Got it!
In panel two, her lower fangs curl up-and-out; in later panels they don’t have any curve or curve ‘correctly’.
Still, either way, killer dentiton.
We’ve seen it before. It’s a nice nod to continuity to see the wall of skulls again – and an interesting reminder that Phix has a Wall of Skulls from her own past.
Opps, sorry guys I meant therapist >:-)
The rapsit
Aren’t they kind of like the same thing?
Both make you feel dirty, like you need a shower afterwards.
Yeah, that actually isn’t clear, even after a couple reads.
Assuming Shelly would feel super bad* killing a human, that makes for a curious intersection of instinct and culture. And Stroth, below, has already made the point about Phix’s morals, to which I’d add, Why is Phix an activist for demons and possessed humans and not for other forms of infected humans?
*”Super bad” itself being an ambiguous phrase. Does killing people give sphinxes the feeling of owning the street?
To me it sounds like if Shelly kills a human, she is going to feel bad about it with as strong a reaction as a vampire entering a house uninvited. It is a failsafe. In other words, even if she meant to kill the human and the human deserved to die, she will be ‘punished’ by remorse in a severe manner not unlike the vampire thing while a human might not feel guilt in a similar situation.
First Phix says Shelly’s not going to inadvertantly kill anyone as if it’s an impossiblity, but then says that if she did she’d feel like crap.
So my question would have to be: can or can Shelly not inadvertantly kill people?
What Phix seems to be saying is that Shelly’s is not half the loose-cannon she think she is. That she’s not going to go off on someone just because. I think that’s Shelly’s fear: Losing control, sphinxing-out and killing someone.
I think Phix is saying that there’s an inner governor that has an effect on Shelly’s actions, not unlike the one that penalizes a vampire entering a house uninvited. That governor will act as a “super-parent” in a Sphinx’s head and the Sphinx actions have to pass the super-parent’s “sniff test.”
Okay, after going over it a few times, I think Vorlonagent and Fairportfan are right, assuming Phix isn’t doing sensei mindgames here.
Shelly cannot accidentally kill an innocent. “You are not a werewolf” and the racists she clobbered but left alive while something else took over indicate that.
If she deliberately does, she will have consciously override her inhibitor (like stabbing Monica), and then feel terrible about it, something like the furies torturing her, much as vampires are tortured for entering a home uninvited.
So therefore…
Her clawing Justin was within parameters: She didn’t consciously know he was regenerative, but her inner sphinx sure did. In fact, it seems that “sphinxing out” may only be a problem of revealing herself to a point beyond people not being able “to see what they want to see”.
–And her inner sphinx has actually been pretty good about that, too: Sphinxing when alone at home, with her crews at Mucho Mocha and the Library, and with Justin, who always knew far more than he was telling. (Flying Justin to the hospital was more conscious.)
I think the bottom line of what Phix is saying is something we “normals” see in everyday life. We all likely have at least one memory of an event where our “typical” reaction to a person or situation seemed to stop itself, and we don’t know why.
Until later, if we think about it, and realize that it was our own subconscious putting a check on it. Likely because in the past we did the same (or a similar) thing and had bad results from it, so our own survival reflex says “Hey! Waitaminnit! You don’t wanna do that!”
I think Phix is basically saying that, as a sphinx, there’s an inherited reluctance (genetic memory maybe?) to exercise violent force against human targets unless there’s a driving specific urge to do so. Even then, that background knowledge will apply additional resistance and even if you override that resistance – there will be payback in the form of a very VERY guilty conscience.
Which is also why she had no trouble at all putting those hellhounds in their place when they attacked her and Justin at the library – they weren’t human, and they were an active threat, so they signed her license to kill and should be thankful she was just playfully condescending instead, heh.
Something Shelly should remember next time she starts beating herself up. She could have wiped the floor with those hellhounds, and had every right to – but she didn’t. She has more self control than she gives herself credit for. And that’s not even going into the very measured (and deserved) beatdown she gave the three jerks at the bar.
It reminds me of that breeding program in the Soviet Union to try to breed foxes that would have nice fur, but be more social and better cage animals. Instead they got–another dog-like breed!
Geez Shelly….you are NOT a bad person. If you were, you wouldn’t care about being one. I’m thinking you have some ‘school bully’ guilt issues you are working through.
You are not grown yet Shelly, you are far from the school bully spaz you were a few years ago trying to get your school friend to notice you.
So shut up, chill out and get back to training. Your head will work itself out of your ass with time.
