take reality is in demitasse cups)
Yep, every year. Expect it to happen again next year as well, Charlie Brown.
Saying it like that is just asking for the weather to go wrong.
No it’s not; if you say it will go bad the weather is nice just to mess with you. I’m in midwest Wisconsin, and I bet we get freezing rain tonight.
you’d think she would learn hehe
only jacqueline is immune to saying that the weather is nice without consiquence ^^
actually was warm last week and frosty today so we getting the same weather as Monica is ^^
I forgot about that one.
I found it while looking for something else. It starts here and goes for several strips.
Canadian Snow Poit? XD
Meh, Spokane gets about half of its annual precipitation in November and December. Right now it’s in liquid form and I’m trying to weld up a a BBQ trailer out in it. Snow would be easier to deal with.
gee, if looks can kill
Talking about how nice the November weather is anywhere in the upper midwest is like telling a pitcher he’s got a perfect game going in the 7th.
It almost looks like Monica is breaking the 4th wall staring at Paul with her look being: Will you *stop* doing that!
You know, Monica would look good with demon fangs…
Yeah, that would be the icing on that P.O.ed picture. Fangs, yep.
How about claw too. I’ll bet she could hold her hand in a position that would make us all jerk back from the screen.
May I mention how fetching Monica looks in that first panel?
Why, I believe I just did. Homina homina homina!
This is sooooooo familiar…
Every year, every where. XD
I don’t know about everywhere. Some places have 14″ or less as record total snowfall for one year…*sits back and enjoys the lack of snow glomping in her part of Texas*
Yes, we Texans have it rough…why it was 59 degrees and cloudy when I left for lunch today. BRRRRRRRR!!! Get my ski jacket and my thermals!!!!
heehee…thermals…I think I had a pair of hose when I was in high school. I definitely haven’t had any since then.
Well, the hose wouldn’t keep you nearly as warm.
*pokes* I meant “those” you goober!
Oh, I thought that you stopped wearing hose because they ran every time you caught them with a spur.
Well…that is a problem from time to time, but we Texan women are trained from an early age how to put hose on without snagging it on spurs.
*triple pokes for the stereotype*
mweh. Texans. They get all the good stuff. And I bet their houses never smell like wet mittens, hat, boots, snowpants, and jacket, either. *jealous rage*
Nope…but they can occasionally smell like wet pet if you don’t get your dog inside before the torrential thunderstorms start.
Texans occasionally have a different problem: Scorpions.
You would think she would have learned by now, but no.
Boy, that’s as pissed as I’ve ever seen Monica! She started out so happy too.
If its as cold as we think it is, then its fortunate (or Unfortunate if you’re a perv) that Monicas’ arm is blocking our view of …..the “girls”. KnowwutImsayin’??
Perhaps…most of the “architecturally sound” bras I wear don’t show any of the famous signs of cold, and Monica’s bras probably beat mine with a designer’s framed diploma.
Here ya go:
You think it was bad in the cities, come a bit further south. I’m still waiting for a webcomic to do a couple of panels with people snowed in a bar *hinthinthint*.
We do?
I kind of liked this one.
SERIOUSLY. Life in the Twin Cities is lovely for so many reasons…But the schizoid weather is NOT one of them. Pablo’s not kidding – We went from 67 and sunny to 8 inches of snow in 72 hours. Bleeeech.
And now the temperatures are supposed to be up into the 40’s right? Hel-lo slush! (ick).
One of the things I do NOT miss about Michigan…that and how your runny nose freezes when you walk outside in the winter…
Slush during the day, icy roads at night. For what more could a person ask?
Hows about a thin layer of dry snow atop that ice? Whee! It’s bumper cars!
There’s no business like snow business. :p
One of the great things about the internet is being able to find live cams for just about anyplace in the world. It does appear the Wapsi folks do have a fore-taste of things to come and a nice winter wonderland to “enjoy.”
You know, with that outfit alone she was just *daring* the weather gods to dump snow down the front of her dress o.o
Ignore this post, I’m just trying to fix my Gravatar…
Crap!! Still not working…
Odd. Not all the previous instances of your gravatar were updated. Looking at the source code for this page, I can see why; they are pointing to different places. Why that is so is known only to the gravatar programmers.
whoo hoo! You got it working.
I’m noticing that when your userid was all lowercase “shadobabe” it didn’t have it, but when you correctly changed it to mixed case “ShadOBabe” it appeared….
