@Paula – Yeah, I know. I meant to say something then, but I didn’t.
@JeffEpp – Heh, I thought about extensions. I don’t see Monica using them though. It’s quite possible there was a time lapse that just didn’t register well because it’s a comic.
I totally agree with Paula, besides it HAS been a few years since she was “seen” at Darrens. I’ve been going through the strips and I don’t think he has been seen since 2008
It was shoulder length last time we saw her. Could be a month or two. Could be a wig. Extensions. Paul just wanted to draw longer hair (see the Ebay fodder he has been doing lately).
When it comes to Monica, I doubt that she’d accept anything other than all natural given her other attributes. but then again, we’re talking about a webcomic and a lady who can poit and had dealings with all sorts of interesting things.
Delving into Wikipedia reveals that, on average, human hair grows about half an inch per month. So, barring any hair growing wierdness, the few years comment heralds an official time skip. Stuff has happened in the interim that we’ll find out about as the story unfolds.
Is Shelly still seeing Officer Tight Buns? Did Brandi and Bud reconcile? Are Monica and Kevin still together? How has settling into a normal life with Alen gone for Jin. And where has Monica been that she hasn’t been to Darrin’s bar in “a few years”. I’m gonna pull up a chair and pop some popcorn ’cause this is gonna be good.
Meh…my hair grows fast enough to suggest that the “few years” comment is really geared towards the fact that we haven’t been to Darrin’s bar in years. I grew 5 inches of hair in about 4 or 5 months (with a trim buried in there somewhere). For Monica to have hair as long as that, she might only have to wait about the same amount of time.
My hair grows relatively slowly … but my beard grows like crabgrass.
One reason i stopped shaving the minute the Navy said i could grow a beard without getting special permission is that my beard is very heavy and my skin is relatively tender.
Guys… Are you missing the implied timelapse? “How long has it been?” “A few years.” Now, my first thought was we hadn’t seen them in there, but that coupled with the longer hair, should be clear. This is just a timelapse indicator.
Except eschmenk is right. Maybe this is to indicate that somewhere in the last little bit, a few years has passed since she cut her hair? Oh never mind! Just enjoy the show!
Got to love how Monica went from “We can’t risk hurting Daren’s business, he’s our friend” to “Why the heck should we go to that old rustbucket when there’s a club we can blowup the walls at and not get banned.”
Wow. It has been quite a number of years. Monica’s bangs (fringe for those elsewheres) are almost down to her shoulders. And I must say that Paul has a very good eye for details as well. Monica’s hair looks exactly like she’s just let it grow out.
I’d just assumed she’d styled her hair and dressed up. Does a new outfit and “night out” hairstyle really represent a massive time shift? I’ve got numerous female friends who can (and do) restyle their hair in such a way that they look like totally different people when they go out. Before I read the comments I just assumed this was a “Yay we fixed Jin!” night for Mon.
I am sooo glad this part of the storyline didn’t sneak in in the middle of whilst we were waiting for Alan.
Brandi going loopy is one thing.
Dealing with Jins heartbreak was something completly different and (to me) far worse.
There was that Bud/Monica conversation in the middle…but that was kinda part of the storyline. This seems totally out there…at the moment.
Not that I am estatic over the change mind you – just I am glad it is this week and not then….
That and I am now kinda wondering if Katherine has been frequenting the bar. She seemed to like Darren and Darrens bar
It’s Brandi. She’s the perpetual background character of EGS, always present but never on-camera. Of course the scene shifted the moment she stole the spotlight. (>^_^)>
There is probably a TV somewhere in the bar and the program will be interrupted by local news reports about a massive explosion, apparently caused by a gas leak or terrorist attack.
Really, this isn’t that huge of a change. It just jumped to Monica, who was told by Bud that everything was all right, so she’s going out. Monica probably has some philosophical or existential questions that she wants to talk over with Daren. Bud probably didn’t answer her question very well.
Personally, this is much less jarring for me than the random behavior of the characters lately. Finally, something makes sense given what happened before.
no, the news will explain it away ‘due to atmospheric anomalies’ , meteor strike or even bits of satellite – useful that.. – and I bet they are used to it happening, so not front page.. I doubt if they will see it, unless needing the ‘science’ fix.. not pub fare really..