Does Phix not know how Shelly almost accidentally killed Justin? IIRC, he would have died if he were a normal human. Then again, I’m beginning to wonder if there is such a thing in the Wapsiverse.
Considering the “lickable” comment, Phix has at least seen and assessed Justin.
And IIRC, she seized Nudge by punching through Tina.
So… maybe Shelly just needs to learn the finesse and speed of passing through molecules whenever she strikes; when she’s in sphinx bullet-time, she can decide if those molecules need rearranging.
Hardly lets apos off the hook for killing demon-infested humans, though.
Actually, it may not be a matter of speed and molecules, but rather just another ability some of the supernatural have. Similar to how Jin was able to grab and pull Monica’s doubt out of herself.
I’m glad someone else had the same reaction as I did. Granted, I’m a little more biased than usual against mosquitos right now given the 8 bites all over my feet and toes.
Other than the amusing need to add “shitty” in front of “mosquitos,” I’d say she made a fair comparison…blood-sucking creatures and what-have-you.
sorry about that, skeeter-bait! (mama always told me i was extra sweet, and that’s why the skeeters ate me alive. turns out there IS some truth to that, fibromyalgia sends off some chemical signal to the damn things)
and the little blood suckers cost me $160 a year trying to make sure my little service dog/brat dog doesnt get heartworms. beasts.
In order to avoid crippling bad vibes, Shelly just has to learn extreme Judgement Calling.
Then again, Those that know Sphinxeseses are things to be feared, usually have something to fear from them. Unlike us Wapsi readers, who saw Phix, and immediately fell in love.
“They’re like shitty mosquitoes.” Does that mean there are a whole lotta vampires and werewolves running around like there are too many d**n mosquitoes?
No, it means that sphinxes are so much higher up the food chain that vampires and werewolves are just as easy to smooch as mosquitoes. Actually, they are a little harder to smooch, but a whole lot easier to spot and catch because they are larger, so the total effort is about equal.
I’ve known about the Vampires can’t come inside your house unless invited “rule,” but I never knew they could break it, and there were physical consequences for the vampire. I just figured he would have to stand out on your porch being pissed going, “C’mon! Let me iiiiiiin! Please? Pretty please? C’moooooon!”
I think we might be able to chalk this up as a Wapsi-verse variation.
From all the Vampire Lore that I’ve read, Vamps cannot ignore that rule (Well, if you ignore the whole VtM type, where the varying rules applied only to certain Clans).
Simply an issue of them physically being unable to enter an uninvited domicile, hence their use of their “charm” ability to convince one of the inhabitants to grant permission.
As to what could keep them out, probably some type of Deity’s protection. In ancient times, Goddesses like Hecate (who counted entrance-ways as part of her portfolio), or Hestia who dealt with the Hearth (read home), modern days, it would be Jaweh.
When one considers that vampire Lore is pretty much spread across the whole world, and that most ancient societies had guardians for doorways of some type, it does make sense. (Like the Chinese with their Shishi.)
For all of their abilities, there would be things higher up the proverbial food chain, whether that be Deities or Sphinxes, then becomes rather immaterial.
Hi there!
I’ve been following Wapsi Square since early 2011, and I had to go back to the beginning to see what I had missed. This comic is incredible, deep and enticingly addictive. I can say that because since I started reading it’s become a habitual thing. It’s the first thing I do in the morning.
So here’s a question, if Phix sounds like Alex from ER, then what do the rest of the characters “sound” like? Hypothetically speaking?
Howdy! =D Thanks much for the positive words! ^_^ The only other characters whose voice I hear in my head that sounds like a celebrity are Monica and Euryale. Monica’s voice is like Christina Amphlett minus the Aussie accent, and Euryale sounds like a cross between Dolly Parton and Apple Jack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
Oh, don’t get me started. ::grumble:: I would gladly trade 80k years of waiting in the forest if I could be a sphinx for the sole purpose to cleaning out that crew.
Saw this posted on Facebook a while back and have loved reposting it every chance I get:
“Edward is not a vampire. He lives in the forest, he doesn’t eat people, and he sparkles in sunlight – Edward is a FAIRY.”
Please, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeease have Phix or Shellinx kill a sparkly Edward in front of Bella. You could base it in the internet meme that Kristin Stewart is incapable of changing facial expressions to show her emotional state.
Panel 1 – Edward and Bella (the word Happy is written over Bella)
Panel 2 – Phix or Shellinx bites Edward in half
Panel 3 – Bella (same expression as panel 1), blood-soaked with the words, “Rage-filled horror coupled with crippling depression over loss of her true love”
Panel Two Phix looks … odd.
