Most catchers I’ve know are fairly unflappable people. It takes a special mindset to comfortably be the consistent target of cork/rubber balls hurled at 70-90+ mph. Daylla… she seems like she’s an awesome catcher.
Not intimidated, Not angry, and impossible to distract from what you said you wanted to talk about.
There are 3 “Key-Masters” who know how to push Castela’s buttons and knock her firing pins out from under her: Daylla, Atsali, and, of course, Katherine.
Look at her face in Panel 3. It DOES “Sting Less” doesn’t it?
Hey, what happened to their neckties?
Get caught in the portal?
Neckties nothing. What about Daylla’s catcher’s gear and goggles?
Taken off at the library as they were transitioning?
Talking Continuity: Castela’s hair has grown about a FOOT since she ripped part of it out this morning. Small wonder she’s so casual about it.
Fruit and cream crepes? Now [b]that[/b] is a true friend!
… I really wish we had crepe vendors over here where I’m at.
Somebody needs to tell Daylla she’s being sesquipedalian.
I have no problems with superfluous syllabicism; it helps keep the knuckledraggers I live with away…
I have a bad habit of doing that. Drives a few people I know to Lovecraftian levels of madness.
She used one word over three syllables. Was that a strain on you?
And not quite on target; ‘expatiate’ is intransitive. You expatiate ‘on’ something.
awwwwwwww =)
Daylla with the proper grounding effect on ‘Stella.
How many people do you know, that you can be your true self with?
Most catchers I’ve know are fairly unflappable people. It takes a special mindset to comfortably be the consistent target of cork/rubber balls hurled at 70-90+ mph. Daylla… she seems like she’s an awesome catcher.
So, does that make Stela the Pitcher? o_O
Daylla now has an English accent. I hope that’s what we were going for.
Because she used fancy words? Nah, that just makes her educated
Not intimidated, Not angry, and impossible to distract from what you said you wanted to talk about.
There are 3 “Key-Masters” who know how to push Castela’s buttons and knock her firing pins out from under her: Daylla, Atsali, and, of course, Katherine.
Look at her face in Panel 3. It DOES “Sting Less” doesn’t it?
Shouldn’t Daylia also be…starry-eyed?
Nah, SHE’S not the distracted one… she’s still maintaining her “human” glamour.
That’s not “human GLAMOUR” — note the swirls on her cheeks.