Nah, I think it had to do with my email address like eschmenk said.
I was using the wrong one.
There are some mixed character postings above that don’t have it either.
I think shadobabe switched email addresses. The URL for the image request contains the md5 hash of the email address shadobabe specified when he submitted his comments. Apparently there is no gravatar associated with the email address he was giving at first. The person’s “name” doesn’t really matter.
“when he submitted his comments”
I’m a she, just so you know.
Hence the “Babe” part, probably. :embarrassed:
That’s all right. No need to be embarrassed on your own account. We’re embarrassed for you.
Heh, don’t worry about it. XD
To be honest, I was also trying to see if I could make a smiley appear.
I wonder if “blush” works. :blush:
I will add that, despite the fact that, for some reason, i prefer female avatars, i am definitely not a gurl…
Somewhere – oh, yeah, on – someone, assuming that, because my then-current avatar there was Monica, i must be female, not only informed me that i didn’t know what i was talking about, but (to my reading, anyway) implied that that was all right, since i was a gurl and gurls don’t know a lot about music history…
Well that’s just lovely.
The guys at my high school took music history to meet girls. The girls took it for college credit. Someone was full of it.
I once got into a full scale argument with a guy regarding what constitutes a “song” vs a “piece of music” and he ended his part of the argument by glancing down at my chest, smirking, and saying I wouldn’t know what I was talking about.
That’s one of the only times my friends have ever had to hold me back to keep me from physically assualting a person…
Having spent many years in South Dakota (all the cold and none of the fun of MN) you could make money betting that come the day after Halloween it would snow. Four years in a row at one point. Spooky.
I lived in Utah once. It snowed in September!!!
(Not much, just enough to mess with my head)
Meh! Try living in Texas and getting snow in April. Now that will mess with your head.
So? In West Dakota, last year (2009), we had snow in June…
Dakotas are north though! You guys are supposed to live in the snow year round, right?
That’s tradition here in Winnipeg, Manitoba too; actually, it’s usually on (or worse, the day before) Halloween. Makes choosing a costume an exercise in frustration, I’ll tell you that much.
I bet insulated power rangers were all the rage for a while.
I hear you about Halloween costumes…
Don’t go for the Malibu or Valley Girl look, for sure!
Heh, so it must have been the approaching storm that I was sensing on Friday.
I wonder how long Monica had to work in the coffee shop. She’s dressed differently today, so time must have passed.
Her hair looks a little longer, too.
It’s the SNOW!
Not in the first frame!
Good catch. So it probably wouldn’t even be the next day.
A meteorological not a mystical storm. Heh, I’ll buy it.
Total Bone ripoff!
Not that I mind, it’s still funny!
I really should reread Bone…
Makes me think that Monica maybe part Viking … like the ones that lived near ice some parts of the year (and slip on it every year). Monica (and the Vikings) just don’t learn what can (and will) happen from one year to the next.
Part Mexican, part Viking. Hmm, do we know the ethnicity of her G’pa?
IIRC, there was a strip a long time ago where she went through her ethnicity and which grandparent she inherited traits from. It would be hard to find. I am pretty sure she said she was Mexican, Irish and a couple of other things, but I don’t think Viking was one of them.
G’pa was Irish. His name was Aaron Sullivan.
Of course, if you went back 1000 years in Ireland, you might find quite a few Vikings who donated genes…
I believe his surname was Sullivan, so i’d say that he’s probably some part of the “Irish” part of her background.
Greetings from California. Or as the natives are calling it this year, the PASTURIZING STATE!
First it’s schorching for 3 to 5 days, then it’s freezing for 3 to 5 days.
(No comfortable transition in between)
I just had an idea. Some adults still like to color. Monica and her friends would be FUN to color.
You should make an adult coloring book. 
Yeah, getting a few pounds of snow down the front of one’s shirt would definitely ruin one’s day.
Tell me more about this “Global Warming” thing.
UM … Which Way?!?!
I have to say it: I love the snow drawing in panel 2.
At least snow is pretty. We have been getting dreary cold rain, alternating with bright sunshine, here in my part of the Sooner State. Rain makes my joints ache, and the coin flip weather isn’t helping any.
Hey Monica! just chill, girl…you’ve still got an ‘ICE’ left to play…
no one wins in a snowball fight against God
Yah sure youbetcha!