Panel Three Phix looks … cute?
Got it!
In panel two, her lower fangs curl up-and-out; in later panels they don’t have any curve or curve ‘correctly’.
Still, either way, killer dentiton.
Sorry, not ‘later panels’, should just say ‘panel three’.
The whole shape of her face seems off in Panel Two.
i’d like shelly to visit the twilight universe then…
They exist too? Furry nice, I’m sure they drive sphix batty!!
Sorry, Phix not sphix
(Simply points to the pun jar)
After all these years, it’s more like ‘THE Pun Bank’, the capital ‘THE’ is really important in denoting the shear grandeur of it!!
Hmmmm. The Pun Bank is too big to fail–because the Pun Jar has yet to fail to extract payment in full for punnery?
Ah, there it is. The E’ in BLASE’ didn’t quite make it the first time; Paul Phixed.
Also, reassurances about accidental death in front of Phix’s Wall – O – Skulls….I’m seeing Irony, here.
I like how this conversation is taking place in Phix’s skull room.
I think that’s just what her living room looks like…
We’ve seen it before. It’s a nice nod to continuity to see the wall of skulls again – and an interesting reminder that Phix has a Wall of Skulls from her own past.
I wonder if Sphinxes use them as conversation pieces.
Shelly seems to be having more trouble catching on than usual. Phix isn’t speaking THAT cryptically, is she?
OH boy! This is going to take some work. I think it’s time for Shelly to see the rapist.
Hope that’s a typo, cause they would end up cleaning one of them off the walls with a sponge after Shelly got done.
I suppose Bucc-i could be referring to Justin’s werewolf ex.
iPads are capable of that error, but there’s still the word “a” missing in that case.
“I’ll take the rapists for $200 Alex”
As seen on SNL?
My iPad had no problem. It’ a no suffix.
Dress it up however you want, Trebek, but does it work, man? Will it really mighty my penis?
Opps, sorry guys I meant therapist >:-)
The rapsit
Aren’t they kind of like the same thing?
Both make you feel dirty, like you need a shower afterwards.
GAWD I suck at spelling
Shelly’s gonna feel bad about entering a domicile uninvited?
Yeah, that actually isn’t clear, even after a couple reads.
Assuming Shelly would feel super bad* killing a human, that makes for a curious intersection of instinct and culture. And Stroth, below, has already made the point about Phix’s morals, to which I’d add, Why is Phix an activist for demons and possessed humans and not for other forms of infected humans?
*”Super bad” itself being an ambiguous phrase. Does killing people give sphinxes the feeling of owning the street?
Phix is a sphinx. I, for one, am not at all surprised she likes speaking in riddles
But she’s on record for being anti-killing for failing to solve a riddle.
Well, I suspect we will only learn more about what her “activism” intends and produces over the course of several more pages.
To me it sounds like if Shelly kills a human, she is going to feel bad about it with as strong a reaction as a vampire entering a house uninvited. It is a failsafe. In other words, even if she meant to kill the human and the human deserved to die, she will be ‘punished’ by remorse in a severe manner not unlike the vampire thing while a human might not feel guilt in a similar situation.
First Phix says Shelly’s not going to inadvertantly kill anyone as if it’s an impossiblity, but then says that if she did she’d feel like crap.
So my question would have to be: can or can Shelly not inadvertantly kill people?
Actually, Phix says nothing about inadvertent killing today.
Sounds as if she’s saying today that Shelly will feel Really Bad about killing anything.
Yesterday was about inadvertent killing.
What Phix seems to be saying is that Shelly’s is not half the loose-cannon she think she is. That she’s not going to go off on someone just because. I think that’s Shelly’s fear: Losing control, sphinxing-out and killing someone.
I think Phix is saying that there’s an inner governor that has an effect on Shelly’s actions, not unlike the one that penalizes a vampire entering a house uninvited. That governor will act as a “super-parent” in a Sphinx’s head and the Sphinx actions have to pass the super-parent’s “sniff test.”
Or I may be reading too much in Phix’ words.
Okay, after going over it a few times, I think Vorlonagent and Fairportfan are right, assuming Phix isn’t doing sensei mindgames here.
Shelly cannot accidentally kill an innocent. “You are not a werewolf” and the racists she clobbered but left alive while something else took over indicate that.
If she deliberately does, she will have consciously override her inhibitor (like stabbing Monica), and then feel terrible about it, something like the furies torturing her, much as vampires are tortured for entering a home uninvited.