Considering that your confusion is stated, rather than assumed, I’m guessing you’re new here. Confusion is a rather common state of mind in these parts.
And, if you do want to buy the book(s), this week is not a bad time to do so. Lulu (the print-on-demand company Paul uses) runs special “coupon code” deals fairly frequently, and the current one (code SUMMERBOOKS) gets you 25% off of the total book price. It’s good through the 30th of this month (Friday).
It really feels like this strip heralds a skip in time – I even got the “epilogue a few years later” vibe, but quickly told myself “no way, that cannot be! there’s so much left to tell!”
(hint-hint, Paul)
Ho. Lee. Cow. is right. That is one fiery Monica. An 18-year Macallen should make up for a few missed visits to the bar, anyhow. Take a lesson from Shelley, Monica, and don’t spill the expensive drink. Nice to see Darren again!
Hammmaannnaa, hhhaaaaaggggg…… Monica Pretty…. (after aquick splash of Ice water to the face)
Maybe this is a parallel world and her name is Melanie
“Because she soitinly is.”
This is the one of the most stylish pictures I have seen of Monica. She seems very trend. I wonder what labels she wears. I would like to see what she would look like in trendy chuncky platform heels.
Why the jump? When was the jump? Back before Jin’s transformation? I didn’t notice at the time, but eschmenk is right – Monica’s hair WAS longer when Bud told her about Jin…
I am puzzled as hell. I hope tomorrow’s comic clears some things up.
P.S. I could be wrong, and maybe Paul will correct me, but I don’t think this is just a “we haven’t seen Darren in forever, so neither has Monica, and there’s been no time lapse” thing. I feel like, in storytelling, for someone to say “it’s been a few years” to another recognizable character (while looking totally different) means… it’s been a few years since they’ve seen us too. Yes? No? Maybe so?
I think the gap occurred while Paul was on vacation / dealing with his kitchen remodeling. This is the last update before the break. I’m not sure, but I think her hair is still short there. In any case, immediately before that we saw Shelly go back to work, apparently for the first time after her time traveling. Just before that, Monica still had short hair.
That means that there was a long time gap between when Bud brought the artifact to Maya and when Maya and Bud used it on Jin. To me, it makes it even more ridiculous and inexcusable that neither Bud nor anyone else had a clue about what Maya was going to do to Jin. They would have had plenty of time to talk with her and ask questions and make her explain things. OTOH, it would have given Maya time to study the artifact and verify that the artifact really was what Bud said it was and perhaps that it worked correctly, so maybe she wasn’t as reckless with Jin’s life as she appeared to be.
I think the fact that Monica said that it’s been years since she has seen Daren (that’s the spelling in the earlier strips) is consistent with the story. She seemed to stop going to his bar once she got very involved in the calendar machine arc. We have seen the weather go through several cycles in the story since then. But time seems to be a very flexible thing in the Wapsiverse.
BTW, don’t forget that because she screwed up the calendar machine, they didn’t trust Maya enough to tell her that the artifact might exist and they might know where to look for it. So now we are supposed to believe that once they got it, they just let her play around with it without keeping an eye on her? That makes no sense, especially after Bud couldn’t get a straight answer from her when she gave Maya the artifact. WTF?
And let’s say they had Phix or someone like that secretly keeping an eye on her, then why was Bud so clueless? Since Bud couldn’t get Maya to give her a straight answer on anything (until after she was done), why didn’t she ask questions from whoever was watching Maya?
Darren was shelved almost 4 years ago along with several other characters. Paul has subsequently given the reasons and as difficult as it was that change was something of a bitter pill to choke down.
Part of me wants to think that it was also an effort to focus more on the adventure stories and less on Monica’s need for alcohol. Less booze, more guns! It is just too bad that Darren runs a bar, hence the rise of Tina at the COFFEE shop. Darren and Tina essentially served the same role at the start.
The relative maturity shows that Monica has “grown up” and does not need to drink or use a bar as a social crutch nearly as much. It just has the odd effect of making it look like time has jumped. It is just intended to show a change in persona between these two. But, what can you do in just four panels?
I think it works very well visually, subtle and well made.
It also shows that time does move ahead, just a bit around half as slowly as reality. As was discussed earlier – this would be about 5 years into the strip’s timeline. (we have counted 4 winters so far) – thus Monica is at least 29 here, possibly 30. Paul took down the character stats several years ago – but you can still find them.
The fact that the characters do change is good, the fact that some are just left is not.
Welcome back Darren! Monica looks good for 30!
Much of this is taken from the old forum – it helps to have been here so long, it gives one perspective.
Or is the new story arc about some sentimental Illuminati?
Join the Vimanacrucians and learn how to have that power drive you have always wanted. Write the Nostalgi at 1134 Wapsi Square, Minneapolis MN, 31774. We’ll know if your letter reached us.
It’s obvious that this takes place several years in the future in the Wapsi Square continuity. Monica seems older and more at ease with herself. Her hair is longer than what it could be in a normal time span after her pixie cut, and it’s obvious by the hiding of half of her face by her hair, that through one of her past/future (depending on your reference) adventures with the Golem Girls, Phix, Tina, or whatever other supernatural entities are in her life, that she is horribly scarred on that side of her face and possibly wearing an eyepatch like Nick Fury.
I’m thinking that this is just a simple resetting of Wapsi time to sort of resynchronize with real time (out here, in our viewer world).
Look at it this way — starting with the 28 March 2011 strip (Spot of Heaven, where Bud blew up the island) thru yesterday — everything that happened across all of those strips took place (strip time) over the course of at most only a few days — it took six months of strips (real time) to cover the events of a day or two (strip time).
This jump is merely to bring strip time back to something close to end of September 2011, so there has been enough time for M to regrow some quantity of hair.
Actually, if this is indeed a jump and not just a scene change, that could make sense.
1) We left with Brandi screaming about the V-cells.
2) Bud had no idea what the artifact really was beyond what Monica+Amanda and Shelly told her.
3) Brandi has access to the library, records from past cycle versions of herself, and per Phix & Jin the ability to recall other cycles as she read about them.
It’s a stretch, but if this is indeed a jump, it could be the start of Brandi telling Bud a story or recalling a story herself. Still, this isn’t the way Wapsi usually does stories/flashbacks/etc, so I’m not so sure.
I think you’re right! That would be just like what happened with Shelly… with us thinking it was her, when it was actually Shelly from another timeline. I’m officially with you on this one
i’m leaning more towards Brandi having a flashback to something she told herself via the Book about a previous CM Time Loop… maybe even loop 55? (as per Phix in this in the second panel.)
I hope someone is reading this. I was listening to a CD comeing home from work and [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd8SNcZIgpI]this Song[/url] reminded me of how Monica looks – Especially today.
“Meet the new arc,
Same as the old arc…”
… except it won’t be, I have no doubt!
Monica’s hair grew out quick. XD
it was that long previously but yes. most comic/tv scripts call for hair which grows quicker than most normal folks.
@Paula – Yeah, I know. I meant to say something then, but I didn’t.
@JeffEpp – Heh, I thought about extensions. I don’t see Monica using them though. It’s quite possible there was a time lapse that just didn’t register well because it’s a comic.
well she does say a “few years”
I totally agree with Paula, besides it HAS been a few years since she was “seen” at Darrens. I’ve been going through the strips and I don’t think he has been seen since 2008
Monica does wield the Power Cosmic. LOL
It was shoulder length last time we saw her. Could be a month or two. Could be a wig. Extensions. Paul just wanted to draw longer hair (see the Ebay fodder he has been doing lately).
Or, he just watched “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”.
When it comes to Monica, I doubt that she’d accept anything other than all natural given her other attributes. but then again, we’re talking about a webcomic and a lady who can poit and had dealings with all sorts of interesting things.
yeah.. just gotta say, da- yum!!!!
Delving into Wikipedia reveals that, on average, human hair grows about half an inch per month. So, barring any hair growing wierdness, the few years comment heralds an official time skip. Stuff has happened in the interim that we’ll find out about as the story unfolds.