So therefore…
Her clawing Justin was within parameters: She didn’t consciously know he was regenerative, but her inner sphinx sure did. In fact, it seems that “sphinxing out” may only be a problem of revealing herself to a point beyond people not being able “to see what they want to see”.
–And her inner sphinx has actually been pretty good about that, too: Sphinxing when alone at home, with her crews at Mucho Mocha and the Library, and with Justin, who always knew far more than he was telling. (Flying Justin to the hospital was more conscious.)
She really just has to trust who she is.
I think the bottom line of what Phix is saying is something we “normals” see in everyday life. We all likely have at least one memory of an event where our “typical” reaction to a person or situation seemed to stop itself, and we don’t know why.
Until later, if we think about it, and realize that it was our own subconscious putting a check on it. Likely because in the past we did the same (or a similar) thing and had bad results from it, so our own survival reflex says “Hey! Waitaminnit! You don’t wanna do that!”
I think Phix is basically saying that, as a sphinx, there’s an inherited reluctance (genetic memory maybe?) to exercise violent force against human targets unless there’s a driving specific urge to do so. Even then, that background knowledge will apply additional resistance and even if you override that resistance – there will be payback in the form of a very VERY guilty conscience.
Which is also why she had no trouble at all putting those hellhounds in their place when they attacked her and Justin at the library – they weren’t human, and they were an active threat, so they signed her license to kill and should be thankful she was just playfully condescending instead, heh.
Something Shelly should remember next time she starts beating herself up. She could have wiped the floor with those hellhounds, and had every right to – but she didn’t. She has more self control than she gives herself credit for. And that’s not even going into the very measured (and deserved) beatdown she gave the three jerks at the bar.
Huh. Sometimes it’s good to get a reminder that Phix isn’t human. And more to the point, that she doesn’t necessarily have human morals.
To be fair- some genera of vampires and werewolves do not need our sympathies.
Now the ‘Tina’ like werewolves and vamps- those are a case by case bases. Based on the case that they behave.
Kinda like my response to some of the anti-fur types:
“If you’d ever met a mink, you’d appreciate fur coats.”
It reminds me of that breeding program in the Soviet Union to try to breed foxes that would have nice fur, but be more social and better cage animals. Instead they got–another dog-like breed!
Geez Shelly….you are NOT a bad person. If you were, you wouldn’t care about being one. I’m thinking you have some ‘school bully’ guilt issues you are working through.
You are not grown yet Shelly, you are far from the school bully spaz you were a few years ago trying to get your school friend to notice you.
So shut up, chill out and get back to training. Your head will work itself out of your ass with time.
Last Panel: “With great powers come great responsibilities” face!
Think it finally sunk in this time round? lol.
Vampires? Werewolves? Hmmm…
Calling Dr. Chekov. Dr. Checkov, please report to the Wapsi Wing.
… and bring your gun…
And several clips of blessed silver nitrate bullets.
That way you can tag both categories with the same ammo.
Blessed silver nitrate held in a frozen holy water bullet. Extra painful for the vamps, and the werewolves will die smelling their own wet stink, lol.
Does Phix not know how Shelly almost accidentally killed Justin? IIRC, he would have died if he were a normal human. Then again, I’m beginning to wonder if there is such a thing in the Wapsiverse.
Considering the “lickable” comment, Phix has at least seen and assessed Justin.
And IIRC, she seized Nudge by punching through Tina.
So… maybe Shelly just needs to learn the finesse and speed of passing through molecules whenever she strikes; when she’s in sphinx bullet-time, she can decide if those molecules need rearranging.
Hardly lets apos off the hook for killing demon-infested humans, though.
Actually, it may not be a matter of speed and molecules, but rather just another ability some of the supernatural have. Similar to how Jin was able to grab and pull Monica’s doubt out of herself.
“Shitty” mosquitos? Are there any other kind?
I’m glad someone else had the same reaction as I did.
Granted, I’m a little more biased than usual against mosquitos right now given the 8 bites all over my feet and toes. 
Other than the amusing need to add “shitty” in front of “mosquitos,” I’d say she made a fair comparison…blood-sucking creatures and what-have-you.
sorry about that, skeeter-bait! (mama always told me i was extra sweet, and that’s why the skeeters ate me alive. turns out there IS some truth to that, fibromyalgia sends off some chemical signal to the damn things)
and the little blood suckers cost me $160 a year trying to make sure my little service dog/brat dog doesnt get heartworms. beasts.