Is Shelly still seeing Officer Tight Buns? Did Brandi and Bud reconcile? Are Monica and Kevin still together? How has settling into a normal life with Alen gone for Jin. And where has Monica been that she hasn’t been to Darrin’s bar in “a few years”. I’m gonna pull up a chair and pop some popcorn ’cause this is gonna be good.
And it’s good to see Darrin again.
You forgot everyones favorate couple Lakshimi and Owen.
I don’t think Allen’s gone.
…erhm… “Alan”. sorry, didn’t check beforehand…
Meh…my hair grows fast enough to suggest that the “few years” comment is really geared towards the fact that we haven’t been to Darrin’s bar in years. I grew 5 inches of hair in about 4 or 5 months (with a trim buried in there somewhere). For Monica to have hair as long as that, she might only have to wait about the same amount of time.
Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking. It hasn’t been a few years since we’ve seen Monica. It’s been a few years since she’d seen Darren.
My hair grows relatively slowly … but my beard grows like crabgrass.
One reason i stopped shaving the minute the Navy said i could grow a beard without getting special permission is that my beard is very heavy and my skin is relatively tender.
The other reason is that it ticked off my Chief.
Monica’s hair is the same as the last time we saw her. She’s just done up much more attractively.
Guys… Are you missing the implied timelapse? “How long has it been?” “A few years.” Now, my first thought was we hadn’t seen them in there, but that coupled with the longer hair, should be clear.
This is just a timelapse indicator.
Except eschmenk is right. Maybe this is to indicate that somewhere in the last little bit, a few years has passed since she cut her hair? Oh never mind! Just enjoy the show!
About time she went back to the bar….
So we just jumped forward in time a few years?
She does look mature doesnt she
i just think she might need a drink. same bat time same bat channel though.
(would be amusing if brand-boom has punched through time and this IS the future and you are about to get a rainfall of golfball particles
It takes a certain amount of self confidence to hide your face like that.
Of course, you know that the effect will be ruined by the fact that no one is going to actually look at M’s face.
Maybe no males would be…but I found the look of her face quite enchanting.
I looked at her face and hair.
Well, maybe not first.
Woohoo! My avatar’s back in the comic!
Got to love how Monica went from “We can’t risk hurting Daren’s business, he’s our friend” to “Why the heck should we go to that old rustbucket when there’s a club we can blowup the walls at and not get banned.”
And because I was bored:
Daren Reference:
Cerberus Reference:
heh welcome back darren
YES! Darren’s back!
Cause ya know… my name *is* Darren… and I have a shaved head… and a goatee
Now how cool is that? It would be hard to sneak an old wolf into the strip…
Long-lost relative coming to visit Dietzel?
I don’t see why!? There are already a dog, cat, rabbit and coyote – a wolf or two shouldn’t be much of a stretch
Not to mention a goat and a snake and a lion and – whatever Nudge is….
Argh! Monica’s a Pirate. (Only one eye)
Did anyone else think “Smmmmoooookinnnn'” when seeing Monica?
Drink enough 18 year macallan and you will have plenty of lost time … and $$$ and brain cells… $124 / bottle
ive tried a 20 yr whiskey which cost the person over £100.
That was so smooth – like drinking .. water?
Is the macallan similar in smoothness?
Wow. It has been quite a number of years. Monica’s bangs (fringe for those elsewheres) are almost down to her shoulders. And I must say that Paul has a very good eye for details as well. Monica’s hair looks exactly like she’s just let it grow out.
I’d just assumed she’d styled her hair and dressed up. Does a new outfit and “night out” hairstyle really represent a massive time shift? I’ve got numerous female friends who can (and do) restyle their hair in such a way that they look like totally different people when they go out. Before I read the comments I just assumed this was a “Yay we fixed Jin!” night for Mon.
I am sooo glad this part of the storyline didn’t sneak in in the middle of whilst we were waiting for Alan.
Brandi going loopy is one thing.
Dealing with Jins heartbreak was something completly different and (to me) far worse.
There was that Bud/Monica conversation in the middle…but that was kinda part of the storyline. This seems totally out there…at the moment.
Not that I am estatic over the change mind you – just I am glad it is this week and not then….
That and I am now kinda wondering if Katherine has been frequenting the bar. She seemed to like Darren and Darrens bar
It’s Brandi. She’s the perpetual background character of EGS, always present but never on-camera. Of course the scene shifted the moment she stole the spotlight. (>^_^)>
I only have a few things to say. To Darren, welcome back to being in the actual comic, and for Monica, just…da’yamn. Paul did right today.
Aargh. Now I have whiplash from the storyline changing directions so quickly.
Ouch! Does anyone know a good chiropractor? I think I strained something in the sudden change of direction.
Are we now going to see what happened through a series of flashbacks?
Or are we going to be treated to some of the implicit effects of screwing around with time?
Montage time!!!!!
There is probably a TV somewhere in the bar and the program will be interrupted by local news reports about a massive explosion, apparently caused by a gas leak or terrorist attack.
Really, this isn’t that huge of a change. It just jumped to Monica, who was told by Bud that everything was all right, so she’s going out. Monica probably has some philosophical or existential questions that she wants to talk over with Daren. Bud probably didn’t answer her question very well.
Personally, this is much less jarring for me than the random behavior of the characters lately. Finally, something makes sense given what happened before.
no, the news will explain it away ‘due to atmospheric anomalies’ , meteor strike or even bits of satellite – useful that..
– and I bet they are used to it happening, so not front page.. I doubt if they will see it, unless needing the ‘science’ fix.. not pub fare really..
Glad to see that our favorite bald bartender has finally returned to the comic.
This is the sexiest Monica EVER!
True. If that smoldering look hit Kevin, he would be reduced to a dribbling messin seconds.
Sticky, certainly…
Pretty, elegant and sexy, which is harder to pull off.
There’s a confidence there that she didn’t have when this comic started.
I am confused as hell.
Well, hello.
I’m FairportFan
Pleased to meet you Confused.
Nice to meet you, Confused Ashell. I’m Fun Afterdark.
Nice of you to join us.
Now THAT’S mind-taking!
Wearing your masker?
Considering that your confusion is stated, rather than assumed, I’m guessing you’re new here. Confusion is a rather common state of mind in these parts.
Not I–I’m rarely confused here.
I don’t know enough about what’s going on to be confused.
yep, if you want to stand any chance, buy the book!!!

And, if you do want to buy the book(s), this week is not a bad time to do so. Lulu (the print-on-demand company Paul uses) runs special “coupon code” deals fairly frequently, and the current one (code SUMMERBOOKS) gets you 25% off of the total book price. It’s good through the 30th of this month (Friday).
I just splurged and ordered a complete set.
Is simple.
He is Daren. He works here, in bar. He walks. He serves drinks, takes money. He dresses like that. Very practical.
She is Monica. She works out there. She poits. She gives money, drinks drinks. She dresses like that. Very impressive.
Understanding? Yes. Good. Just covering all possibilities.
Zathras does not want you being confoosed. Bye.
You sure your name not Peggy?
diTaykan- and your corner table is waiting, right next to my couch.
Hurray for Darren!
It really feels like this strip heralds a skip in time – I even got the “epilogue a few years later” vibe, but quickly told myself “no way, that cannot be! there’s so much left to tell!”
(hint-hint, Paul)
I also think this is a look into the future. I guess we’ll see.
*wolf whistle*
Yay for the long hair back! She looks confident and gorgeous. And HELL YES. DAREN. >:3
Ho. Lee. Cow. is right. That is one fiery Monica. An 18-year Macallen should make up for a few missed visits to the bar, anyhow. Take a lesson from Shelley, Monica, and don’t spill the expensive drink. Nice to see Darren again!
“Monkey Balls!”
My first thought.
It’s nice to see an old character reappear. Hopefully we’ll get to see the other cast members as well.
He looks a bit like Francis from Left4Dead.
AGH! Yay! I’ve been waiting for him to come back for forever!!!!
Holy crap, she keeps showing up like that I’m gonna have to change my name lol
Darren, you got a bit of dirt in your face *gets razors*
HAHAHA! You know, I preferred Darrin’s old goatee to this one, too.