My dad kept my mom around, among other things, because she was the mosquito attractor, and so he was rarely bothered.
On the other hand, she just replied that maybe she smelled better than him, and they didn’t like his taste. . . .
In order to avoid crippling bad vibes, Shelly just has to learn extreme Judgement Calling.
Then again, Those that know Sphinxeseses are things to be feared, usually have something to fear from them. Unlike us Wapsi readers, who saw Phix, and immediately fell in love.
“They’re like shitty mosquitoes.” Does that mean there are a whole lotta vampires and werewolves running around like there are too many d**n mosquitoes?
No, it means that sphinxes are so much higher up the food chain that vampires and werewolves are just as easy to smooch as mosquitoes. Actually, they are a little harder to smooch, but a whole lot easier to spot and catch because they are larger, so the total effort is about equal.
Only during warm, rainy weather. (c8
Not helping, Phix…
Well…I guess that’s one way of looking at the problem.
Is that what happens? I thought the vampire would be invited to a STAKE dinner by the dwelling’s residents…
Hmmmm. I wonder if Monica could poit a stake through a vamp’s heart and have it take effect?
I’ve known about the Vampires can’t come inside your house unless invited “rule,” but I never knew they could break it, and there were physical consequences for the vampire. I just figured he would have to stand out on your porch being pissed going, “C’mon! Let me iiiiiiin! Please? Pretty please? C’moooooon!”
Mebe an ultraviolet bug-zapper would keep them off your porch.
At least the vampires, anyway.
I think we might be able to chalk this up as a Wapsi-verse variation.
From all the Vampire Lore that I’ve read, Vamps cannot ignore that rule (Well, if you ignore the whole VtM type, where the varying rules applied only to certain Clans).
Simply an issue of them physically being unable to enter an uninvited domicile, hence their use of their “charm” ability to convince one of the inhabitants to grant permission.
As to what could keep them out, probably some type of Deity’s protection. In ancient times, Goddesses like Hecate (who counted entrance-ways as part of her portfolio), or Hestia who dealt with the Hearth (read home), modern days, it would be Jaweh.
When one considers that vampire Lore is pretty much spread across the whole world, and that most ancient societies had guardians for doorways of some type, it does make sense. (Like the Chinese with their Shishi.)
For all of their abilities, there would be things higher up the proverbial food chain, whether that be Deities or Sphinxes, then becomes rather immaterial.
Hi there!
I’ve been following Wapsi Square since early 2011, and I had to go back to the beginning to see what I had missed. This comic is incredible, deep and enticingly addictive. I can say that because since I started reading it’s become a habitual thing. It’s the first thing I do in the morning.
So here’s a question, if Phix sounds like Alex from ER, then what do the rest of the characters “sound” like? Hypothetically speaking?
Howdy! =D Thanks much for the positive words! ^_^ The only other characters whose voice I hear in my head that sounds like a celebrity are Monica and Euryale. Monica’s voice is like Christina Amphlett minus the Aussie accent, and Euryale sounds like a cross between Dolly Parton and Apple Jack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
Ah, well that explains this…
But if she doesn’t have the Australian accent, is Mon’s mouth more Mexican, Minnesotan or Midlantic?
You’re very welcome!
And now excuse me while I’ve gotta go look those two up.
Have you ever heard Paula Deen (Food Network)? Give her a couple of espressos, and you have Euryale. (c8
Girls/monsters with killer arms.
I **REALLY* want to hear Phix’s opinions about the Twilight movies
I wouldn’t mind seeing her go sphinx on ’em.
Oh, don’t get me started. ::grumble:: I would gladly trade 80k years of waiting in the forest if I could be a sphinx for the sole purpose to cleaning out that crew.
Saw this posted on Facebook a while back and have loved reposting it every chance I get:
“Edward is not a vampire. He lives in the forest, he doesn’t eat people, and he sparkles in sunlight – Edward is a FAIRY.”
I think Dean on Supernatural said it best: “These aren’t vampires. These are douche bags.”
Please, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeease have Phix or Shellinx kill a sparkly Edward in front of Bella. You could base it in the internet meme that Kristin Stewart is incapable of changing facial expressions to show her emotional state.
Panel 1 – Edward and Bella (the word Happy is written over Bella)
Panel 2 – Phix or Shellinx bites Edward in half
Panel 3 – Bella (same expression as panel 1), blood-soaked with the words, “Rage-filled horror coupled with crippling depression over loss of her true love”
Make prints; sell them; become a millionaire.