Heh! I couldn’t remember what Daren used to look like.
Yeah this one is a little more scraggly and…..piratey. :\
He used to look like a black man. Now he looks Caucasian somehow…
Hammmaannnaa, hhhaaaaaggggg…… Monica Pretty…. (after aquick splash of Ice water to the face)
Maybe this is a parallel world and her name is Melanie
“Because she soitinly is.”
Wow she is so pretty!! She seems so stylish I wonder what labels she wears. I would love to see her in some high chunky platform heels
Who is Nostalgi and why are they being felt?
Welcome back, Daren!
Yay! Darren!
This is the one of the most stylish pictures I have seen of Monica. She seems very trend. I wonder what labels she wears. I would like to see what she would look like in trendy chuncky platform heels.
I… what?
What in the hell is going on?
Why the jump? When was the jump? Back before Jin’s transformation? I didn’t notice at the time, but eschmenk is right – Monica’s hair WAS longer when Bud told her about Jin…
I am puzzled as hell. I hope tomorrow’s comic clears some things up.
P.S. I could be wrong, and maybe Paul will correct me, but I don’t think this is just a “we haven’t seen Darren in forever, so neither has Monica, and there’s been no time lapse” thing. I feel like, in storytelling, for someone to say “it’s been a few years” to another recognizable character (while looking totally different) means… it’s been a few years since they’ve seen us too. Yes? No? Maybe so?
I think the gap occurred while Paul was on vacation / dealing with his kitchen remodeling. This is the last update before the break. I’m not sure, but I think her hair is still short there. In any case, immediately before that we saw Shelly go back to work, apparently for the first time after her time traveling. Just before that, Monica still had short hair.
That means that there was a long time gap between when Bud brought the artifact to Maya and when Maya and Bud used it on Jin. To me, it makes it even more ridiculous and inexcusable that neither Bud nor anyone else had a clue about what Maya was going to do to Jin. They would have had plenty of time to talk with her and ask questions and make her explain things. OTOH, it would have given Maya time to study the artifact and verify that the artifact really was what Bud said it was and perhaps that it worked correctly, so maybe she wasn’t as reckless with Jin’s life as she appeared to be.
I think the fact that Monica said that it’s been years since she has seen Daren (that’s the spelling in the earlier strips) is consistent with the story. She seemed to stop going to his bar once she got very involved in the calendar machine arc. We have seen the weather go through several cycles in the story since then. But time seems to be a very flexible thing in the Wapsiverse.
BTW, don’t forget that because she screwed up the calendar machine, they didn’t trust Maya enough to tell her that the artifact might exist and they might know where to look for it. So now we are supposed to believe that once they got it, they just let her play around with it without keeping an eye on her? That makes no sense, especially after Bud couldn’t get a straight answer from her when she gave Maya the artifact. WTF?
And let’s say they had Phix or someone like that secretly keeping an eye on her, then why was Bud so clueless? Since Bud couldn’t get Maya to give her a straight answer on anything (until after she was done), why didn’t she ask questions from whoever was watching Maya?
Wait, what?
No time jump.
Darren was shelved almost 4 years ago along with several other characters. Paul has subsequently given the reasons and as difficult as it was that change was something of a bitter pill to choke down.
Part of me wants to think that it was also an effort to focus more on the adventure stories and less on Monica’s need for alcohol. Less booze, more guns! It is just too bad that Darren runs a bar, hence the rise of Tina at the COFFEE shop. Darren and Tina essentially served the same role at the start.
The relative maturity shows that Monica has “grown up” and does not need to drink or use a bar as a social crutch nearly as much. It just has the odd effect of making it look like time has jumped. It is just intended to show a change in persona between these two. But, what can you do in just four panels?
I think it works very well visually, subtle and well made.
It also shows that time does move ahead, just a bit around half as slowly as reality. As was discussed earlier – this would be about 5 years into the strip’s timeline. (we have counted 4 winters so far) – thus Monica is at least 29 here, possibly 30. Paul took down the character stats several years ago – but you can still find them.
The fact that the characters do change is good, the fact that some are just left is not.
Welcome back Darren! Monica looks good for 30!
Much of this is taken from the old forum – it helps to have been here so long, it gives one perspective.
Nice entrance, Moni!
Or is the new story arc about some sentimental Illuminati?
Join the Vimanacrucians and learn how to have that power drive you have always wanted. Write the Nostalgi at 1134 Wapsi Square, Minneapolis MN, 31774. We’ll know if your letter reached us.
It’s obvious that this takes place several years in the future in the Wapsi Square continuity. Monica seems older and more at ease with herself. Her hair is longer than what it could be in a normal time span after her pixie cut, and it’s obvious by the hiding of half of her face by her hair, that through one of her past/future (depending on your reference) adventures with the Golem Girls, Phix, Tina, or whatever other supernatural entities are in her life, that she is horribly scarred on that side of her face and possibly wearing an eyepatch like Nick Fury.
Or I could be wrong.
I’m thinking that this is just a simple resetting of Wapsi time to sort of resynchronize with real time (out here, in our viewer world).
Look at it this way — starting with the 28 March 2011 strip (Spot of Heaven, where Bud blew up the island) thru yesterday — everything that happened across all of those strips took place (strip time) over the course of at most only a few days — it took six months of strips (real time) to cover the events of a day or two (strip time).
This jump is merely to bring strip time back to something close to end of September 2011, so there has been enough time for M to regrow some quantity of hair.
Could this be one of the parallel universes and we’re going to see the location of another cell?
Actually, if this is indeed a jump and not just a scene change, that could make sense.
1) We left with Brandi screaming about the V-cells.
2) Bud had no idea what the artifact really was beyond what Monica+Amanda and Shelly told her.
3) Brandi has access to the library, records from past cycle versions of herself, and per Phix & Jin the ability to recall other cycles as she read about them.
It’s a stretch, but if this is indeed a jump, it could be the start of Brandi telling Bud a story or recalling a story herself. Still, this isn’t the way Wapsi usually does stories/flashbacks/etc, so I’m not so sure.
I think you’re right! That would be just like what happened with Shelly… with us thinking it was her, when it was actually Shelly from another timeline. I’m officially with you on this one
i’m leaning more towards Brandi having a flashback to something she told herself via the Book about a previous CM Time Loop… maybe even loop 55? (as per Phix in this in the second panel.)
we’ll get to see the whole glorious “End Of The World” ™, then the CM resets, and poof, we’re into cycle 56… also one point of note… nowhere did ANYONE call the cross-shaped thing that Shelly retrieved at any time by anything other than “the relic”, “the key”, or something generic like that. and the day Bud got it from the beach, yes Brandi was there at the appartment, but maybe she didn’t know (or maybe just didn’t remember, at that time) what it was supposed to have looked like, and was therefore not really concerned about it, but once it got installed in Jin, and Bud spilled the beans, that’s when she put 2 + 2 = 4 together and realized it was indeed, a Vimana Cell that they were after in the first place, and she’s spun because she COULD have stopped it from being activated since the Book told her that something was wrong with it… remember the “looks familiar, but *i* didn’t build it.” from May, back on July 20th 2011? (2 links in one post puts us on moderation)… I’ll bet that somebody ELSE made it and kept it hidden from the Glyph readers because they knew the Readers would have broken it or disabled it somehow, thus not allowing it be installed in Jin (or any of the GG’s) in the first place… heck, i’ll put my Moxana points towards it being a remote control device as well, letting the Bad Guys take control of Jin now.
Damn. Seriously. Hawt.
Ebeh… hair… long… over … one… eye…. *swoon-thud!*
I hope someone is reading this. I was listening to a CD comeing home from work and [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd8SNcZIgpI]this Song[/url] reminded me of how Monica looks – Especially today.
Weeeell, That didn’t work did it? anyWHO go here and you’ll see what I mean.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd8SNcZIgpI
it is
oh well
trying again
text you want to link
without the returns
This site uses HTML, not BBC.
Darren’s currect facial hair puts me in mind of Shel Silverstein.
“…the man who got no sign…”